diff --git a/dist/scripts/scripts.js b/dist/scripts/scripts.js
index 4ca8743051..0eaaae1925 100644
--- a/dist/scripts/scripts.js
+++ b/dist/scripts/scripts.js
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
"use strict";
function OverviewController(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, c, l, u, d, m, p, f, g, v, h, y, b, S, C, w, P, j, k, I, R, E, T, N) {
-function D(e) {
+function A(e) {
var t = e.metadata.ownerReferences;
return t ? _(t).filter({
kind: "OfflineVirtualMachine"
}).map("uid").first() : null;
-function A() {
+function D() {
if (B.offlineVirtualMachines && B.virtualMachines && B.pods) {
var e = _(B.pods).values().filter(function(e) {
return !!_.get(e, 'metadata.labels["kubevirt.io/vmUID"]');
}).keyBy('metadata.labels["kubevirt.io/vmUID"]').value(), t = _(B.virtualMachines).values().filter(function(e) {
-return !!D(e);
+return !!A(e);
}).keyBy(function(e) {
-return D(e);
+return A(e);
}).value(), n = [];
_.each(B.offlineVirtualMachines, function(r) {
var a = r.metadata.uid, o = t[a];
@@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ return _.isEmpty(be.pipelinesByDeploymentConfig[t]);
B.deploymentConfigsNoPipeline = _.sortBy(e, "metadata.name"), B.pipelineViewHasOtherResources = !(_.isEmpty(B.deploymentConfigsNoPipeline) && _.isEmpty(B.vanillaReplicationControllers) && _.isEmpty(B.deployments) && _.isEmpty(B.vanillaReplicaSets) && _.isEmpty(B.statefulSets) && _.isEmpty(B.monopods));
}, Ne = function() {
B.disableFilter = "pipeline" === B.viewBy && _.isEmpty(B.pipelineBuildConfigs);
-}, De = function(e) {
+}, Ae = function(e) {
return b.getLabelSelector().select(e);
-}, Ae = [ "metadata.name", "spec.clusterServiceClassExternalName" ], $e = function(e) {
-return y.filterForKeywords(e, Ae, be.filterKeywords);
+}, De = [ "metadata.name", "spec.clusterServiceClassExternalName" ], $e = function(e) {
+return y.filterForKeywords(e, De, be.filterKeywords);
}, Be = function(e) {
switch (B.filterBy) {
case "label":
-return De(e);
+return Ae(e);
case "name":
return $e(e);
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ B.filteredDeploymentConfigs = Be(B.deploymentConfigs), B.filteredReplicationCont
B.viewBy = localStorage.getItem(Oe) || "app", e.$watch(function() {
return B.viewBy;
}, function(e) {
-localStorage.setItem(Oe, e), Ne(), Ae = "app" === B.viewBy ? [ "metadata.name", "metadata.labels.app" ] : [ "metadata.name" ], Le(), "pipeline" === B.viewBy ? b.setLabelSuggestions(he) : b.setLabelSuggestions(ve);
+localStorage.setItem(Oe, e), Ne(), De = "app" === B.viewBy ? [ "metadata.name", "metadata.labels.app" ] : [ "metadata.name" ], Le(), "pipeline" === B.viewBy ? b.setLabelSuggestions(he) : b.setLabelSuggestions(ve);
}), d.DISABLE_OVERVIEW_METRICS || (C.isAvailable(!0).then(function(e) {
be.showMetrics = e;
}), e.$on("metrics-connection-failed", function(e, t) {
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ _.isEmpty(e) || (b.addLabelSuggestionsFromResources(e, he), "pipeline" === B.vie
}, nt = function(e) {
return "Succeeded" !== e.status.phase && "Failed" !== e.status.phase && (!H(e, "openshift.io/deployer-pod-for.name") && (!O(e, "openshift.io/build.name") && "slave" !== H(e, "jenkins")));
}, rt = function() {
-be.podsByOwnerUID = j.groupByOwnerUID(B.pods), B.monopods = _.filter(be.podsByOwnerUID[""], nt), A();
+be.podsByOwnerUID = j.groupByOwnerUID(B.pods), B.monopods = _.filter(be.podsByOwnerUID[""], nt), D();
}, at = function(e) {
return !!_.get(e, "status.replicas") || (!O(e, "deploymentConfig") || x(e));
}, ot = function(e) {
@@ -495,13 +495,13 @@ poll: V,
pollInterval: 6e4
Rt.push(m.watch(N.offlineVirtualMachine, r, function(e) {
-B.offlineVirtualMachines = e.by("metadata.name"), A(), Le();
+B.offlineVirtualMachines = e.by("metadata.name"), D(), Le();
}, {
poll: V,
pollInterval: 6e4
Rt.push(m.watch(N.virtualMachine, r, function(e) {
-B.virtualMachines = e.by("metadata.name"), A(), Le();
+B.virtualMachines = e.by("metadata.name"), D(), Le();
}, {
poll: V,
pollInterval: 6e4
@@ -1553,6 +1553,36 @@ getMetricsURL: function() {
return n.when(t);
+} ]), angular.module("openshiftConsole").factory("AggregatedLoggingService", [ "$q", "Logger", "DataService", function(e, t, n) {
+var r;
+return {
+isOperationsUser: function() {
+if (void 0 !== r) return t.log("AggregatedLoggingService, using cached user"), e.when(r);
+t.log("AggregatedLoggingService, loading whether user is Operations user");
+var a = {
