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SSOL msseock

Seoul, Republic of Korea

이강현 hhhello0507
Silicon Valley 🗡️


Software Engineer-Data Engineer divithraju
Software Engineer | Data Engineer |

Freelancer India

Yeo Seongil YeoSeongil

Cheongju-si, Republic of Korea

YIZIHN hooni0918

서울시 동대문구

Khanh.NVM minhbi245
I'm on the path to becoming a global iOS developer
Park Seong Min hoit1011

Gyeongbuk Software Highschool Daegu

Maddy MADElinessss
iOS Developer 😎

PLEDO Inc. Seoul, Korea

a highly skilled software engineer with a passion for creating innovative solutions to complex problems.

Shift- technology Batignolles - Paris

Austin moonkey48
Swift Lover, Developer in Apple Ecosystem, Tech mentor at Apple Developer Academy

Apple Developer Academy @POSTECH Pohang, South Korea

Gimli Kim morningfest

Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH

Hyowon Choi wonniiii
Always Awake

Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH CSE, Konkuk University

Jaeeun Oh 3405000

Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH Pohang

Lee Jihee Zoe0929
iOS Developer

Soongsil Univ

Jiwoong CHOI jayn2u
Soongsil University / Computer Science Engineering / Making Apple application with Swift


YuBeen dbqls200
Dankook univ. Computer Engineering

단국대학교 죽전캠퍼스

Donghyun Nam namudongs
 iOS Developer

Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH Pohang, Republic of Korea

teeteemo teeteemo


JaeYun Moon tenedict
There is nothing impossible.