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Seva D. vaguue
What if trees produce oxygen as a strategy to cultivate us, only to consume our bodies when we die and decompose?
Philipp Kant philippkant
Software Engineer |

Deutsche Stadtmarketing Düsseldorf, Germany

Mouss Moussto
Smash my keyboard for a living—results vary, but sometimes cool stuff happens


codeMonkeyCybersecurity CodeMonkeyCybersecurity

Code Monkey Cybersecurity fremantle, wa


Melbourne, Australia

Orsola Maria Borrini OrsolaMBorrini
PhD candidate @ ILLC (University of Amsterdam) | DHDK (Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge) Master Degree @ Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna


Chloe Papadopoulou chloeppd
Digital Humanities & Digital Knowledge Student @ University of Bologna

Hamburg, Germany

kathleen azali kathleenazali
GPG key: 0x4D5DEE25


Nat Lownes natlownes
high school graduate, Philadelphia person.

Philadelphia, PA

Joseph Burkhart josephburkhart
Archaeologist, Materials Scientist, GIS Developer

Ann Arbor, MI

Matt Suiche msuiche
I can't speak English.

@comaeio Global

Germán Gómez sambenito

Buenos Aires, Argentina

joan joanofxyz
I make weird music and stuff

Alviere Lisboa

Jason Banahan jbanahan
Philosopher in practice

@rftechnology Saint Xavier University

Evon Scott ButcherDing
Frontend Developer - Javascript | Typescript | React | Redux | Sass | Styled Components

Freelance London

Adam Vosburgh adamvosburgh
Adjunct Asst Professor Assistant Director, MS Computational Design Practices Columbia GSAPP
Yousef Ebrahimi yousefebrahimi0
Data Detective | SEO Geek

Lisbon, Portugal

Nabil Takiyuddin nabiledler92
Digital Analytics Specialist. Let's go
