The {mtc-full} ({mtc-short}) enables you to migrate stateful application workloads between {product-title} 4 clusters at the granularity of a namespace.
If you are migrating from {product-title} 3, see About migrating from {product-title} 3 to 4 and Installing the legacy {mtc-full} Operator on {product-title} 3. |
You can migrate applications within the same cluster or between clusters by using state migration.
{mtc-short} provides a web console and an API, based on Kubernetes custom resources, to help you control the migration and minimize application downtime.
The {mtc-short} console is installed on the target cluster by default. You can configure the {mtc-full} Operator to install the console on a remote cluster.
See Advanced migration options for information about the following topics:
Automating your migration with migration hooks and the {mtc-short} API.
Configuring your migration plan to exclude resources, support large-scale migrations, and enable automatic PV resizing for direct volume migration.