The OpenStack Dashboard provides a Django based web interface for use by both administrators and users of an OpenStack Cloud.
It allows you to manage Nova, Glance, Cinder and Neutron resources within the cloud.
The OpenStack Dashboard is deployed and related to keystone:
juju deploy openstack-dashboard
juju add-unit openstack-dashboard keystone
The dashboard will use keystone for user authentication and authorization and to interact with the catalog of services within the cloud.
The dashboard is accessible on:
At a minimum, the cloud must provide Glance and Nova services.
To fully secure your dashboard services, you can provide a SSL key and certificate for installation and configuration. These are provided as base64 encoded configuration options::
juju set openstack-dashboard ssl_key="$(base64 my.key)" \
ssl_cert="$(base64 my.cert)"
The service will be reconfigured to use the supplied information.
The OpenStack Dashboard charm supports HA in-conjunction with the hacluster charm:
juju deploy hacluster dashboard-hacluster
juju set openstack-dashboard vip=""
juju add-relation openstack-dashboard dashboard-hacluster
juju add-unit -n 2 openstack-dashboard
After addition of the extra 2 units completes, the dashboard will be accessible on with full load-balancing across all three units.
Please refer to the charm configuration for full details on all HA config options.
Instead of deploying with the hacluster charm for load balancing, its possible to also deploy the dashboard with load balancing proxy such as HAProxy:
juju deploy haproxy
juju add-relation haproxy openstack-dashboard
juju add-unit -n 2 openstack-dashboard
This option potentially provides better scale-out than using the charm in conjunction with the hacluster charm.
The minimum openstack-origin-git config required to deploy from source is:
- {name: requirements,
repository: 'git://',
branch: stable/juno}
- {name: horizon,
repository: 'git://',
branch: stable/juno}"
Note that there are only two 'name' values the charm knows about: 'requirements' and 'horizon'. These repositories must correspond to these 'name' values. Additionally, the requirements repository must be specified first and the horizon repository must be specified last. All other repostories are installed in the order in which they are specified.
The following is a full list of current tip repos (may not be up-to-date):
- {name: requirements,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-concurrency,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-config,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-i18n,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-serialization,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-utils,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: pbr,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-ceilometerclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-cinderclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-glanceclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-heatclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-keystoneclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-neutronclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-novaclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-saharaclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-swiftclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: python-troveclient,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-angular,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-angular-animate,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-angular-bootstrap,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-angular-cookies,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-angular-fileupload,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-angular-mock,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-angular-sanitize,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-angular-smart-table,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-bootstrap-scss,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-d3,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-font-awesome,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-hogan,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-jasmine,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-jquery-migrate,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-jquery.bootstrap.wizard,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-jquery.quicksearch,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-jquery.tablesorter,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-jsencrypt,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-magic-search,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-qunit,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-rickshaw,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: xstatic-spin,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}
- {name: horizon,
repository: 'git://',
branch: master}"