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Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Dieguitux AkesiSeli
Kotlin developer, open source enthusiast. 🍕🇮🇹🍝


Bogdan Cordier octogene
Android Developer


Leonardo Colman Lopes LeoColman
Kotlin lover and developer

WithClutch São Paulo

Fernando Luiz Avanzo FernandoAvanzo
Desenvolvedor Fullstack, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Java, JS

Open To Work Curitiba

Lim Kha Shing limkhashing
Full-time Android, part-time Python


Diego Beraldin diegoberaldin
Always been working as a mobile app developer. Android Engineer.


Hlayan Htet Aung hlayan
Android Developer @sgcodigo


Cameron Watters watters
I am a software engineer (and erstwhile engineering manager and director).


Andrea Brighi AndreaBrighi
Master's Student in Computer Engineering and Science - University of Bologna @unibo

BSD Software Rimini

Oliver Weiler helpermethod
Jack of all trades, master of some.


DevSeoRex ch4570

@tosslab Seoul

Jay Patel jaypatel208
I make things work !

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India


Hamburg, Germany

Rohan Dubey rohan-flutterint
if (brain != empty) { keepCoding(); } else { orderCoffee(); }

Pokerstars India

Park Geon · 박 건 Park9eon
대한민국 서울에서 살고 있는 박건입니다. `Life is a beautiful sports`

Handys @handyscorp Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jaenyeong jaenyeong
Backend Programmer - Kotlin(Java)

South Korea

Aaron (Aron) Roh roharon
Server Software Engineer on @dramancompany's Engineering team.

@dramancompany - as @aaronroh-remember Seoul, Korea

Mark Han mrk-han
SDET | iOS Developer | Mobile Build Engineer | CICD Specialist | Ex-Wing | Ex-Grindr | Ex-WillowTree

Charlottesville, VA

Luis Mendes luismendes070
remote developer English Level C2 CertiProf Scrum SFPC Certificate ID 78275619 Brazil

Cham chamrun
Software Engineer
Gerardo Rodriguez gerardorodriguezdev
Kotlin developer that loves writing code
Kirill Zhukov kirillzh


César Díaz cesardz1q84
Electronic Engineer interested in Machine Learning.


Ivan Dugalic idugalic
Experienced Solutions Architect with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry.

@idugalic Belgrade, Serbia

Henry henry-hub

IHub Beijing, China

Odin Asbjørnsen oas004
Android lead @ DNB Bank

DNB Bergen

Markus Neifer mneiferbag
Contractor looking for project work as test analyst, test architect or test manager.

M. Neifer Consulting Bonn, Germany, Europe

Maciej Milowicki mmilowicki
Second-year graduate student at Illinois Institute of Technology majoring in software development.

Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago

Imran imranhsn
Expert Android Developer - Kotlin | KMM | Jetpack Compose | SwiftUI

Dhaka, Bangladesh

김태경/모바일서비스BE개발팀 seaking7
Backend Developer

LG U+ Seoul, South Korea

Matthias Schenk PoisonedYouth
🇺🇦 Kotlin | Java | Ktor | Spring Ecosystem | Software Craftsman
Abdul Kayuem Kayuemkhan
I'm an Android and Flutter App developer. Love to develop app in MVVM architecture.

Genuity Systems Ltd ( ) Dhaka, Bangladesh