tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/oroinc/crm-application/releasesRelease notes from crm-application2025-03-04T20:25:58Ztag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/6.0.62025-03-05T12:30:43ZRelease Notes<h3>List of new features and improvements</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Multiple LDAP integration configurations support. Improved LDAP integration now merges attributes when a user appears in multiple LDAP queries, ensuring that business units and roles are consolidated rather than overwritten. Users will now be assigned to all relevant business units and have a combined set of roles for accurate access management [BAP-22452 ]</li>
<li>Replace EventDispatcher with EventDispatcherInterface where it is possible [BAP-22784 ]</li>
<li>Update checksum when line item entities are changed in API [BAP-22856]</li>
<li>Add possibility to customize request data normalization for API subresources [BAP-22864]</li>
<li>Prevent loading all parent entity fields in custom association subresource [BAP-22866]</li>
<h3>List of fixed issues</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Scheduled email campaigns repeatedly send emails and never stop [CRM-9337]</li>
<li>Some form field values with special characters are unnecessarily truncated on save. Some form fields were excessively sanitized, resulting in the removal of special characters from user input after submission [BAP-22722]</li>
<li>Impossible to download email attachments not downloaded by automated sync. The email UI did not display attachment links for attachments that were skipped during the automated email sync due to configuration settings [BAP-22847]</li>
<li>Fix input data and error handling for API subresources [BAP-22863]</li>
<li>Fix API request data validation for resources without ID [BAP-22876]</li>
<li>Action send_email_template ignores workflow variables for recipients parameter [BAP-22897]</li>
<li>Error in processes.yml of ImapBundle breaks installation [BAP-22915]</li>
</ul>rgrebenchuktag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/6.1.0-rc.32025-02-19T12:48:36Z6.1.0-rc.3<p>Release preparation</p>anyttag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/6.1.0-rc.22025-02-04T16:47:13Z6.1.0-rc.2<p>Release preparation</p>anyttag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/6.1.0-rc2025-01-31T22:17:07Z6.1.0-rc<p>Release preparation</p>anyttag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/6.0.52024-11-29T14:30:17ZRelease Notes<h3>List of new features and improvements</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Update Symfony to v6.4.15 [BAP-22826]</li>
<li>Actualize countries and regions data [BAP-22133]</li>
<li>Refactor building configs for loading custom association data in API [BAP-22812]</li>
<li>Update entity normalization for "create" API action response [BAP-22818]</li>
<li>Allow to use entity based models in API relationships [BAP-22828]</li>
<li>Allow to exclude "get_subresource" API action for custom subresources [BAP-22839]</li>
<li>Allow to configure request data class for API subresources [BAP-22843]</li>
<li>Allow to use "include" and "fields" filters for API subresources [BAP-22844]</li>
<li>Allow to disable parent entity access validation in API [BAP-22849]</li>
<h3>List of fixed issues</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Allowed memory size exhausted error after composer update [BAP-22817]</li>
<li>Synchronous Batch API failed for emails when several emails are located in the same folder [BAP-22813]</li>
<li>Fix merging parent resource config in API [BAP-22829]</li>
<li>Unrecognized option "title_field" error when editing entity fields after upgrade from versions older than 5.0.1 [BAP-22747]</li>
<li>platform:upgrade command fails upgrading from version 5.1 to 6.0.2 if there are custom user-created entities [BAP-22800]</li>
</ul>rgrebenchuktag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/6.0.42024-11-13T16:09:15ZRelease Notes<h3>List of new features and improvements</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Implement full stacktrace for Doctrine\ORM\NonUniqueResultException [BAP-21948]</li>
<li>SessionNotFoundException when running cache:clear CLI command [BAP-22268]</li>
<li>Create Datagrids Profiler in a Symfony Toolbar. Added datagrids profiler to the Symfony debug toolbar to help developers customize, debug and optimize datagrids [BAP-22741]</li>
<li>Remove unneeded UPDATE queries in RemoveNoteConfigurationScopeQuery [BAP-22765]</li>
