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keita kawamoto keitakawamoto
Web Designer.

@pepabo Japan

Xiong Xiong-biomech
Ph.D. (c) at Movement Biomechanics and Analytics Lab, University of Ottawa, Canada; Co-founder @ AccMov Health Inc.

University of Ottawa 200 Lees,Ottawa,ON,Canada

Yulia Bezsudnova Y-Bezs
Research fellow at UCL, working on developing the OPM-MEG system. My research interests lie at the intersection of physics and neuroscience

University College London London, UK

// TODO: Add a bio # TODO: Add a bio
aTrotier aTrotier
MR Engineer at the @CRMSB laboratory, University of Bordeaux / CNRS.

CNRS ibio bordeaux

Lars Kasper mrikasper
An MR physicist based in Toronto. Trying to enhance fMRI sensitivity by efficient acquisition (spirals), recon & noise characterization (field+physiological).

Toronto Neuroimaging Facility (ToNI), University of Toronto Toronto, Canada

Ajay Anand ajyanand
PhD student in Robotics, U of Utah HRE lab ex-Research Eng, @Rehab-Robotics-Lab MSE Robotics '22, U of Pennsylvania. B.Tech Mechatronics '19, Manipal Univ.

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Active Inference Institute ActiveInferenceInstitute

Active Inference Institute Online

Darián Capote Quintana dcq-31
Automatic Engineering Student 🤖 , Competitive Programmer 💻 and Vue Frontend Developer 💚.

Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas Santa Clara, Cuba

Yan Wu yanwu-neuro
Cognitive neuroscience PhD student in the Maguire lab at the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL, and Ecological Brain PhD Programme, UCL.


Brennan Terhune-Cotter brennangitsit

San Diego State University San Diego

Kayson Fakhar kuffmode
A Github leech since 2017

University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) Hamburg

ZHIBIN ZHOU zhibinz2

Human Neuroscience Lab (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE) CA 92617

Carolina Riddick Carolina-Riddick
Physiotherapist || Software Developer 💻 👩🏼‍⚕️ 👩🏼‍💻
Fellipe Lamoglia lamoglia
Software Engineer

São Paulo, Brazil

Cumhur Erkut cerkut
I work at @SMC-AAU-CPH

Sound and Music Computing, Aalborg University Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmarlk


London, UK

HeHu HHtiger

alibaba ChengDu@China

Chris Vaisnor cvaisnor

San Francisco Bay Area

Oluwafemi - John , AKINTAYO femigoals
I am a doctoral student of Computer Science and my area of research focuses on Data Science, with an emphasis on its application in Medicine

DATICAN Lagos, Nigeria

AGI zdx3578

Xin Hao SheenHao8023
Psychology B.S. & First year of Neuroscience PhD student at CIBR.

Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Beijing, China

Soodeh Moallemian SoodehMoallemian

Rutgers University United States

Christophe Phillips ChristophePhillips
FRS-FNRS Research Director @ GIGA Institute Professor @ Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science ULiege, Belgium

GIGA Institure, University of Liège, Belgium Liège, Belgium