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Mario Mui mariomui
I love languages.
Cathay Cathay-Chen
君子少思长,则学; 老思死,则教; 有思穷,则施也。

中国 · 合肥

Ellen Gu EllenGYY
CompSci PhD Student at Purdue University. Interested in VRAR, games and good HCI designs.

Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana

Li CHEN Chenshize0104
I'm a PhD student in Ecology working with plant–mycorrhizal fungi networks and plant-pollinator interaction networks in Invasion Ecology.

CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Kunming, Yunnan, China

student of University of Science and Technology of China @university of Science and Technology of China

University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, Anhui, China

RomainYang RomainYangyzy
Keep on going never give up.
_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Seika SeikaScarlet
Data Science Specialist


Jiabao Ji Question406
Third-year Phd student at UCSB, Linux lover, TLM/vim user, prev KDE/Archlinux user, now I use Aerospace with Macos


Shang-Wen Wong uptopia
Doctoral Program in Robotics, College of Engineering, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Tamkang University Taiwan

御象灵尊 bairihai

云合极图 中国大陆 China mainland

Scott Walter ScottJWalter
Just another digital nomad roaming the information superhighway, looking for adventure and enlightenment.

Minneapolis, MN

Juan David Merchan Torres NikolaM-Dev
Autodidact • Deep Thinker • Gopher • Neovimer


liquiid727 liquiid727
Dont forget orginal aspiration

Hangzhou China

Wyatt Walsh wyattowalsh
cookin' up some code 👨‍🍳 :octocat: :bowtie: :shipit: 📈

@jpmorganchase New York City, New York, United States of America