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A random dev

Five | Farcaster Consulting Berlin

Marco Ostermeier keinEntwickler
Swift{UI} + 🍏 Software Developer #openforwork


Efe Sirin verynewusername
RUG'24 Bsc. Artificial Intelligence C/C++ Musician


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Dennis Muensterer dnnsmnstrr
I like making stuff.

@3st-digital Mainz, Germany

John Mitchell-Grant johnmgrant
Lead Software Developer, CMS @AccuWeather-Inc • Computer Engineering @PennState • Linux OS Enthusiast • Arc Browser User • Interest in Embedded Systems

@AccuWeather-Inc Philipsburg, PA

AlpineYahoo alpineyahoo
I'm interested in biology.
Zejian Lei ricklei2777
As a member of Hunan Applied Technology University, I hope to join the Github Community.

Association for Computing Machinery Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Utku Özdemir utkuozdemir
Backend & Cloud Infrastructure Engineer

@siderolabs Berlin, Germany

DannyFeng FengzihangCode
A middle school student from China who develops with Swift, C++, Shell and PowerShell. Contribute for what I love and code for what I need.

Chongqing, China

草色青青 cao7113
self up to share up

Shareup Beijing


Key Power BV The Netherlands

matyseeeek matejzvikl23

Neschopenka Czech

ngrt ngrt-sh
dev, sysadmin, linux user, swiftie...


Antonio Bernardini AntonioBerna
Computer Engineering Student passionate about cybersecurity, hardware, firmware, and software, sharing knowledge through innovative projects and impactful code.


smj smj0x
Computer Science Engineer.