<li>Add "include" and "fields" filters to POST and PATCH API resources [BAP-22787]</li>
<li>Add "disable_paging" option for API configuration [BAP-22794]</li>
<li>Add "emailThreadContextItemId" to update email API response [BAP-22801]</li>
<h3>List of fixed issues</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Emails removed after disabling IMAP sync remain in search index and break back-office search suggestions [BAP-22269]</li>
<li>Broken upgrade from 5.0.3 to 5.0.18 [BAP-22715]</li>
<li>Documentation Resource definition in the bundle-less applications [BAP-22727]</li>
<li>Export of 1M+ records fails with memory limit error [BAP-22730]</li>
<li>Existing email origins cannot be syncked via Sync Emails button after update to reconnect account functionality [BAP-22758]</li>
<li>Schema Update fails with enabled multi-host [BAP-22767]</li>
<li>Order shipping tracking and discounts can be changed via API when no permissions to edit the order [BAP-22793]</li>
<li>Fix API description for read-only createdAt and updatedAt fields [BAP-22797]</li>
<li>FilesystemCacheInstantiatorTest should not leave artefacts after work [BAP-22807]</li>
</ul>rgrebenchuktag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/6.0.32024-09-04T11:12:05ZRelease Notes<h3>List of new features and improvements</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Support of synchronous operations with batch API. Allows developers to execute batch operations in a synchronous manner, ensuring that the API call returns once the entire batch operation is complete. Batch processing is still based on multiple consumers attached to the message queue [BAP-22589]</li>
<li>Upgrade jQuery to the 3.7.1 version [BAP-22607]</li>
<li>Disable Symfony fragments support for all applications [BAP-22196]</li>
<li>Upgrade symfony/validator and symfony/serializer to 6.4.7 [BAP-22602]</li>
<li>Improve Contact us form. The admins can now enable integration with Cloudflare Turnstile, hCaptcha or Google ReCaptcha on the "Contact Us" form to reduce the number of spam form submissions [BAP-22628]</li>
<li>Do not require writable public/media folder during install/upgrade when gridfs configured to mongodb [BAP-22655]</li>
<li>Make fuzzy search prefix length configurable via system configuration. A new configuration option “Prefix Length” has been added to the “Fuzzy Search” in BackOffice [BAP-22700]</li>
<h3>List of fixed issues</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>fos:js-routing:dump command may produce empty or incorrect files saved in cache which results in JS errors on storefront [BAP-22667]</li>
<li>Application update command fails on loading email templates with special characters [BAP-22677]</li>
<li>Incorrect template condition for operation button icon size [BAP-22678]</li>
<li>Narrow expected parameter type in PriceListRelationMessageFilter may prevent price recalculation with custom product import [BAP-22696]</li>
<li>oro:install command fails on timeout when executed with non-default localization parameters [BAP-22711]</li>
<li>Cache_metadata.yml file is not processed in apps with bundle-less architecture [BAP-22717]</li>
<li>Backward incompatible changes in TaxManager and TaxValueManager classes in version 6.0.2,The classes interface was restored to the original state [BAP-22720]</li>
</ul>rgrebenchuktag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/6.0.22024-07-11T10:06:01ZRelease Notes<h3>List of new features and improvements</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>OpenAPI specifications management, Added ability to generate OpenAPI specifications from the Back-office UI [BAP-22539]</li>
<li>Enable Batch API for Task entity [BAP-22466]</li>
<li>Add optional Server URLs to OpenAPI specification management [BAP-22624]</li>
<li>Enable Batch API for Call entity [BAP-22640]</li>
<li>Update user documentation for API filters [BAP-22642]</li>
<li>Update CS tooling to support new PHP features (e.g. readonly classes) [BAP-22645]</li>
<h3>List of fixed issues</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Not possible to use Year, Month, Day and Day of year column functions in reports [BAP-20370]</li>
<li>ORO CE version DE/FR localization doesn't have EU currency and prices [BAP-21976]</li>
<li>Errors on back-office entity view pages after adding multi-image field to File entity [BAP-22501]</li>
<li>Wrong query is validated on segment creation [BAP-22535]</li>
