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Our community welcomes all people interested in open source cloud computing, and encourages you to join the OpenStack Foundation.

If you would like to contribute to the development of OpenStack, you must follow the steps documented at:

Once those steps have been completed, changes to OpenStack should be submitted for review via the Gerrit tool, following the workflow documented at:

(Pull requests submitted through GitHub will be ignored.)

Bugs should be filed on Storyboard now, not GitHub:!/project/openstack/trove

We welcome all types of contributions, from blueprint designs to documentation to testing to deployment scripts. The best way to get involved with the community is to talk with others online or at a meetup and offer contributions through our processes, the OpenStack wiki, blogs, or on IRC at #openstack-trove on OFTC.

House Rules

Code Reviews

We value your contribution in reviewing code changes submitted by others, as this helps increase the quality of the product as well. The Trove project encourages the guidelines (below).

  • A rating of +1 on a code review is indicated if:
    • It is your opinion that the change, as proposed, should be considered for merging.
  • A rating of 0 on a code review is indicated if:
    • The reason why you believe that the proposed change needs improvement is merely an opinion,
    • You have a question, or need a clarification from the author,
    • The proposed change is functional but you believe that there is a different, better, or more appropriate way in which to achieve the end result being sought by the proposed change,
    • There is an issue of some kind with the Commit Message, including violations of the Commit Message guidelines,
    • There is a typographical or formatting error in the commit message or the body of the change itself,
    • There could be improvements in the test cases provided as part of the proposed change.
  • A rating of -1 on a code review is indicated if:
    • The reason why you believe that the proposed change needs improvement is irrefutable, or it is a widely shared opinion as indicated by a number of +0 comments,
    • The subject matter of the change (not the commit message) violates some well understood OpenStack procedure(s),
    • The change contains content that is demonstrably inappropriate,
    • The test cases do not exercise the change(s) being proposed,
    • The change causes a failure in the pylint job (see pylint section below),
    • A user visible change does not provide a release note.

Some other reviewing guidelines:

  • In general, when in doubt, a rating of 0 is advised,
  • The code style guidelines accepted by the project are part of tox.ini, a violation of some other hacking rule(s), or pep8 is not a reason to -1 a change.

Other references:

Code Review Priority

At the design summit in Barcelona (October 2016) we discussed code review priority. We have a significant number of priorities for what we want to get merged in each release. As we get closer to the release date the time crunch will become even more acute. Therefore, we consciously focus on taking steps to merge changes in a manner consistent with these priorities.

All contributors to the project can help with this by reviewing the code submitted by others, and getting them merged in a timely manner.

Reviewing code is an important community activity and if you would like others to prioritize the review of your changes, it is strongly advised that you take the time to review other contributors code, and provide useful feedback. You will notice that as you review others code, you will not only learn more about the project and the many supported databases, but also that others take a more proactive view to reviewing the changes that you submit.

Merely submitting code and expecting others to review it will (most likely) not work. If you've submitted code and you find that it isn't getting reviewed, consider whether you've done your fair share for the project by reviewing others code, or testing, or documenting, or submitting significant improvements, or in one of many other ways in which you can help advance the project.

Approving Changes

The Trove project follows the conventions below in approving changes.

  1. In general, two core reviewers must +2 a change before it can be approved. In practice this means that coreA can +2 the change, then coreB can +2/+A the change and it can be merged.
  2. coreA and coreB should belong to different organizations.
  3. For requirements changes proposed by the Proposal Bot or translations proposed by Zanata, a single core reviewer can review and approve the change.


For the remainder of the Newton release cycle, we will relax the above conventions. These relaxations apply to the master branch only.

We will adopt a practice of lazy consensus for approving all changes and a single core reviewer can review and approve a change. This could be done, for example, by allowing all reviewers know that he or she intends to approve some change or set of changes if there are no additional negative comments by a certain time definite.

We will however still require that at least one other person review (and +1 or +2) the change before it can be +A'ed.

Abandoning changes

At the Trove mid-cycle held in July 2016 we discussed our process for abandoning changes and concluded that we would adopt the following process.

  1. We will take a more proactive policy towards abandoning changes that have not been merged for a long time.
  2. A list of changes proposed for abandonment will be presented at a weekly meeting and if there is no objection, those changes will be abandoned. If the patch sets are associated with bugs, the bugs will be unassigned.
  3. In general, changes will be proposed for abandonment if the change being proposed has either been addressed in some other patch set, or if the patch is not being actively maintained by the author and there is no available volunteer who will step up to take over the patch set.

Storyboard Bugs

Bugs should be filed on Storyboard at:!/project/openstack/trove

All changes that address a Storyboard bug should include the bug in the Commit Message using the Story and Task.

It is not required that a Storyboard bug be filed for every change.

Release Notes

All user visible changes should include a release note. Trove uses reno to generate release notes and therefore only those release notes that are submitted as part of a change will be included in the release notes. The failure to add a release note for a user visible change should be identified in review, and corrected.

If a Storyboard bug is being fixed, the release note should list the story and task number.

For help using reno, the release notes tool, see:

Trove Documentation

This repository also contains the Database Services API Reference. To build the API reference, run:

$ tox -e api-ref

The generated documentation is found:


Trove PyLint Failures

The Trove project uses trove-pylint (tools/trove-pylint) in the gate and this job is intended to help catch coding errors that sometimes may not get caught in a code review, or by the automated tests.

The gate-trove-tox-pylint jobs are run by the CI, and these invoke the command in tools/trove-pylint.

The tool can produce false-positive notifications and therefore supports a mechanism to provide a list of errors that are to be ignored.

Before submitting a change, please do run

$ tox -e pylint

on your development environment. If this fails, you will have to resolve all the errors before you can commit the code.

This means you either must fix the problem being identified, or regenerate the list of ignored errors and submit that as part of your review.

To regenerate the list of ignored errors, you run the command(s):

$ tox -e pylint rebuild

Warning: trove-pylint is very sensitive to the version(s) of pylint and astroid that are installed on your system and for this reason, a tox environment is provided that will mimic the environment that pylint will encounter in the gate.

Pre-commit checklist

Before committing code to Gerrit for review, please at least do the following on your development system and ensure that they pass.

$ tox -e pep8
$ tox -e py39
$ tox -e pylint

If you are unable to get these to pass locally, it is a waste of the CI resources to push up a change for review.


Usage for integration testing

If you'd like to start up a fake Trove API daemon for integration testing with your own tool, run:

$ ./tools/

Stop the server with:

$ ./tools/


To run all tests and PEP8, run tox, like so:

$ tox

To run just the tests for Python 3.9, run:

$ tox -epy39

To run just PEP8, run:

$ tox -epep8

To generate a coverage report,run:

$ tox -ecover

(note: on some boxes, the results may not be accurate unless you run it twice)

If you want to run only the tests in one file you can use testtools e.g.

$ python -m trove.tests.unittests.python.module.path

Note that some unit tests can use an existing database. The script tools/ sets up the database for CI jobs and can be used for local setup.

Is there something missing?

Do not hesitate to chat and clear your doubts about Trove in IRC: #openstack-trove on OFTC.