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Yanal Shoubaki yanalshoubaki
Software engineering.

@tajawal Jordan, Amman

Haris Hasan Khan hariskhan10
Frontend Developer in @tajawal

@tajawal Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ahmad Jarrar ajarrar-seera
Senior Frontend Engineer

Seera Amman

Mohammad Nayef nayeftechno
Frontend developer

Seera Group Jordan

Haitham Qudaih haithamq
Everything you can imagine is real!

@tajawal Dubai, UAE

Ali Mohammad LinuxDevil
A simple developer who loves to write code, cook and play games ❤️ 🍔

@tajawal Amman, Jordan

Yazan Alkhateeb yazanJAlkhateeb
Software Development Manager

AlMosafer Amman, Jordan

Mirza Dabeer Hussain mirzadabeer
A versatile, high-energy professional with the distinction of executing prestigious projects of large magnitude within strict time schedules, cost & quality

Almosafer General Trading LLC Dubai, UAE

Asif Hussain asifhussain9
A full stack Java developer with 8 years of experience
Majid Hussain majidkorai
JavaScript | React | AngularJS | Node.js | .NET

Dubai, UAE

Ahmed elseadawi sa3dwi
Full stack web developer (PHP/NodeJS/ReactJs/Angular)

Seera Dubai