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Public- Synchronization in a realistic model of CA1 pyramidal neurons (Fiasconaro and Migliore 2024)
PublicA model of the T-junction of a C-fiber sensory neuron (Sundt et al. 2015)2016658
PublicPersistent Interruption in Parvalbumin-Positive Inhibitory Interneurons: Biophysical and Mathematical Mechanisms (Upchurch et al., 2024)182784
PublicFunctional balanced networks with synaptic plasticity (Sadeh et al, 2015)267741
PublicBiochemically detailed model of post-synaptic plasticity for computational analyses of schizophrenia (Maki-Marttunen et al. in press)267694
PublicHuman and mouse Purkinje cell models (Masoli et al., 2024)2014832
PublicData-driven multiscale model of macaque auditory thalamocortical circuits reproduces in vivo dynamics (Dura-Bernal et al., 2023)2017143
PublicGlutamate spillover and plateau potentials (Trpevski et al., 2023)2017403
PublicC.elegans motor and interneurons (Nicoletti at al. 2024)2017405
PublicParkinsonian Motor Network Model during Multivariable Closed-loop DBS (Fleming et al 2023)2016138
PublicHeterogeneous Purkinje Cell model (Cirtala et al., accepted)2015571
PublicAxonal K channel inhibition promotes ectopic burst of hippocampal mossy fiber (Kamiya 2024)2014821
PublicMyelin dystrophy impairs signal transmission and working memory in a multiscale model of the aging prefrontal cortex (Ibañez, Sengupta et al., 2024)2015954
PublicSubthreshold conductances regulate theta-frequency LFPs and spike phase (Sinha and Narayanan, 2015)2016216
PublicMouse colorectal afferent ending (Feng et al 2015)261460
PublicMice Somatosensory L2/3 Pyramidal cells (Iascone et al 2020)2016995
PublicTouch-Motor Circuit (Gradwell et al., 2024)2016666
PublicElectrical properties of dendritic spines (Popovic et al. 2015)2016663
PublicCA1 pyramidal neuron synaptic integration (Li and Ascoli 2006, 2008)97917
PublicIrregular oscillations produced by cyclic recurrent inhibition (Friesen, Friesen 1994)