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Dynamic Problem-Solving Developer
Nemanja Krstić nemanjakrstic

Amazon Web Services Vancouver, Canada

Dusan TheDusan
I wear my sunglasses at night.
Rastko Dimitrijevic RastkoD
Purveyor of fine hand-crafted digital goods

Sombor, Serbia

Ivana ivanab
Co-founder @hackhub-nl Past contributor @webrtc-uwp @ortclib

Freelance Full Stack Development Remote

Dalibor Stakić daliborstakic
I'm an aspiring developer and a student who loves to test his limits.

Student, Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad Čačak, Serbia

Dušan Simić dusansimic
Computer Science student & TA at University of Novi Sad. Open source developer and maker.

Novi Sad, Serbia

Miša Stefanović MikMik1011
IT student @ Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Web3 developer @MOONSTRUCK-team.

Moonstruck Novi Sad, Serbia