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4.7 Uber rating

London, UK

SR Murthy sr-murthy

A village 🇬🇧 🏡🌸🌼🌲

Manabendra Saharia msaharia
Computational Hydrologist and an Assistant Professor at IIT Delhi.

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

John Faucett DataDaoDe
ML/AI Engineering, Open Learning and Education

Studitemps GmbH Köln

Moses McCall mosesmc52
Hi, Software Engineer, Indie Hacker, Digital Nomad, Latin American dance lover
Sébastien Biass e5k

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva Switzerland

Evans Ochieng evansochieng
Full-Stack Software Developer: JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, Python | Data Engineer | Actuary| Coding gives me life.

@sfea Nairobi, Kenya

Yin Cheng yinnicocheng

Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu, China

Maria Mesimeri mmesim

Zurich, Switzerland

Maureen Cohen maureenjcohen
Postdoc working on Venus modelling at The Open University

Guildford, Surrey

Victor Alexander Torres Sanchez vats1703
Ecuadorian MSc in Physics from UniTrento Working on Data Analysis of Gravitational Waves


Jianzhao Bi jianzhaobi
Ph.D. in Environmental Health

University of Washington Seattle

Oriana Chegwidden orianac
Climate scientist @carbonplan

Seattle, WA



Atilla Gündoğan At1llaG
Student at Marmara University

Marmara University Istanbul, Turkey

Mark James MarkrJames

Cardiff, Wales, UK

Staf Smith staffordsmith83
Geospatial Web Developer

Smith Field & Spatial Perth, Western Australia

Nicola Cerutti ncerutti
Climate, cat modelling, health, behaviour, AI, and nice viz stuff.

OasisLMF London, UK