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Nuke NukePlayer77
Hello There

Nuke Laboratories Antarctica

Proton Proton7214

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Benjamin (Tazhys) Tazhys
I'm 21 years old, breaking my bots daily in the out back Australia. I'm also a sucker for being derpy weirdo.

Am Brokey Dev Australia, Queensland

Matthew ItzMatt019
Breaking code daily is what I do best.

@Ezrinix California, USA

TheJumbov12 TheJumbov12
Rubik rubiksw

United States

Yoshi Yoshi-OOF
🛠 19yo Developer : Java, C#, C, Lua, Javascript, Python

France, Bretagne

Paul. trust-paulfr
Fondateur & Lead dev @trust-community

@trust-community France

William WilliamVenner
aka Billy

Sussex, England

personal account. doesn't reflect anyone I work for/with.
Owain 0wain
An ambitious developer, eager to learn!

United Kingdom

Daniel daniel-dev-lab
Current Student at the University of Pheonix - Studying for my Masters of Science in Computer Science and Cyber Security, have been developing for years.


William Gill 57-Wolve
"Where there's a Will, there's a way."

Wisconsin, USA.

Robert Dennis robertdrakedennis
Software Engineer. @patientprism

Patient Prism Tampa, Florida