+apiVersion: "authorization.k8s.io/v1",
+kind: "SelfSubjectAccessReview",
+spec: {
+resourceAttributes: {
+resource: "pods/log",
+namespace: "default",
+verb: "view"
+return n.create({
+group: "authorization.k8s.io",
+version: "v1",
+resource: "selfsubjectaccessreviews"
+}, null, a, {
+namespace: "default"
+}).then(function(e) {
+return r = e.status.allowed;
+}, function() {
+return !1;
} ]), angular.module("openshiftConsole").service("ApplicationGenerator", [ "DataService", "APIService", "Logger", "$parse", "$q", function(e, t, n, r, a) {
var o = {}, i = function(e) {
return _.isArray(e) ? e : _.map(e, function(e, t) {
@@ -4971,7 +5001,7 @@ name: e.containerName
}), n = I(t);
e.containerState = n;
-}, N = e("annotation"), D = function(e, t) {
+}, N = e("annotation"), A = function(e, t) {
if (r.loaded = !0, r.pod = e, r.dcName = N(e, "deploymentConfig"), r.rcName = N(e, "deployment"), r.deploymentVersion = N(e, "deploymentVersion"), r.logCanRun = !_.includes([ "New", "Pending", "Unknown" ], e.status.phase), S(), delete r.controllerRef, !r.dcName) {
var n = m.getControllerReferences(e);
r.controllerRef = _.find(n, function(e) {
@@ -4987,10 +5017,10 @@ f.get(n.project).then(_.spread(function(t, a) {
b = a, r.project = t, r.projectContext = a, s.get(r.podsVersion, n.pod, a, {
errorNotification: !1
}).then(function(e) {
var t = {};
t[e.metadata.name] = e, r.logOptions.container = n.container || e.spec.containers[0].name, r.containerTerminals = R(), E(e), l.fetchReferencedImageStreamImages(t, r.imagesByDockerReference, r.imageStreamImageRefByDockerReference, b), h.push(s.watchObject(r.podsVersion, n.pod, a, function(e, t) {
-D(e, t), T(r.containerTerminals), E(e);
+A(e, t), T(r.containerTerminals), E(e);
}, function(t) {
r.loaded = !0, r.alerts.load = {
@@ -5191,12 +5221,12 @@ n.filteredStatefulSets = c.filterForKeywords(_.values(n.statefulSets), P, j);
C = _.filter(n.pods, function(e) {
return !n.filters.hideOlderResources || "Succeeded" !== e.status.phase && "Failed" !== e.status.phase;
}), n.filteredPods = c.filterForKeywords(C, P, j);
-}, D = r("isIncompleteBuild"), A = r("buildConfigForBuild"), B = r("isRecentBuild"), V = function() {
+}, A = r("isIncompleteBuild"), D = r("buildConfigForBuild"), B = r("isRecentBuild"), V = function() {
moment().subtract(5, "m");
y = _.filter(n.builds, function(e) {
if (!n.filters.hideOlderResources) return !0;
-if (D(e)) return !0;
-var t = A(e);
+if (A(e)) return !0;
+var t = D(e);
return t ? n.latestBuildByConfig[t].metadata.name === e.metadata.name : B(e);
}), n.filteredBuilds = c.filterForKeywords(y, P, j);
}, L = r("deploymentStatus"), O = r("deploymentIsInProgress"), U = function() {
@@ -5408,7 +5438,7 @@ return e ? r + (y(e, "description") || "") : "";
-var D = function(e, t, n, a) {
+var A = function(e, t, n, a) {
var o = {
title: "Confirm Removal",
alerts: {},
@@ -5455,7 +5485,7 @@ project: n,
subjectKinds: N,
canUpdateRolebindings: b("rolebindings", "update", v),
confirmRemove: function(n, a, i, s) {
-var l = null, u = D(n, a, i, r.user.metadata.name);
+var l = null, u = A(n, a, i, r.user.metadata.name);
_.isEqual(n, r.user.metadata.name) && d.isLastRole(r.user.metadata.name, r.roleBindings) && (l = !0), o.open({
templateUrl: "views/modals/confirm.html",
controller: "ConfirmModalController",
@@ -6194,7 +6224,7 @@ o.unwatchAll(j);
} ]), angular.module("openshiftConsole").controller("ReplicaSetController", [ "$scope", "$filter", "$routeParams", "APIService", "AuthorizationService", "BreadcrumbsService", "DataService", "DeploymentsService", "HPAService", "ImageStreamResolver", "keyValueEditorUtils", "kind", "Logger", "MetricsService", "ModalsService", "Navigate", "OwnerReferencesService", "PodsService", "ProjectsService", "StorageService", function(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, c, l, u, d, m, p, f, g, v, h, y, b) {
-var S = !1, C = t("annotation"), w = t("humanizeKind")(d), P = t("hasDeployment"), j = r.getPreferredVersion("builds"), k = r.getPreferredVersion("imagestreams"), I = r.getPreferredVersion("horizontalpodautoscalers"), R = r.getPreferredVersion("limitranges"), E = r.getPreferredVersion("pods"), T = r.getPreferredVersion("replicasets"), N = r.getPreferredVersion("replicationcontrollers"), D = r.getPreferredVersion("resourcequotas"), A = r.getPreferredVersion("appliedclusterresourcequotas");
