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ReduxFlakes ReduxFlakes
Computer science student. Web and Android app developer. FOSS, opsec, and accessibility advocate.

@surfscape World Wide Web

akesi seli AkesiSeli
Kotlin developer, open source enthusiast.


Deathart deathart

Lille, Nord, FRANCE

Pierre Ayoub pierreay
PhD student at EURECOM in cybersecurity team @eurecom-s3, focused on µarchitectural and radio layers.

EURECOM France, Sophia-Antipolis

Robin Augereau newtondotcom
Student in Computer Science at ENSEEIHT, France


May Meow MayMeow
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Rgld_ R-Gld
IT Student

DevGld France

Just a lurker
Thomas PepitoSir

Socraft / Swispace / ThomasValley Switzerland

Gabriel dovatgabriel

socraft, Swispace Switzerland

Greg gregorg
Senior Digital BOFH

Annecy, France

Francesco Barile barilefrancesco
Cybersecurity student - UniBA 23, Bitonto(BA).


Valentin Perignon valentinperignon
👨‍💻 iOS dev @ Infomaniak |  WWDC Scholar 2021

@Infomaniak Geneva, Switzerland

Alexandre Mouriec mrcalexandre
Full-Stack Developer - Full-Time Curious

Rennes, France

Romain Frezier romainfrezier
📚 Ingénieur IG Polytech Montpellier 💼 Ingénieur fullstack junior chez @Infomaniak.

Polytech Montpellier Sciez, Haute-Savoie, France


xoxo Bangldesh

ToniDias ToniDias

Vevey, Switzerland

Giulio tGstep

University of Messina Italy

Lesiba Nxumalo Lesiba5379
Google's full stack developer doing Java, Javascript, Node js, React Js, RxJs, HTML, Reddis, Python, CSS, MongoDB and Azure.

Google South Africa, Johanesburg

Victor Schneuwly VictorSchneuwly
Computer Science Student @ EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)


boristrbrt Boruus
React Junior Developer

@Infomaniak Genève

bhalexx bhalexx
French Symfony/Angular application developer, loving frontend as much as backend.

@SpiriitLabs France

Jordan lebojo
I'm a kind of dev I think...


Marco marco76 I'm a Java and Angular developer. You can contact me with any technical questions or professional opportunities.

Genidea Sagl Switzerland

Francesco Zompanti JustCh3cco-19
Computer Science @ Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Autonomous Driving Software Engineer @FastCharge-Driverless

@FastCharge-Driverless Rome, Italy

Francois B. (Makoto) shakasan
FOSS & GNU/Linux enthusiast, love to code and new technologies, as well as Japan, Anime, Music, Photography, Gaming, ...

Makoto no Blog Belgium

Simon Bass sibassa

@hosttech-GmbH Zurich, Switzerland

Federico Esposito espositofederico44
Computer Science student @ Università degli Studi di Milano
Lendary Sayajin Bardock88
🙋🏻‍♂️ Olá, eu sou um entusiasta de tecnologia, aplicativos, programas, jogos e afins. Também gosto de colaborar com projetos de código aberto de terceiros.


E R R O R sVer0X
student in BUT1 R&T

IUT Béziers Occitanie