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Mike Anhmike
Freelance Startup Consulting

dataconsulting nyc

Rémi Marenco remimarenco

The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Cambridge, MA, USA

Steve haegyung


Chrismg officialcmg
Curious cryptographer-in-training | Exploring programmable cryptography, public goods in crypto, and Web3 | React dev
Han Pham hanpham32
building for a future of openness and accessible internet

Seattle, WA

Prakash prakaashkpk
Profile picture is work by
Vivek Rp vivekrp
Co-founder at Get Started (

@getstartedindia Bangalore, India

Alvaro Serrano alvaroserrrano
Full stack Web3 developer. WMU Computer Science 22'.

Spain, Madrid

Ariyaman Debnath ariyaman1224
Just a developer !


İrfan Polat KUZDERE DrPolat
Suleyman Demirel Univercity Medical Student 5/6 Data Scientist | Python Developer | Co-Founder Datanaliz


inkpaper rearming
ours is the age of yolo singularity / `alignment` / cognitive architectures / simulators // previously graphics & gamedev
ligulfzhou ligulfzhou
Rust, Python3, Next.JS, Swift

< 5km

Efe Yücel Bozkurt Efebzkurt
I am a software engineering student who is trying to improve himself and learn new skills everyday


MaxData maxdata
AI-Enhanced Human Learning
Grant Hale granthale
Finance, CS @ UIUC.

Chicago, Illinois

Mike Park park-mike
Currently consists mostly of projects done for Udacity courses or 'nanodegree'. Udacity Full Stack courses from 2022-2023. Udacity Android Basics from 2017.


Ben Lopata bLopata
Engineer, student of life, and passionate human.


Shashank Kumar Shankjbs571
Passionate about learning and exploring Computer Science. Let's Tackle real-world problems, code and innovate.

Village Garhi Deshraj, India

Alonso Astroza Tagle aastroza
Data Scientist (15+ yrs exp) & AI enthusiast🌱. Prof at Universidad del Desarrollo, teaching Data Product Dev🎓. Building data products w/ LLMs like ChatGPT🤖.

IDS UDD, GeoVictoria Santiago, Chile

so_hell noobCode-69
software engineer playing with <react.js/> and {typescript} . fan of open-source
Riki Phukon phukon
i fafo therfore i am
John Kioko Mutinda-Kioko
Software Developer , Front End Developer. React, React Native, Redux, SQL, Web3 development.
Ondřej Sojka tensojka

Carmine Finance Brno, Czech Republic

Hamad Andrabi HamadAndrabi
Machine Learning @ MathCo

Mathco Bangalore, Karnataka