+var S = !1, C = t("annotation"), w = t("humanizeKind")(d), P = t("hasDeployment"), j = r.getPreferredVersion("builds"), k = r.getPreferredVersion("imagestreams"), I = r.getPreferredVersion("horizontalpodautoscalers"), R = r.getPreferredVersion("limitranges"), E = r.getPreferredVersion("pods"), T = r.getPreferredVersion("replicasets"), N = r.getPreferredVersion("replicationcontrollers"), A = r.getPreferredVersion("resourcequotas"), D = r.getPreferredVersion("appliedclusterresourcequotas");
switch (d) {
case "ReplicaSet":
e.resource = T, e.healthCheckURL = g.healthCheckURL(n.project, "ReplicaSet", n.replicaSet, "extensions");
@@ -6342,12 +6372,12 @@ pollInterval: 6e4
})), i.list(R, u).then(function(t) {
e.limitRanges = t.by("metadata.name"), U();
-B.push(i.watch(D, u, function(t) {
+B.push(i.watch(A, u, function(t) {
e.quotas = t.by("metadata.name");
}, {
poll: !0,
pollInterval: 6e4
-})), B.push(i.watch(A, u, function(t) {
+})), B.push(i.watch(D, u, function(t) {
e.clusterQuotas = t.by("metadata.name");
}, {
poll: !0,
@@ -7260,7 +7290,7 @@ return _.map(e, "metadata.name");
e.webhookSecrets = m.groupSecretsByType(t).webhook, e.webhookSecrets.unshift(""), e.secrets.secretsByType = _.each(r, function(e) {
-}), D(), P = S(t.by("metadata.name")), e.valueFromObjects = w.concat(P);
+}), A(), P = S(t.by("metadata.name")), e.valueFromObjects = w.concat(P);
var n = function(e, n) {
e.type = n && n.kind ? n.kind : "None";
@@ -7407,7 +7437,7 @@ var t = [].concat(e.triggers.imageChangeTriggers, e.triggers.builderImageChangeT
return t = _.filter(t, function(e) {
return _.has(e, "disabled") && !e.disabled || e.present;
}), t = t.concat(T(e.triggers.webhookTriggers)), t = _.map(t, "data");
-}, D = function() {
+}, A = function() {
switch (e.secrets.picked = {
gitSecret: e.buildConfig.spec.source.sourceSecret ? [ e.buildConfig.spec.source.sourceSecret ] : [ {
name: ""
@@ -7437,7 +7467,7 @@ name: ""
mountPath: ""
} ];
-}, A = function(e, t, n) {
+}, D = function(e, t, n) {
t.name ? e[n] = t : delete e[n];
}, $ = function(t, n) {
var r = "Custom" === e.strategyType ? "secretSource" : "secret", a = _.filter(n, function(e) {
@@ -7458,7 +7488,7 @@ break;
case "JenkinsPipeline":
"path" === e.jenkinsfileOptions.type ? delete e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.strategy.jenkinsPipelineStrategy.jenkinsfile : delete e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.strategy.jenkinsPipelineStrategy.jenkinsfilePath;
-switch (e.sources.images && !_.isEmpty(e.sourceImages) && (e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.source.images[0].paths = R(e.imageSourcePaths), e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.source.images[0].from = E(e.imageOptions.fromSource)), "None" === e.imageOptions.from.type ? delete b(e.updatedBuildConfig).from : b(e.updatedBuildConfig).from = E(e.imageOptions.from), "None" === e.imageOptions.to.type ? delete e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.output.to : e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.output.to = E(e.imageOptions.to), b(e.updatedBuildConfig).env = p.compactEntries(e.envVars), A(e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.source, _.head(e.secrets.picked.gitSecret), "sourceSecret"), A(b(e.updatedBuildConfig), _.head(e.secrets.picked.pullSecret), "pullSecret"), A(e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.output, _.head(e.secrets.picked.pushSecret), "pushSecret"), e.strategyType) {
+switch (e.sources.images && !_.isEmpty(e.sourceImages) && (e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.source.images[0].paths = R(e.imageSourcePaths), e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.source.images[0].from = E(e.imageOptions.fromSource)), "None" === e.imageOptions.from.type ? delete b(e.updatedBuildConfig).from : b(e.updatedBuildConfig).from = E(e.imageOptions.from), "None" === e.imageOptions.to.type ? delete e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.output.to : e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.output.to = E(e.imageOptions.to), b(e.updatedBuildConfig).env = p.compactEntries(e.envVars), D(e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.source, _.head(e.secrets.picked.gitSecret), "sourceSecret"), D(b(e.updatedBuildConfig), _.head(e.secrets.picked.pullSecret), "pullSecret"), D(e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.output, _.head(e.secrets.picked.pushSecret), "pushSecret"), e.strategyType) {
case "Source":
case "Docker":
$(e.updatedBuildConfig.spec.source, e.secrets.picked.sourceSecrets);
@@ -8124,13 +8154,13 @@ g.hideNotification("create-builder-list-config-maps-error"), g.hideNotification(
e.$on("$destroy", N);
-var D = i.getPreferredVersion("configmaps"), A = i.getPreferredVersion("limitranges"), $ = i.getPreferredVersion("imagestreams"), B = i.getPreferredVersion("imagestreamtags"), V = i.getPreferredVersion("secrets"), L = i.getPreferredVersion("resourcequotas"), O = i.getPreferredVersion("appliedclusterresourcequotas");
+var A = i.getPreferredVersion("configmaps"), D = i.getPreferredVersion("limitranges"), $ = i.getPreferredVersion("imagestreams"), B = i.getPreferredVersion("imagestreamtags"), V = i.getPreferredVersion("secrets"), L = i.getPreferredVersion("resourcequotas"), O = i.getPreferredVersion("appliedclusterresourcequotas");
v.get(a.project).then(_.spread(function(t, n) {
e.project = t, a.sourceURI && (e.sourceURIinParams = !0), e.hasClusterResourceOverrides = d.hasClusterResourceOverrides(t);
var i = function() {
e.cpuProblems = d.validatePodLimits(e.limitRanges, "cpu", [ e.container ], t), e.memoryProblems = d.validatePodLimits(e.limitRanges, "memory", [ e.container ], t);
-c.list(A, n).then(function(t) {
+c.list(D, n).then(function(t) {
e.limitRanges = t.by("metadata.name"), _.isEmpty(e.limitRanges) || e.$watch("container", i, !0);
var v, y, C = function() {
@@ -8182,7 +8212,7 @@ return r.buildConfig.sourceUrl === _.get(r, "image.metadata.annotations.sampleRe
e.metricsWarning = !t;
var o = [], i = [];
-e.valueFromObjects = [], c.list(D, n, null, {
+e.valueFromObjects = [], c.list(A, n, null, {
errorNotification: !1
}).then(function(t) {
o = R(t.by("metadata.name")), e.valueFromObjects = o.concat(i);
@@ -9992,9 +10022,9 @@ details: e("getErrorDetails")(n)
function w() {
var e = {
-started: "Creating resources in project " + A(p.input.selectedProject),
-success: "Creating resources in project " + A(p.input.selectedProject),
-failure: "Failed to create some resources in project " + A(p.input.selectedProject)
+started: "Creating resources in project " + D(p.input.selectedProject),
+success: "Creating resources in project " + D(p.input.selectedProject),
+failure: "Failed to create some resources in project " + D(p.input.selectedProject)
}, t = {};
d.add(e, t, p.input.selectedProject.metadata.name, function() {
var e = n.defer();
@@ -10029,9 +10059,9 @@ hasErrors: r
function P() {
var e = {
-started: "Updating resources in project " + A(p.input.selectedProject),
-success: "Updated resources in project " + A(p.input.selectedProject),
-failure: "Failed to update some resources in project " + A(p.input.selectedProject)
+started: "Updating resources in project " + D(p.input.selectedProject),
+success: "Updated resources in project " + D(p.input.selectedProject),
+failure: "Failed to update some resources in project " + D(p.input.selectedProject)
}, t = {};
d.add(e, t, p.input.selectedProject.metadata.name, function() {
var e = n.defer();
@@ -10114,7 +10144,7 @@ type: "error"
}).length ? (_.each(E, function(e) {
e.id = _.uniqueId("from-file-alert-"), c.addNotification(e);
}), p.disableInputs = !1) : E.length ? (R(E), p.disableInputs = !1) : y();
-}, D = function() {
+}, A = function() {
if (_.has(p.input.selectedProject, "metadata.uid")) return n.when(p.input.selectedProject);
var t = p.input.selectedProject.metadata.name, r = p.input.selectedProject.metadata.annotations["new-display-name"], a = e("description")(p.input.selectedProject);
return m.create(t, r, a);
@@ -10129,7 +10159,7 @@ var e = [];
p.errorOccurred = !1, _.forEach(p.resourceList, function(t) {
if (!g(t)) return p.errorOccurred = !0, !1;
-}), D().then(function(t) {
+}), A().then(function(t) {
p.input.selectedProject = t, n.all(e).then(function() {
p.errorOccurred || (1 === p.createResources.length && "Template" === p.resourceList[0].kind ? v() : _.isEmpty(p.updateResources) ? l.getLatestQuotaAlerts(p.createResources, {
namespace: p.input.selectedProject.metadata.name
@@ -10147,7 +10177,7 @@ details: I(e)
}, p.cancel = function() {
T(), s.toProjectOverview(p.input.selectedProject.metadata.name);
-var A = e("displayName");
+var D = e("displayName");
p.$on("importFileFromYAMLOrJSON", p.create), p.$on("$destroy", T);
} ]
@@ -11026,11 +11056,11 @@ _.size(h) <= 100 ? (y = e("orderByDisplayName")(h), T = _.map(y, function(e) {
return n(e, !1);
})) : T = [ n(h[t], !0) ], E.empty(), E.append(T), E.append($('')), E.append($('')), E.selectpicker("refresh");
-}, D = function() {
+}, A = function() {
return f.list().then(function(e) {
h = e.by("metadata.name");
-}, A = function() {
+}, D = function() {
var e = a.project;
if (i.currentProjectName !== e) {
@@ -11047,7 +11077,7 @@ n.all([ r, a ]).then(function() {
i.catalogItems = c.sortCatalogItems(_.concat(t, o));
-}), D().then(function() {
+}), A().then(function() {
i.currentProjectName && h && (h[i.currentProjectName] || (h[i.currentProjectName] = {
metadata: {
name: i.currentProjectName
@@ -11087,7 +11117,7 @@ m.toProjectCatalog(i.currentProjectName, n);
i.closeOrderingPanel = function() {
v.addItem(_.get(i.selectedItem, "resource.metadata.uid")), i.orderingPanelVisible = !1;
-}, A(), i.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", A), E.change(function() {
+}, D(), i.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", D), E.change(function() {
var e = $(this).val(), t = "" === e ? "projects" : g(e);
}), i.$on("$destroy", function() {
@@ -12083,7 +12113,7 @@ Available: "#d1d1d1"
R[t.id] ? R[t.id].load(a) : ((n = B(e)).data = a, r(function() {
-A || (R[t.id] = c3.generate(n));
+D || (R[t.id] = c3.generate(n));
@@ -12099,7 +12129,7 @@ var n, a = c.getSparklineData(t), o = e.chartPrefix + "sparkline";
E[o] ? E[o].load(a) : ((n = V(e)).data = a, e.chartDataColors && (n.color = {
pattern: e.chartDataColors
}), r(function() {
-A || (E[o] = c3.generate(n));
+D || (E[o] = c3.generate(n));
@@ -12110,7 +12140,7 @@ function h() {
return 60 * m.options.timeRange.value * 1e3;
function y() {
-return Math.floor(h() / D) + "ms";
+return Math.floor(h() / A) + "ms";
function b(e, t, n) {
var r, a = {
@@ -12125,12 +12155,12 @@ containerName: e.containerMetric ? m.options.selectedContainer.name : "pod"
}) : null;
function S() {
-A || (L = 0, _.each(m.metrics, function(e) {
+D || (L = 0, _.each(m.metrics, function(e) {
g(e), f(e);
function C(e) {
-if (!A) if (L++, m.noData) m.metricsError = {
+if (!D) if (L++, m.noData) m.metricsError = {
status: _.get(e, "status", 0),
details: _.get(e, "data.errorMsg") || _.get(e, "statusText") || "Status code " + _.get(e, "status", 0)
}; else if (!(L < 2)) {
@@ -12159,7 +12189,7 @@ isNaN(r) && (r = 0), e.convert && (r = e.convert(r)), t.used = d3.round(r, e.usa
function j(e, t) {
m.noData = !1;
var n = _.initial(t.data);
-e.data ? e.data = _.chain(e.data).takeRight(D).concat(n).value() : e.data = n;
+e.data ? e.data = _.chain(e.data).takeRight(A).concat(n).value() : e.data = n;
function k() {
if (w()) {
@@ -12175,7 +12205,7 @@ P(n, a, e);
}), t = t.concat(r), a.all(r).then(function(e) {
-A || angular.forEach(e, function(e) {
+D || angular.forEach(e, function(e) {
e && j(_.find(n.datasets, {
id: e.metricID
}), e);
@@ -12187,7 +12217,7 @@ m.loaded = !0;
m.includedMetrics = m.includedMetrics || [ "cpu", "memory", "network" ];
-var I, R = {}, E = {}, T = n("resources.limits.memory"), N = n("resources.limits.cpu"), D = 30, A = !1;
+var I, R = {}, E = {}, T = n("resources.limits.memory"), N = n("resources.limits.cpu"), A = 30, D = !1;
m.uniqueID = c.uniqueID(), m.metrics = [], _.includes(m.includedMetrics, "memory") && m.metrics.push({
label: "Memory",
units: "MiB",
@@ -12291,7 +12321,7 @@ I && (t.cancel(I), I = null), O && (O(), O = null), angular.forEach(R, function(
}), R = null, angular.forEach(E, function(e) {
-}), E = null, A = !0;
+}), E = null, D = !0;
@@ -12353,7 +12383,7 @@ return e[0];
function u(e) {
P || (N = 0, t.showAverage = _.size(t.pods) > 5 || w, _.each(t.metrics, function(n) {
var r, a = o(e, n), i = n.descriptor;
-w && n.compactCombineWith && (i = n.compactCombineWith, n.lastValue && (T[i].lastValue = (T[i].lastValue || 0) + n.lastValue)), S[i] ? (S[i].load(a), t.showAverage ? S[i].legend.hide() : S[i].legend.show()) : ((r = D(n)).data = a, S[i] = c3.generate(r));
+w && n.compactCombineWith && (i = n.compactCombineWith, n.lastValue && (T[i].lastValue = (T[i].lastValue || 0) + n.lastValue)), S[i] ? (S[i].load(a), t.showAverage ? S[i].legend.hide() : S[i].legend.show()) : ((r = A(n)).data = a, S[i] = c3.generate(r));
function d() {
@@ -12483,7 +12513,7 @@ t.metricsURL = e;
}), t.options = {
rangeOptions: s.getTimeRangeOptions()
}, t.options.timeRange = _.head(t.options.rangeOptions), t.options.selectedContainer = _.head(t.containers);
-var D = function(e) {
+var A = function(e) {
var n = s.getDefaultSparklineConfig(e.chartID, e.units, w);
return _.set(n, "legend.show", !w && !t.showAverage), n;
