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Mateus de Barros dos S Silva mateusdebss
Profissional com experiência em análise de dados e inteligência estratégica no mercado financeiro, atuando em Crédito Estruturado.
jojo ultralightspeed
"Almost every interesting question of applied mathematics has an answer which is simple, mathematically elegant, and incorrect. - H. L. Mencken


camille camille-s
data should be cute, accessible, and liberatory

@CT-Data-Haven Baltimore, MD

Daniel Weiand send2dan
Cycling medical microbiologist with interests in medical education and clinical informatics.

Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Newcastle upon Tyne

Pedro J. Aphalo aphalo
Visiting researcher (Retired Senior Lecturer) (Sensory Ecology of Plants, Photobiology, Crops, Forest trees, Data Analysis, Data Visualization)

University of Helsinki, Dep. Agricultural Sciences Helsinki, Finland

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Jerid Francom francojc
My research aims understand the linguistic similarities and differences between languages and language varieties.

Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA

C. Meghan Downes meghandownes
PhD in Economics and Quantitative Methods from the University of New Mexico. Tenured Associate Professor @nmsu 2006 to 2016. Currently doing freelance analysis.

Ruby Rooster Company Las Cruces, NM

Fernando da Silva schoulten
I’m a data scientist specialized in economics and finance. I try to solve real world problems with simple models.

@analisemacropro Brazil

Lan Ha lha308
digital communication + data science

Sydney, NSW, Aus

Thomas Fung thomas-fung

Macquarie University Sydney, Australia

Giandomenico Bisaccia bisacciamd

G. d'Annunzio University of Chieti and Pescara, Italy Chieti, Italy

Manuel Girbal manuelgirbal
Data specialist from Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a master’s degree in political science.

Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina

Sammi Rosser Bergam0t
Trainer on the HSMA Programme || MSc Health Data Science || Python, R, SQL, Javascript || Streamlit, Django, React

University of Exeter Devon

Lars Schöbitz larnsce
I am an environmental engineer at heart and by trade. I work in the global water, sanitation and health (WASH) sector and teach Data Science with R.

Lars Schöbitz GmbH @Global-Health-Engineering Zürich

Eli Pousson elipousson
I love old buildings and bicycles. Planner with the Baltimore City Department of Planning. Former preservationist @baltimoreheritage

Baltimore City Department of Planning Baltimore, MD

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst
