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James M. Irving, Ph.D. jirvingphd
Data Scientist | Ph.D. in Neuroscience | Machine Learning & NLP Expert | Curriculum Developer | AI Innovator

@coding-dojo-data-science Laurel, MD

Juan Sebastián Acevedo juansear
Mathematician with interest and some experience in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and A/B Testing.


Michel Sampil △ michelsampil
△ I am a Full-Stack Developer and Software Engineer. I feel highly motivated by cutting edge technologies and challenging projects. 👾💛JS


Kashyap Parmar kashyaprparmar
AI | Data Science | IIT-H '23

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Dariusz Kaminski dkaminski-fp


David Ristau dfristau
Engineer & Data Scientist

UC Berkeley Denver, Colorado

Ben Polzin polzinben
Data Scientist | Former Petroleum Engineer | Machine Learning | Passionate, Data Driven and Future Focused

Denver, CO


Blend360 LLC

Chad S chads2000

Denver, Colorado