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ian vatega ianvatega
Polifacético Multidisciplinar con la premisa que solo sé que no sé nada.


Pierre Slamich teolemon
co-founder of @openfoodfacts - formerly @stationf @google @SciencesPo

@openfoodfacts Paris

Brand brandji
i try

Los Angeles

Lotus Love lotuslovedreams
Digital Product Designer. Digital Innovations. Health and Wellness Wealth. Reframe, Rephrase, Redream your Mindset with Mindful Media.
LiamBox LiamTheBox
Hola Mundo! I am Liam Born in 🇧🇴 (Bolivia)

TheBox United Kingdom

Dana Harrington DanaViolet
I've been messing around with computers my whole life. Started doing some small code projects in high school. Got more into it when I learned about 3d printers.

Central Florida


Laugh Tale

Sorren Jao SorrenJ
Full-Stack Web Developer | UX Designer

Richmond, BC, Canada

stellarorion stellarorion
Aspiring game developer
152334H 152334H
ML Engineer. Former NUS CS undergrad w/ experience in infosec, full stack dev, & more

National University of Singapore Singapore

justanotherinternetguy justanotherinternetguy
cs//linux/linguistics/aviation/vocaloid XY8S Z GAMMA

Sascha T. Sascha-T
Add me on Discord. Sascha_T#3993


Sysadmin, PHP/Perl/Go/Rust developer. FR/EN/JP.


Copying and pasting Excel files
Arthur G. arthurka-o
RoR/Solidity Developer.

Warsaw, Poland

Easton easton36
Always doing something

DES Labs Eboladrome

Schwäbisches Bauernbrot SchwabischesBauernbrot
The kind of bread that sticks in your throat.
