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Roushan kumar roushan299
Seeking to be a good developer that develop a good applications for great use for development of the companies

LabVantage Solutions Kolkata

Pedro Nogueira Barboza PedroNB10
Software Developer

Universidade Federal de Itajubá Itajubá, MG

Aritra Chatterjee AritraC1
Think Twice, Code Once


Eriton S. Gomes eritonsgomes
Software Engineer Graduated in Computer Science at State University of Paraíba and especialized in Software Engineering at Estácio de Sá.

Campina Grande - PB

Winstan sharp0111

San Francisco Bay Area

Damian Peiris. DamianRavinduPeiris

Cardiff Metropolitan University | Wiley Colombo,Sri Lanka.

Friso FreesoSaiFared
Life philosophy and writings as software project. Wave one. The AI State. A implementation of the state through AI. Legal Status of a Religion.

StateOfAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Persha Pakdast pershathedeveloper
Upcoming Automation Engineer. Currently student at UCL in Odense.

OptiLogic Denmark, Odense

Emmet Baek BaekInHyeok
SCHU (2018.03 - 2022.02) CBNU (2022.03 - 2025.02) Pionnet (2025.01 - )


David Bilnica dbilnica
╥━━━━━━━━╭━━╮━━┳ ╢╭╮╭━━━━━┫┃▋▋━▅┣ ╢┃╰┫┈┈┈┈┈┃┃┈┈╰┫┣ ╢╰━┫┈┈┈┈┈╰╯╰┳━╯┣ ╢┊┊┃┏┳┳━━┓┏┳┫┊┊┣ ╨━━┗┛┗┛━━┗┛┗┛━━┻


Jawher jawherr
Software Engineer

ISI Tunisia

Sergio Gamez SergioGamez24

Unosquare León, Guanajuato

CS student | problem Solver | Intersted in Java | Dreamer
Rahul Gautam UserRahulrg
Engineer Skills Set - C, Java, Css, JavaScript, Html Repository contain some Projects on Crud operations, Java Project, Ecommerce Website, Spring-Boot

None Uttar Pradesh, India

Jorge ocjorge
En busca de nuevos desafíos en el mundo de la ingeniería en sistemas computacionales👨🏻‍💻

EAD Toluca

六月暴雪飞梨花 liuyuchuan
My wife & child both healthy & happy & lucky.

GuangZhou Xin'An Data Room 0906, Chinese Academy of Sciences building, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou

Nandhakumar Nagaraj nandhakumarnagaraj
"I’m a Junior Full Stack Developer at Tata Strive, gaining hands-on experience with Angular for frontend development and Java/Spring Boot for backend.

Tata Strive Chennai

Mukta Deshpande muktadeshpande2
Software Engineer

National Institute of Technology , Agartala India

abc0xmattyic333 abc0xmattyic333
彡 || ;; sie haben den betreiber gefunden 🥶🧊 || ⓗ𝐞/нᎥ𝕞 || 彡 ⚡️ ♦️


Max Dupley QuadDarv1ne
🔎 VK: ☕ Twitch: 🎉ℳ - Student on MPEI University (degree) -

QuadD4rv1n7 Odintsovo, MO

Jaising JaisingZ
Life is short , I need Python.

NUAA Nanjing, China

Kamar El-Dawla Shalaby IBruteDude
CS student skilled in Backend Engineering in Flask, Spring, and .NET. Passionate about low-level systems and everything CS related!
Ahmet Altun biyonik
Web Uygulamaları Geliştiricisi.

Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Balıkesir

Rahma Ismail RahmaIsmaill
Java backend developer | comparative programmer

Faculty of computer and information menofia university Menofia,Egypt

Mohamed Fathey mohamedfathey
Software Engineer & Backend Developer


IVThoughts ivthoughts
Professional Business Intelligence Manager looking to showcase projects of personal interest and practice using version control
Hayato Nishimura nhayato
Software Engineer

STORES, Inc. @heyinc Chiba, Japan

Haneen Mohamed hanin-mohamed
Software Engineer Intern @fawry | Java Backend Developer

Computer Science

Edinson Jim edinsonjim
Senior Software Engineer

@iDesoftSystems Italy