@@ -12492,21 +12522,21 @@ I = {}, j = null, delete t.metricsError, y();
}, !0), b = e(y, s.getDefaultUpdateInterval(), !1), t.updateInView = function(e) {
R = !e, e && (!k || Date.now() > k + s.getDefaultUpdateInterval()) && y();
-var A = a.$on("metrics.charts.resize", function() {
+var D = a.$on("metrics.charts.resize", function() {
t.$on("$destroy", function() {
-b && (e.cancel(b), b = null), A && (A(), A = null), angular.forEach(S, function(e) {
+b && (e.cancel(b), b = null), D && (D(), D = null), angular.forEach(S, function(e) {
}), S = null, P = !0;
-} ]), angular.module("openshiftConsole").directive("logViewer", [ "$sce", "$timeout", "$window", "$filter", "$q", "AuthService", "APIService", "APIDiscovery", "DataService", "HTMLService", "ModalsService", "logLinks", "BREAKPOINTS", function(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, c, l, u, d) {
-var m = $(window), p = $('
').get(0), f = function(e, t) {
-var n = p.cloneNode(!0);
+} ]), angular.module("openshiftConsole").directive("logViewer", [ "$sce", "$timeout", "$window", "$filter", "$q", "AggregatedLoggingService", "APIService", "APIDiscovery", "AuthService", "DataService", "HTMLService", "ModalsService", "logLinks", "BREAKPOINTS", function(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, c, l, u, d, m) {
+var p = $(window), f = $('
').get(0), g = function(e, t) {
+var n = f.cloneNode(!0);
n.firstChild.setAttribute("data-line-number", e);
-var r = ansi_up.escape_for_html(t), a = ansi_up.ansi_to_html(r), o = l.linkify(a, "_blank", !0);
+var r = ansi_up.escape_for_html(t), a = ansi_up.ansi_to_html(r), o = u.linkify(a, "_blank", !0);
return n.lastChild.innerHTML = o, n;
return {
@@ -12525,70 +12555,70 @@ chromeless: "=?",
empty: "=?",
run: "=?"
-controller: [ "$scope", function(t) {
-var o, l, u, p = document.documentElement;
-t.logViewerID = _.uniqueId("log-viewer"), t.empty = !0;
-var g, v;
-"ReplicationController" === t.object.kind ? (g = "deploymentconfigs/log", v = r("annotation")(t.object, "deploymentConfig")) : (g = i.kindToResource(t.object.kind) + "/log", v = t.object.metadata.name);
+controller: [ "$scope", function(e) {
+var t, c, u, d = document.documentElement;
+e.logViewerID = _.uniqueId("log-viewer"), e.empty = !0;
+var f, v;
+"ReplicationController" === e.object.kind ? (f = "deploymentconfigs/log", v = r("annotation")(e.object, "deploymentConfig")) : (f = i.kindToResource(e.object.kind) + "/log", v = e.object.metadata.name);
var h, y = function() {
-t.$apply(function() {
-var e = o.getBoundingClientRect();
-t.fixedHeight ? t.showScrollLinks = e && e.height > t.fixedHeight : t.showScrollLinks = e && (e.top < 0 || e.bottom > p.clientHeight);
+e.$apply(function() {
+var n = t.getBoundingClientRect();
+e.fixedHeight ? e.showScrollLinks = n && n.height > e.fixedHeight : e.showScrollLinks = n && (n.top < 0 || n.bottom > d.clientHeight);
}, b = !1, S = function() {
-b ? b = !1 : t.$evalAsync(function() {
-t.autoScrollActive = !1;
+b ? b = !1 : e.$evalAsync(function() {
+e.autoScrollActive = !1;
}, C = function() {
-l ? $(l).on("scroll", S) : m.on("scroll", S);
+c ? $(c).on("scroll", S) : p.on("scroll", S);
}, w = function() {
-t.fixedHeight || u.affix({
+e.fixedHeight || u.affix({
target: window,
offset: {
-top: t.followAffixTop || 0
+top: e.followAffixTop || 0
}, P = function() {
-return $("#" + t.logViewerID + " .log-view-output");
-}, j = function(e) {
+return $("#" + e.logViewerID + " .log-view-output");
+}, j = function(t) {
var n = P(), r = n.offset().top;
if (!(r < 0)) {
-var a = $(".ellipsis-pulser").outerHeight(!0), o = t.fixedHeight ? t.fixedHeight : Math.floor($(window).height() - r - a);
-t.chromeless || t.fixedHeight || (o -= 40), e ? n.animate({
+var a = $(".ellipsis-pulser").outerHeight(!0), o = e.fixedHeight ? e.fixedHeight : Math.floor($(window).height() - r - a);
+e.chromeless || e.fixedHeight || (o -= 40), t ? n.animate({
"min-height": o + "px"
-}, "fast") : n.css("min-height", o + "px"), t.fixedHeight && n.css("max-height", o);
+}, "fast") : n.css("min-height", o + "px"), e.fixedHeight && n.css("max-height", o);
}, k = function() {
if (!h) {
-var e = function() {
-clearInterval(h), h = null, t.$evalAsync(function() {
-t.sized = !0;
+var t = function() {
+clearInterval(h), h = null, e.$evalAsync(function() {
+e.sized = !0;
}, n = 0;
h = setInterval(function() {
-n > 10 ? e() : (n++, P().is(":visible") && (j(), e()));
+n > 10 ? t() : (n++, P().is(":visible") && (j(), t()));
