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谭昊(Overall all, designers from China) tanhaosos
Dedicated to the development of the Earth's Marine industry(为地球海洋事业发展奉献)I need you to contact me.Thank you(需要你们联系我谢谢)邮箱
Zachary Roy dwr-zroy
Senior Water Resources Engineer in the Modeling Support Office of the CA Department of Water Resources

CA Department of Water Resources


Madison, Wisconsin

Lila Ekblad ekblad

California Department of Water Resources

Nicole Osorio nsosorio

California Department of Water Resources Davis, CA

Tung N tungttnguyen
PhD Civil Engineering (Washington State University) | MSc Hydrology and Water Quality (Wageningen University)


Operational Oceanography Tidal Energy

Tidetech Hobart

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Raymond Hoang dwr-rhoang

California Department of Water Resources Sacramento, CA

Sophie Munger sophunger

DWR Modeling Support Branch

Lily Tomkovic lily-tomkovic-DWR
Water Resources Engineer at DWR

California Department of Water Resources @CADWRDeltaModeling

andrew hongduongdaika
Numerical model to research on Marine dynamics; RBF collocation method; Ocean modelling
Wallisson Moreira de Carvalho wallissoncarvalho
Environmental and Sanitation Engineer M.Sc. Water Resources and Sanitation

Belo Horizonte - MG

Carly Narlesky narlesky

@MBKEngineers Northern California