This is the overall goal of the milestone. It hence serves both as a basic requirement, instruction on what to look after during development and final checkup.
The goal of this milestone is to generate python-for-everybody ZIMs (one per supported languages). In FCC repo, all challenges markdown (in English) are stored under 23-python-for-everybody folder.
The command to create the EN ZIM is going to look like (title, description still have to be determined):
fcc2zim --course=python-for-everybody --name tests_en_freecodecamp-23-python-for-everybody --zim-file tests_en_freecodecamp-23-python-for-everybody.zim --title "freeCodeCamp 23" --description "Python for Everybody" --language eng --overwrite
Final checklist
- Confirm list of audited spoken languages
- ZIM can be generated for all these spoken languages
- all challenges can be solved
- nothing is broken in the UI
- no external resources are significantly missing (sample project for an exercise, image, video, ...)