}, 100);
}, I = _.debounce(function() {
j(!0), y(), S();
}, 100);
-m.on("resize", I);
+p.on("resize", I);
var R, E = function() {
-b = !0, d.scrollBottom(l);
+b = !0, m.scrollBottom(c);
}, T = document.createDocumentFragment(), N = _.debounce(function() {
-o.appendChild(T), T = document.createDocumentFragment(), t.autoScrollActive && E(), t.showScrollLinks || y();
+t.appendChild(T), T = document.createDocumentFragment(), e.autoScrollActive && E(), e.showScrollLinks || y();
}, 100, {
maxWait: 300
-}), D = function(e) {
-var t = a.defer();
+}), A = function(e) {
+var n = a.defer();
return R ? (R.onClose(function() {
-}), R.stop()) : t.resolve(), e || (N.cancel(), o && (o.innerHTML = ""), T = document.createDocumentFragment()), t.promise;
-}, A = function() {
-D().then(function() {
-t.$evalAsync(function() {
-if (t.run) {
-angular.extend(t, {
+}), R.stop()) : n.resolve(), e || (N.cancel(), t && (t.innerHTML = ""), T = document.createDocumentFragment()), n.promise;
+}, D = function() {
+A().then(function() {
+e.$evalAsync(function() {
+if (e.run) {
+angular.extend(e, {
loading: !0,
autoScrollActive: !0,
largeLog: !1,
@@ -12596,87 +12626,89 @@ limitReached: !1,
showScrollLinks: !1,
state: ""
-var e = angular.extend({
+var t = angular.extend({
follow: !0,
tailLines: 5e3,
limitBytes: 10485760
-}, t.options), n = 0, r = "", a = function(e) {
+}, e.options), n = 0, r = "", a = function(e) {
return /\n$/.test(e);
}, o = function(e) {
return e.match(/^.*(\n|$)/gm);
}, i = function(e) {
var t = r + e;
-a(e) ? (r = "", n++, T.appendChild(f(n, t)), N()) : r = t;
+a(e) ? (r = "", n++, T.appendChild(g(n, t)), N()) : r = t;
}, s = function(e) {
var t = o(e);
_.each(t, i);
-(R = c.createStream(g, v, t.context, e)).onMessage(function(r, a, o) {
-t.$evalAsync(function() {
-t.empty = !1, "logs" !== t.state && (t.state = "logs", k());
-}), r && (e.limitBytes && o >= e.limitBytes && (t.$evalAsync(function() {
-t.limitReached = !0, t.loading = !1;
-}), D(!0)), s(r), !t.largeLog && n >= e.tailLines && t.$evalAsync(function() {
-t.largeLog = !0;
+(R = l.createStream(f, v, e.context, t)).onMessage(function(r, a, o) {
+e.$evalAsync(function() {
+e.empty = !1, "logs" !== e.state && (e.state = "logs", k());
+}), r && (t.limitBytes && o >= t.limitBytes && (e.$evalAsync(function() {
+e.limitReached = !0, e.loading = !1;
+}), A(!0)), s(r), !e.largeLog && n >= t.tailLines && e.$evalAsync(function() {
+e.largeLog = !0;
}), R.onClose(function() {
-R = null, t.$evalAsync(function() {
-t.loading = !1, t.autoScrollActive = !1, 0 !== n || t.emptyStateMessage || (t.state = "empty", t.emptyStateMessage = "The logs are no longer available or could not be loaded.");
+R = null, e.$evalAsync(function() {
+e.loading = !1, e.autoScrollActive = !1, 0 !== n || e.emptyStateMessage || (e.state = "empty", e.emptyStateMessage = "The logs are no longer available or could not be loaded.");
}), R.onError(function() {
-R = null, t.$evalAsync(function() {
-angular.extend(t, {
+R = null, e.$evalAsync(function() {
+angular.extend(e, {
loading: !1,
autoScrollActive: !1
-}), 0 === n ? (t.state = "empty", t.emptyStateMessage = "The logs are no longer available or could not be loaded.") : t.errorWhileRunning = !0;
+}), 0 === n ? (e.state = "empty", e.emptyStateMessage = "The logs are no longer available or could not be loaded.") : e.errorWhileRunning = !0;
}), R.start();
-if (s.getLoggingURL(t.context.project).then(function(a) {
-var o = _.get(t.context, "project.metadata.name"), i = _.get(t.options, "container");
-o && i && v && a && t.$watchGroup([ "context.project.metadata.name", "options.container", "name" ], function() {
-angular.extend(t, {
-kibanaArchiveUrl: e.trustAsResourceUrl(d.archiveUri({
-baseURL: a,
-namespace: t.context.project.metadata.name,
-namespaceUid: t.context.project.metadata.uid,
+if (s.getLoggingURL(e.context.project).then(function(t) {
+var a = _.get(e.context, "project.metadata.name"), i = _.get(e.options, "container");
+a && i && v && t && o.isOperationsUser().then(function(a) {
+e.$watchGroup([ "context.project.metadata.name", "options.container", "name" ], function() {
+angular.extend(e, {
+kibanaArchiveUrl: m.archiveUri({
+baseURL: t,
+namespace: e.context.project.metadata.name,
+namespaceUid: e.context.project.metadata.uid,
podname: v,
-containername: t.options.container,
+containername: e.options.container,
backlink: URI.encode(n.location.href)
-}, r("annotation")(t.context.project, "loggingDataPrefix")))
