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Networking in openQA

For tests using the QEMU backend the networking type used is controlled by the NICTYPE variable. If unset or empty NICTYPE defaults to user, i.e. QEMU User Networking which requires no further configuration.

For more advanced setups or tests that require multiple jobs to be in the same networking the TAP or VDE based modes can be used.

Other backends can be treated just the same as bare-metal setups. Tests can be triggered in parallel same as for QEMU based ones and synchronization primitives can be used. For the physical network according separation needs to be ensured externally where needed as means for machines to be able to access each other.

QEMU User Networking

With QEMU user networking each jobs gets its own isolated network with TCP and UDP routed to the outside. DHCP is provided by QEMU. The MAC address of the machine can be controlled with the NICMAC variable. If not set, it is 52:54:00:12:34:56.

TAP Based Network

os-autoinst can connect QEMU to TAP devices of the host system to leverage advanced network setups provided by the host by setting NICTYPE=tap.

The TAP device to use can be configured with the TAPDEV variable. If not defined, it is automatically set to "tap" + ($worker_instance - 1), i.e. worker1 uses tap0, worker 2 uses tap1 and so on.

For multiple networks per job (see NETWORKS variable), the following numbering scheme is used:

worker1: tap0 tap64 tap128 ...
worker2: tap1 tap65 tap129 ...
worker3: tap2 tap66 tap130 ...

The MAC address of each virtual NIC is controlled by the NICMAC variable or automatically computed from $worker_id if not set.

In TAP mode the system administrator is expected to configure the network, required internet access, etc. on the host as described in the next section.

Multi-machine test setup

The complete multi-machine test setup can be provided from the script os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine provided by "os-autoinst". The script can be also found online on

The configuration is applicable for openSUSE and will use Open vSwitch for virtual switch, firewalld (or SuSEfirewall2 for older versions) for NAT and wicked or NetworkManager as network manager. Keep in mind that a firewall is not strictly necessary for operation. The operation without firewall is not covered in all necessary details in this documentation.

Another way to setup the environment with iptables and firewalld is described on the Fedora wiki.
Alternatively salt-states-openqa contains necessities to establish such a setup and configure it for all workers with the tap worker class. They also cover GRE tunnels (that are explained in the next section).

The script os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine can be run like this:

# specify the number of test VMs to run on this host
instances=30 bash -x $(which os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine)

What os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine does

Set up Open vSwitch

The script will install and configure Open vSwitch as well as a service called os-autoinst-openvswitch.service.

os-autoinst-openvswitch.service is a support service that sets the vlan number of Open vSwitch ports based on NICVLAN variable - this separates the groups of tests from each other. The NICVLAN variable is dynamically assigned by the openQA scheduler.

The name of the bridge (default: br1) will be set in /etc/sysconfig/os-autoinst-openvswitch.

Configure virtual interfaces

The script will add the bridge device and the tap devices for every multi-machine worker instance.

The bridge device will also call a script at /etc/wicked/scripts/ on PRE_UP. This script needs manual touch if you want to set up multiple multi-machine worker hosts. Refer to the GRE tunnels section below for further information.
Configure NAT with firewalld

The required firewall rules for masquerading (NAT) and zone configuration for the trusted zone will be set up. The bridge devices will be added to the zone. IP-Forwarding will be enabled.

# show the firewall configuration
firewall-cmd --list-all-zones

What is left to do after running os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine

GRE tunnels

By default all multi-machine workers have to be on a single physical machine. You can join multiple physical machines and its OVS bridges together by a GRE tunnel.

If the workers with TAP capability are spread across multiple hosts, the network must be connected. See Open vSwitch documentation for details.

Create a gre_tunnel_preup script (change the remote_ip value correspondingly on both hosts):

cat > /etc/wicked/scripts/ <<EOF
ovs-vsctl set bridge $bridge rstp_enable=true
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port $bridge gre1 -- set interface gre1 type=gre options:remote_ip=<IP address of other host>

And call it by PRE_UP_SCRIPT="" entry:

# /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-br1

Ensure to make executable.

