This documentation describes the installation of the required tools for ansible-oracle on a Windows based hostsystem. |
Intel/AMD x86 CPU is mandatory
no support for Mac with M1 -
150 GB free Disk space
The free space is needed in your home directory in Windows. -
Admin priviledges on Host machine
Hyper-V disabled
no WSL/WSL2 for installation
While you may try it, the documentation states that Hyper-V should be completely disabled and that no WSL/WSL2 is used.
There are many issues when Hyper-V is active on the host machine. Please switch Hyper-V off completely, before starting the boxes with Vagrant. If you do find a really good working solution with Vagrant + VirtualBox and Hyper-V, feedback is welcome. |
There are numerous problems with Vagrant & VirtualBox when Hyper-V is enabled. It is therefore recommended to disable it for ansible-oracle .
All commands require a cmd.exe with admin rights. |
The output should contain a line with hypervisorlaunchtype
If the line is not shown or Off
, Hyper-V is completely disabled.
# bcdedit Windows-Start-Manager --------------------- ... Windows-Startladeprogramm ------------------------- ... hypervisorlaunchtype Off
If it is Auto
or On
bcdedit /set {current} hypervisorlaunchtype off shutdown -r -t 0
The installation of Chocolatey is not mandatory for ansible-oracle .All tools could be installed manually. Please ensure, that they are all executable from git+bash .It is highly recommended to use Chocolatey with ansible-oracle .
See the Homepage of chocolatey for more details. |
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install git vagrant virtualbox
This step is optional. |
This is a really good alternative terminal to cmd.exe
for windows.
It is not recommended for ansible-oracle
but you should give it a try and enjoy it - especially when VSCode is not used.
choco install conemu
This step is optional. You should use VSCode - especially when Advanced or Expert setups are planned for a later time. |
choco install vscode.install
The example expects the private key at the default location. |
Create a custom key and place the public key in same directory as the Vagrantfile.
Do not use the created keys from Vagrant. You should always use the ssh-agent to connect to all machines.
All commands are executed in git+bash on the Host machine - not inside a VM!
ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/User/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /c/Users/User/.ssh/id_rsa Your public key has been saved in /c/Users/User/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: SHA256:Xq9EGKMUEXFkxeli4NilfvwEkOAmvkV1PiRteA+NQRQ ubuntu@ansible-oracle-bastion
Enable Agent Forwarding for all SSH-Sessions. This is mandatory for Visual Studio Code. |
code ~/.ssh/config Host * ForwardAgent yes
eval $(ssh-agent)
eval $(ssh-agent) Agent pid 16840
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa Identity added: /c/Users/User/.ssh/id_rsa (User@unknown)
ssh-add -l
ssh-add -l 2048 SHA256:EsVIFzfCLUDTO2cMTf4q4qt2Eu0w1pA2sdcXxh9jyBs User@unknown (RSA)
The Vagrantfile has a provisioner script block which copy a stored into authorized_keys on the target machine.
The exact command to copy the key is shown during the deployment description.
Basic command and setup of Vagrant: Preparation for beginner