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Edilson Cichon edilsoncichon
Software Engineer | Developer | Tech Lead | Laravel Developer | PHP Developer

Open to opportunities ES, Brazil

Marcin Gladkowski MarcinGladkowski
Hi! Welcome to my GitHub. I am a responsible and ambitious person. I like new challanges and a team work. I want to be a good developer.

Comeon Group Poland, Silesia

otsch otsch
I'm into crawling and scraping stuff. Take a look at @crwlrsoft

@crwlrsoft Linz

Floran Brutel notFloran
Work on web projects #php #symfony #laravel #ops

Reims, France

Muhammed ElFeqy thefeqy
It's Muhammed ElFeqy from egypt, Software Engineer @convertedin

ConvertedIn Cairo, Egypt

Don't give up, Invest myself

Hong Kong

Wilsen Hernández wilsenhc
Laravel Artisan. Full Stack Developer.

IPM Scoutek Valencia, Venezuela

Matthieu Napoli mnapoli
👋 Open-source builder

@brefphp Lyon, France

Nav Appaiya Nav-Appaiya
Freelance PHP Developer mainly working on Symfony, Wordpress, Magento & Laravel projects. Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Iman imaarov
Junior PHP Developer

Earth Iran/isf

Crisciany Souza Any97Cris
Desenvolvedora de Software

Manaus - AM

Rich Perez perez-rich
Building. Coding. Programming. 👋🏽

New York

Dallin Hitchcock dallin

@westernverify Chubbuck, ID

ziming ziming
Trying not to burn out
xman¹ xman-lab

Samir Gakhramanov samirtula
Backend PHP developer

AST Azerbaijan

LeandroSantos LeandroSantosGit
Cursando Graduação em Sistemas de Informação na Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA), com Formação Técnica em Informática pela Fucapi.

YahP Software House Manaus

oky saputra oky31
6a 6f 6d 62 6c 6f


Reno Philibert rjp2525
import { Bio } from 'life';            Adventurer();                                  LaravelAndVue()

Denver, CO

Franck Matsos fmatsos
PHP developper (mostly on Symfony) - but also do frontend.

@akawaka Pont-Saint-Esprit, France

Martins Nwanakwere martolini1124
An active learner. Software engineer
Hung Nguyen nguyenanhung
Một tiêu một kiếm dọc giang hồ

@bear8421 Hanoi, Vietnam

David J. Schwarz d4s6
Mostly PHP and CSS. Creator of @fontiscss - The Algorithmic CSS Framework.

KNOBLAUCH | @ORG-YOU EU / Germany / BW / Freiburg || Markdorf

Jérémy DECOOL jdecool
Enthusiastic software engineer

@Activinnov Lyon (69), France

Alexsande Fontes AlexsanderF
Em busca do conhecimento!

@ALXnetworks Brasil

Lucas Giori Cesconetto lucascesconetto
Software Engineer

PagSeguro International Douradina, PR

Jiří Pudil jiripudil
👨‍💻 Software engineer (PHP, TypeScript, React, Kotlin). 📖 Open-sourcerer. ☕ Coffee consumer. 🎸 Guitar noisemaker.

Brno, Czech Republic

Christian Fredegaard Fredegaard
Software Developer 🐘

@arias-dk Denmark

Follow The White Rabbit paulmixxx
Backend Software Engineer

Rosfines Russia, Moscow

Willy Acuña willyk

Yarkan & Bookingmotor San Isidro, Lima, Peru

André Domingues andrefelipe18
I wasn't old enough to open my eyes and I already knew the laravel architecture. Laravel | Livewire | Nuxt Enthusiast

Lins - SP