When using GRE tunnels keep in mind that virtual machines inside the ovs bridges have to use MTU=1458 for their physical interfaces (eth0, eth1). If you are using support_server/ the MTU will be set automatically to that value on support_server itself and it does MTU advertisement for DHCP clients as well.
Configure openQA workers

Allow worker instances to run multi-machine jobs:

# /etc/openqa/workers.ini
WORKER_CLASS = qemu_x86_64,tap
The number of tap devices should correspond to the number of the running worker instances. For example, if you have set up 3 worker instances, the same number of tap devices should be configured.

Enable worker instances to be started on system boot:

systemctl enable openqa-worker@{1..3}

Verify the setup

Simply run a MM test scenario. For openSUSE, you can find many relevant tests on o3, e.g. look for networking-related tests like ping_server/ping_client or wicked_basic_ref/wicked_basic_sut.

To test GRE tunnels, you may want to change the jobs worker classes so the different jobs are executed on different workers. So you could call openqa-clone-job like this:

openqa-clone-job \
    --skip-chained-deps \                        # assuming assets are present
    --max-depth 0 \                              # clone the entire parallel cluster
    --within-instance                            # create new jobs on the same instance \  # arbitrary job in cluster to clone
    _GROUP=0 BUILD+=test-mm-setup \              # avoid interfering with production jobs
    WORKER_CLASS:wicked_basic_ref+=,worker_foo \ # ensure one job runs on `worker_foo`
    WORKER_CLASS:wicked_basic_sut+=,worker_bar   # ensure other job runs on `worker_bar`

Also be sure to reboot the worker host to make sure the setup is actually persistent.

Start test VMs manually

You may also start VMs manually to verify the setup.

First, download a suitable image and launch a VM in the same way os-autoinst would do for MM jobs:

qemu-system-x86_64 -m 2048 -enable-kvm -vnc :42 -snapshot \
  -netdev tap,id=qanet0,ifname=tap40,script=no,downscript=no \
  -device virtio-net,netdev=qanet0,mac=52:54:00:13:0b:4a \

The image used here is of course just an example. You need to make sure to assign a unique MAC address (e.g. by adjusting the last two figures in the example; this will not conflict with MAC addresses used by os-autoinst) and use a tap device not used at the same time by a SUT-VM.

Within the VM configure the network like this (you may need to adjust concrete IP addresses, subnets and interface names):

ip link set dev eth0 up mtu 1380
ip a add dev eth0
ip r add default via
echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolv.conf

The MTU is chosen in accordance with what the openSUSE test distribution uses for MM tests and should be below the MTU set on the Open vSwitch bridge device (e.g. via os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine).

After this it should be possible to reach other hosts. You may also launch a 2nd VM to see whether the VMs can talk to each other. You may conduct ping tests similar to the ping_client test mentioned in the previous section (see the utility function in openSUSE tests for details). When running ping you can add/remove machines to/from the GRE network to bisect problematic hosts/connections (via ovs-vsctl add-port … and ovs-vsctl del-port …).

Debugging Open vSwitch Configuration

Boot sequence with wicked (version 0.6.23 and newer):

  1. openvswitch (as above)

  2. wicked - creates the bridge br1 and tap devices, adds tap devices to the bridge,

  3. firewalld (or SuSEfirewall2 in older setups)

  4. os-autoinst-openvswitch - installs openflow rules, handles vlan assignment

The configuration and operation can be checked with the following commands:

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{br1,eth0}/forwarding # check whether IP forwarding is enabled
ovs-vsctl show # shows the bridge br1, the tap devices are assigned to it
ovs-ofctl dump-flows br1 # shows the rules installed by os-autoinst-openvswitch in table=0
ovs-dpctl show # show basic info on all datapaths
ovs-dpctl dump-flows # displays flows in datapaths
ovs-appctl rstp/show # show rstp information
ovs-appctl fdb/show br1 # show MAC address table

When everything is ok and the machines are able to communicate, the ovs-vsctl should show something like the following:

Bridge "br0"
    Port "br0"
        Interface "br0"
            type: internal
    Port "tap0"
        Interface "tap0"
    Port "tap1"
        tag: 1
        Interface "tap1"
    Port "tap2"
        tag: 1
        Interface "tap2"
  ovs_version: "2.11.1"
Notice the tag numbers are assigned to tap1 and tap2. They should have the same number.
If the balance of the tap devices is wrong in the workers.ini the tag cannot be assigned and the communication will be broken.