+}, r("annotation")(e.context.project, "loggingDataPrefix"), a)
}), this.cacheScrollableNode = function(e) {
-l = e;
+c = e;
}, this.cacheLogNode = function(e) {
-o = e;
+t = e;
}, this.cacheAffixable = function(e) {
u = $(e);
}, this.start = function() {
C(), w();
-}, angular.extend(t, {
+}, angular.extend(e, {
ready: !0,
loading: !0,
autoScrollActive: !0,
state: !1,
onScrollBottom: function() {
onScrollTop: function() {
-t.autoScrollActive = !1, d.scrollTop(l), $("#" + t.logViewerID + "-affixedFollow").affix("checkPosition");
+e.autoScrollActive = !1, m.scrollTop(c), $("#" + e.logViewerID + "-affixedFollow").affix("checkPosition");
toggleAutoScroll: function() {
-t.autoScrollActive = !t.autoScrollActive, t.autoScrollActive && E();
+e.autoScrollActive = !e.autoScrollActive, e.autoScrollActive && E();
-goChromeless: d.chromelessLink,
-restartLogs: A
-}), t.$on("$destroy", function() {
-D(), m.off("resize", I), m.off("scroll", S), l && $(l).off("scroll", S);
-}), "deploymentconfigs/logs" === g && !v) return t.state = "empty", void (t.emptyStateMessage = "Logs are not available for this replication controller because it was not generated from a deployment configuration.");
-t.$watchGroup([ "name", "options.container", "run" ], A);
+goChromeless: m.chromelessLink,
+restartLogs: D
+}), e.$on("$destroy", function() {
+A(), p.off("resize", I), p.off("scroll", S), c && $(c).off("scroll", S);
+}), "deploymentconfigs/logs" === f && !v) return e.state = "empty", void (e.emptyStateMessage = "Logs are not available for this replication controller because it was not generated from a deployment configuration.");
+e.$watchGroup([ "name", "options.container", "run" ], D);
} ],
require: "logViewer",
link: function(e, n, r, a) {
@@ -12690,7 +12722,7 @@ type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
saveAs(a, r);
e.canSave = !!new Blob(), e.saveLog = function() {
-e.largeLog ? u.confirmSaveLog(e.object).then(o) : o();
+e.largeLog ? d.confirmSaveLog(e.object).then(o) : o();
@@ -14874,7 +14906,7 @@ cancelButtonText: "Cancel"
-}, D = function(e) {
+}, A = function(e) {
b = e.quotaAlerts || [];
var t = _.filter(b, {
type: "error"
@@ -14891,7 +14923,7 @@ namespace: n.input.selectedProject.metadata.name
}), i = function(e) {
return n.nameTaken = e.nameTaken, r;
-t.then(i, i).then(D, D);
+t.then(i, i).then(A, A);
}, function(e) {
n.disableInputs = !1, "AlreadyExists" === e.data.reason ? n.projectNameTaken = !0 : l.addNotification({
id: "deploy-image-create-project-error",
@@ -15363,7 +15395,7 @@ namespace: e.namespace
S[a.project] && delete S[a.project][e.uid], b[a.project] && delete b[a.project][e.uid], E(e);
}, N = function() {
b[a.project] = {}, S[a.project] = {};
-}, D = function(e) {
+}, A = function(e) {
return _.reduce(e, function(e, t) {
return e[t.metadata.uid] = {
actions: null,
@@ -15376,7 +15408,7 @@ firstTimestamp: t.firstTimestamp,
event: t
}, e;
}, {});
-}, A = function(e) {
+}, D = function(e) {
return _.reduce(e, function(e, t) {
return u.isImportantAPIEvent(t) && !u.isCleared(t.metadata.uid) && (e[t.metadata.uid] = t), e;
}, {});
@@ -15398,7 +15430,7 @@ m && (l.unwatch(m), m = null);
}, U = function() {
d && d(), d = null;
}, F = function(e) {
-b[a.project] = D(A(e.by("metadata.name"))), V();
+b[a.project] = A(D(e.by("metadata.name"))), V();
}, x = function(e, t) {
var n = t.namespace || a.project, r = t.id ? n + "/" + t.id : _.uniqueId("notification_") + Date.now();
t.showInDrawer && !u.isCleared(r) && (S[n] = S[n] || {}, S[n][r] = {
@@ -16683,8 +16715,8 @@ a.addSearch(e);
}), r.open(a.toString(), "_blank");
-archiveUri: function(e, t) {
-return t = t || "project." + e.namespace + "." + e.namespaceUid, e.index = t + ".*", "/" !== e.baseURL.substr(-1) && (e.baseURL += "/"), a(e);
+archiveUri: function(e, t, n) {
+return !n || t && !t.startsWith("project.") || (t = "project"), t = t || "project." + e.namespace + "." + e.namespaceUid, e.index = t + ".*", "/" !== e.baseURL.substr(-1) && (e.baseURL += "/"), a(e);
} ]), angular.module("javaLinkExtension", [ "openshiftConsole" ]).run([ "AuthService", "BaseHref", "DataService", "extensionRegistry", function(e, t, n, r) {
diff --git a/dist/scripts/templates.js b/dist/scripts/templates.js
index 61e1a25f36..1ac18cd2ac 100644
--- a/dist/scripts/templates.js
+++ b/dist/scripts/templates.js
@@ -7751,14 +7751,8 @@ angular.module('openshiftConsoleTemplates', []).run(['$templateCache', function(