Our Text to NFT product is one that allows users create a collection of NFTs using a text prompt given by the user. These NFTs can then be found on various collection sites such as Etherscan, OpenSea and Thirdweb. This product was created by the Text-to-NFT group during AI Camp's Team-Tomorrow Incubator program.
1. Clone this repo: git clone <this-reopsitory>
2. Getting Techstack Ready:
- Python
- Node
3. Setting up python modules: pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Required API Keys:
- Stability API: Either create a variable in the NFTMint.py script or create an environment variable.
- Cloud Storage for Generated Images: Use GCP or other could credentials in NFTMint.py or create a seprate json file.
5. To run: Now that we have installed all the necessary modules and packages, it is now time to test the website. The following are the commands to run:
- Frontend:
cd <into the MVP directory>
→npm install
→npm start
- Backend:
npm install
→node App.js