<li>Order related demo data fixtures are very slow [BAP-22543]</li>
<li>Datagrid totals extension does not work with conditional SELECTs [BAP-22552]</li>
<li>Email notifications to Owner > Business Units do not work [BAP-22562]</li>
<li>Export template doesn't use proper job to prepare template because of wrong parameter name [BAP-22580]</li>
<li>Customer user password reset emails are always sent from and contain links to default website domain [BAP-22585]</li>
<li>GET /admin/api/emailcontext has empty "details" after customer user is deleted for an order [BAP-22586]</li>
<li>ActivityListener incorrectly interferes in updating and deletion of some entities [BAP-22591]</li>
<li>Update TinyMCE version [BAP-22637]</li>
<li>X-HTTP-Method-Override request header does not work in API [BAP-22671]</li>
<li>MailChimp integrations generates excessive log records during normal operation [CRM-9420]</li>
<li>MailChimp integrations incorrectly handles missing MemberActivity fields on import [CRM-9421]</li>
</ul>rgrebenchuktag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/5.1.82024-07-10T15:49:07ZRelease Notes<h3>List of new features and improvements</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>OpenAPI specifications management. Added ability to generate OpenAPI specifications from the Back-office UI [BAP-22539]</li>
<li>Added optional Server URLs to OpenAPI specification management [BAP-22624]</li>
<h3>List of fixed issues</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Not possible to use Year, Month, Day and Day of year column functions in reports [BAP-20370]</li>
<li>Out of memory/out of disk space errors when exporting large portions of data [BAP-22181]</li>
<li>Errors on back-office entity view pages after adding multi-image field to File entity [BAP-22501]</li>
<li>Wrong query is validated on segment creation [BAP-22535]</li>
<li>Datagrid totals extension does not work with conditional SELECTs [BAP-22552]</li>
<li>Email notifications to Owner > Business Units do not work [BAP-22562]</li>
<li>Export template doesn't use proper job to prepare template because of wrong parameter name [BAP-22580]</li>
<li>Customer user password reset emails are always sent from and contain links to default website domain [BAP-22585]</li>
<li>GET /admin/api/emailcontext has empty "details" after customer user is deleted for an order [BAP-22586]</li>
<li>ActivityListener incorrectly interferes in updating and deletion of some entities [BAP-22591]</li>
<li>Update TinyMCE version [BAP-22637]</li>
<li>X-HTTP-Method-Override request header does not work in API [BAP-22671]</li>
<li>MailChimp integrations generates excessive log records during normal operation [CRM-9420]</li>
<li>MailChimp integrations incorrectly handles missing MemberActivity fields on import [CRM-9421]</li>
</ul>rgrebenchuktag:github.com,2008:Repository/10450887/6.0.12024-05-20T13:16:19ZRelease Notes<h3>List of new features and improvements</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>OpenAPI Specification for application JSON.API Added CLI for OpenAPI specification generation. [BAP-20588]</li>
<li>Add ability to turn off multi-host operation via environment configuration [BAP-22465]</li>
<li>Add support of Gedmo translatable entities in API [BAP-22605]</li>
<li>Allow filtering and sorting by "priority" field for "enum" entities APIs [BAP-22553]</li>
<h3>List of fixed issues</h3>
<h4>Platform and OroCRM:</h4>
<li>Share entity form submission is not properly validated [BAP-18972]</li>
<li>Not possible to use Year, Month, Day and Day of year column functions in reports [BAP-20370]</li>
<li>Workflow form transitions do not work in global organization [BAP-22277]</li>
<li>AttachmentBundle\ProcessorHelper::librariesExists is called on every request [BAP-22500]</li>
<li>User agent strings longer than 255 chars cause error on login_attempt save [BAP-22504]</li>
<li>GrapeJS is not loading in default_50 and default_51 themes [hBAP-22534]</li>
<li>Fix application crash after update to symfony/property-access v6.4.6 [BAP-22546]</li>
<li>ACL cache size does not decrease after users log out [BAP-22547]</li>
<li>Failed ChangeTranslationKeyUniqueIndex migration while platform update command is running [BAP-22561]</li>
<li>Failed UpdateDataActivityScopeShowOnPageValues migration while platform update command is running [BAP-22563]</li>
<li>Workflow transition and field ACL permissions disappear after updating user role in global organization [BAP-22581]</li>