To list the rules which are effectively configured in the underlying netfilter (nftables or iptables) use one of the following commands depending on which netfilter is used.

Whether firewalld is using nftables or iptables is determined by the setting FirewallBackend in /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf. SuSEfirewall2 is always using iptables.
nft list tables           # list all tables
nft list table firewalld  # list all rules in the specified table
iptables --list --verbose # list all rules with package counts

Check the flow of packets over the network:

  • packets from tapX to br1 create additional rules in table=1

  • packets from br1 to tapX increase packet counts in table=1

  • empty output indicates a problem with os-autoinst-openvswitch service

  • zero packet count or missing rules in table=1 indicate problem with tap devices

As long as the SUT has access to external network, there should be a non-zero packet count in the forward chain between the br1 and external interface.

To list the package count when nftables is used one needed to use counters (which can be added to existing rules).

Debugging GRE tunnels and MTU sizes

Initial setup for all experiments

# Enable ip forwarding
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
# Install and enable openvswitch
zypper in openvswitch3
systemctl enable --now openvswitch
Host Network address Bridge address Remote IP



instead of having two /24 networks, it is also possible to assign addresses from one bigger network (which have the benefit of not needing explicit route assignment).

Simple scenario

Two servers with a single bridge on each side connected with GRE tunnel.

# Create bridge and tunnel
nmcli con add type bridge br0 bridge.stp yes ipv4.method manual ipv4.address "$bridge_address" ipv4.routes
nmcli con add type ip-tunnel mode gretap gre1 master br0 remote "$remote_ip"

# Test the tunnel with ping
#   -M do   -- prohibit fragmentation
#   -s xxxx -- set packet size

ping -c 3 -M do -s 1300
ping -c 3 -M do -s 1300

Scenario with openvswitch

Two servers with a one virtual bridge connected with GRE tunnel.

# Create bridge, port and interface
nmcli con add type ovs-bridge br0 ovs-bridge.rstp-enable yes
nmcli con add type ovs-port br0 con.master br0
nmcli con add type ovs-interface br0 con.master br0 ipv4.method manual ipv4.address "$bridge_address" ipv4.routes

# Create GRE tunnel
nmcli con add type ovs-port gre1 con.master br0
nmcli con add type ip-tunnel mode gretap gre1 master gre1 remote "$remote_ip"

# Test the tunnel
ping -c 3 -M do -s 1300
ping -c 3 -M do -s 1300
#  ovs-vsctl show
    Bridge br0
        Port br0
            Interface br0
                type: internal
        Port gre1
            Interface gre1
                type: system
    ovs_version: "3.1.0"

GRE tunnel made in openvswitch

openvswitch uses flow-based GRE tunneling, i.e. one interface gre_sys for all tunnels, the tunnel can be created by ovs-vsctl. After that, everything works as expected.

# Create bridge, port and interface
nmcli con add type ovs-bridge br0 ovs-bridge.rstp-enable yes
nmcli con add type ovs-port br0 con.master br0
nmcli con add type ovs-interface br0 con.master br0 ipv4.method manual ipv4.address "$bridge_address" ipv4.routes

# Create GRE tunnel
ovs-vsctl add-port br0 gre1 -- set interface gre1 type=gre options:remote_ip="$remote_ip"

# Test the tunnel
ping -c 3 -M do -s 1300
ping -c 3 -M do -s 1300
#  ovs-vsctl show
    Bridge br0
        Port br0
            Interface br0
                type: internal
        Port gre1
            Interface gre1
                type: gre
                options: {remote_ip=""}
    ovs_version: "3.1.0"

VDE Based Network

Virtual Distributed Ethernet provides a software switch that runs in user space. It allows to connect several QEMU instances without affecting the system’s network configuration.

The openQA workers need a vde_switch instance running. The workers reconfigure the switch as needed by the job.

Basic, Single Machine Tests

To start with a basic configuration like QEMU user mode networking, create a machine with the following settings:

  • VDE_SOCKETDIR=/run/openqa

  • NICTYPE=vde


Start the switch and user mode networking:

systemctl enable --now openqa-vde_switch
systemctl enable --now openqa-slirpvde

With this setting all jobs on the same host would be in the same network and share the same SLIRP instance.