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noxie noxabellus
low & high level programmer, type theory meddler, language designer. spending most of my time on @ribbon-lang

Emre Balkay EmreBlky
Sevdiğin Her ne ise Onu Bull ve Seni Öldürmesine İzin Ver.....!!!

MicroChipTecnology Körfez

Tim Kersey tkersey
If you'd have asked me when I was 3 what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have said a bologna sandwich

@thisisartium Los Angeles, CA

Salim Pamukcu salimp2009
C++ , Rust , Haskell, Back to C++ Lord of the Rings 🚀🚀

life time student

Marco Z ocramz
ML + λ


sameer gupta carnotweat

carnot Bangalore

Andy andys8
λ ⌨️ ☕


Carlos Agarie agarie

@tarmac São Paulo, Brazil

a-02 a-02
Haskell developer.

Chicago, IL