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49241036 ynadtiy19
pretty love your look


Pascal ABCPascal
program HelloWorld; begin writeln('Hello World'); end.

unemployed Germany

Sigve Sudland Sudland
Working at Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace. Most active on Gitlab:

Norway, Kongsberg

P.J. Finlay PJ-Finlay
Open source enthusiast

Argos Open Tech Ithaca, NY

Sr. DevSecOps Backend Engineer @ Babbel Inc.


Wouter Groenewold wgroenewold
Live fast, work hard, make beautiful things, smile alot, die young

GH+O Communicatie

B1773rm4n B1773rm4n PGP: FD2A3FF0D1AD1E4A2DFC148BB654ACD3EF8EFA14
Mæve Rey m-rey
🏳️‍⚧️ Security Engineer @SUSE. dotfiles and toki pona enthusiast in my free time.

@SUSE Nuremberg, Germany