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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Artsiom baranouskiart
Product Business Analyst with 9 years’ experience in outbound marketing.

Upwork Gdansk

Mateusz Stepaniuk stepaniukm
TypeScript Node.js Developer


romee fivetop

LS Cable&System Seoul

I help startups by building them beautiful apps!

@dialapp Casablanca, Morocco

Fred von Graf fvongraf
Co-founder & CTO - 🚀 « « « « Co-founder & CEO - « « « « I help ventures kick ass! Palo Alto, CA

abdullatif alsnousi abdullatif-alsnousi
Frontend Developer

Lamah Misrata, Libya

Kazi Saeed Hossain programmer-saeed
🚀 DevOps Engineer | Cloud & Automation Enthusiast ⚙️ Building Scalable & Automated Infrastructure with CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, and Cloud Platforms.

Kazisoft Limited Bangladesh , Dhaka, Narayanganj City Corporation , Siddhirganj - 1430 , Ward No - 04 , village: Ati Gram , House : B - 131

dhafin dhafin089
for long time!!
Maciej Milowicki mmilowicki
Second-year graduate student at Illinois Institute of Technology majoring in software development.

Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
David Hernandez devdavern
Software development student

San Cristóbal, Táchira, Venezuela

Bartek Pacia bartekpacia
software developer, technology enthusiast, open source enjoyer • Google Code-in winner • 22y

@JetBrains Amsterdam

Kathia Sá kathiasa
QA - Tester Architeture Sr


Israel Hofman icehofman

Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil

Le Dien Phuc phucledien
iOS, macOS developer. In ❤️ with Swift

@dwarvesf @consolelabs Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Mateusz Bratkowski matbrat
Android Engineer in CCC

CCC Warsaw/Wrocław

enerart writyou
Renewable energy storage art of solar and battery


Patryk Miś PatrykMis
🚀 Aspiring Android Dev | Open Source Enthusiast | 🔐 Cybersecurity Advocate | 📱 Exploring Accessibility in Android


ypa y yhm yhm-amber
🙃 ︵ ɯɥʎɹǝqɯɐ ︵ ╰╰(°□°)

People's Republic of China

Enes Zor enofeb
Coding and visualizing mobile application is best pleasure

@Trendyol Izmir,Turkey

Zuck Chau mozuck

Mainland, China

Michał Skuza mehowsq
Web Developer


Brennan Ngo(Anh Ngo) brennan992k
Software engineer, Mobile developer, Game developer, UI UX designer

Human Inc Hanoi Vietnam