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Building a Go-based Operator using the Operator SDK

The Operator SDK makes it easier to build Kubernetes native applications, a process that can require deep, application-specific operational knowledge. The SDK not only lowers that barrier, but it also helps reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed for many common management capabilities, such as metering or monitoring.

This procedure walks through an example of building a simple Memcached Operator using tools and libraries provided by the SDK.

  • Operator SDK CLI installed on the development workstation

  • Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) installed on a Kubernetes-based cluster (v1.8 or above to support the apps/v1beta2 API group), for example {product-title} {product-version}

  • Access to the cluster using an account with cluster-admin permissions

  • OpenShift CLI (oc) v{product-version}+ installed

  1. Create a new project.

    Use the CLI to create a new memcached-operator project:

    $ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
    $ cd $GOPATH/src/
    $ operator-sdk new memcached-operator
    $ cd memcached-operator
  2. Add a new Custom Resource Definition (CRD).

    1. Use the CLI to add a new CRD API called Memcached, with APIVersion set to and Kind set to Memcached:

      $ operator-sdk add api \

      This scaffolds the Memcached resource API under pkg/apis/cache/v1alpha1/.

    2. Modify the spec and status of the Memcached Custom Resource (CR) at the pkg/apis/cache/v1alpha1/memcached_types.go file:

      type MemcachedSpec struct {
      	// Size is the size of the memcached deployment
      	Size int32 `json:"size"`
      type MemcachedStatus struct {
      	// Nodes are the names of the memcached pods
      	Nodes []string `json:"nodes"`
    3. After modifying the *_types.go file, always run the following command to update the generated code for that resource type:

      $ operator-sdk generate k8s
  3. Optional: Add custom validation to your CRD.

    OpenAPI v3.0 schemas are added to CRD manifests in the spec.validation block when the manifests are generated. This validation block allows Kubernetes to validate the properties in a Memcached CR when it is created or updated.

    Additionally, a pkg/apis/<group>/<version>/zz_generated.openapi.go file is generated. This file contains the Go representation of this validation block if the +k8s:openapi-gen=true annotation is present above the Kind type declaration, which is present by default. This auto-generated code is your Go Kind type’s OpenAPI model, from which you can create a full OpenAPI Specification and generate a client.

    As an Operator author, you can use Kubebuilder markers (annotations) to configure custom validations for your API. These markers must always have a +kubebuilder:validation prefix. For example, adding an enum-type specification can be done by adding the following marker:

    // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Lion;Wolf;Dragon
    type Alias string

    Usage of markers in API code is discussed in the Kubebuilder Generating CRDs and Markers for Config/Code Generation documentation. A full list of OpenAPIv3 validation markers is also available in the Kubebuilder CRD Validation documentation.

    If you add any custom validations, run the following command to update the OpenAPI validation section in the CRD’s deploy/crds/cache.example.com_memcacheds_crd.yaml file:

    $ operator-sdk generate crds
    Example generated YAML
                  format: int32
                  type: integer
  4. Add a new Controller.

    1. Add a new Controller to the project to watch and reconcile the Memcached resource:

      $ operator-sdk add controller \

      This scaffolds a new Controller implementation under pkg/controller/memcached/.

    2. For this example, replace the generated controller file pkg/controller/memcached/memcached_controller.go with the example implementation.

      The example controller executes the following reconciliation logic for each Memcached CR:

      • Create a Memcached Deployment if it does not exist.

      • Ensure that the Deployment size is the same as specified by the Memcached CR spec.

      • Update the Memcached CR status with the names of the Memcached Pods.

      The next two sub-steps inspect how the Controller watches resources and how the reconcile loop is triggered. You can skip these steps to go directly to building and running the Operator.

    3. Inspect the Controller implementation at the pkg/controller/memcached/memcached_controller.go file to see how the Controller watches resources.

      The first watch is for the Memcached type as the primary resource. For each Add, Update, or Delete event, the reconcile loop is sent a reconcile Request (a <namespace>:<name> key) for that Memcached object:

      err := c.Watch(
        &source.Kind{Type: &cachev1alpha1.Memcached{}}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForObject{})

      The next watch is for Deployments, but the event handler maps each event to a reconcile Request for the owner of the Deployment. In this case, this is the Memcached object for which the Deployment was created. This allows the controller to watch Deployments as a secondary resource:

      err := c.Watch(&source.Kind{Type: &appsv1.Deployment{}}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForOwner{
      		IsController: true,
      		OwnerType:    &cachev1alpha1.Memcached{},
    4. Every Controller has a Reconciler object with a Reconcile() method that implements the reconcile loop. The reconcile loop is passed the Request argument which is a <namespace>:<name> key used to lookup the primary resource object, Memcached, from the cache:

      func (r *ReconcileMemcached) Reconcile(request reconcile.Request) (reconcile.Result, error) {
        // Lookup the Memcached instance for this reconcile request
        memcached := &cachev1alpha1.Memcached{}
        err := r.client.Get(context.TODO(), request.NamespacedName, memcached)

      Based on the return value of Reconcile() the reconcile Request may be requeued and the loop may be triggered again:

      // Reconcile successful - don't requeue
      return reconcile.Result{}, nil
      // Reconcile failed due to error - requeue
      return reconcile.Result{}, err
      // Requeue for any reason other than error
      return reconcile.Result{Requeue: true}, nil
  5. Build and run the Operator.

    1. Before running the Operator, the CRD must be registered with the Kubernetes API server:

      $ oc create \
          -f deploy/crds/cache_v1alpha1_memcached_crd.yaml
    2. After registering the CRD, there are two options for running the Operator:

      • As a Deployment inside a Kubernetes cluster

      • As Go program outside a cluster

      Choose one of the following methods.

      1. Option A: Running as a Deployment inside the cluster.

        1. Build the memcached-operator image and push it to a registry:

          $ operator-sdk build
        2. The Deployment manifest is generated at deploy/operator.yaml. Update the Deployment image as follows since the default is just a placeholder:

          $ sed -i 's|REPLACE_IMAGE||g' deploy/operator.yaml
        3. Ensure you have an account on for the next step, or substitute your preferred container registry. On the registry, create a new public image repository named memcached-operator.

        4. Push the image to the registry:

          $ podman push
        5. Setup RBAC and deploy memcached-operator:

          $ oc create -f deploy/role.yaml
          $ oc create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
          $ oc create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
          $ oc create -f deploy/operator.yaml
        6. Verify that memcached-operator is up and running:

          $ oc get deployment
          NAME                     DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
          memcached-operator       1         1         1            1           1m
      2. Option B: Running locally outside the cluster.

        This method is preferred during development cycle to deploy and test faster.

        Run the Operator locally with the default Kubernetes configuration file present at $HOME/.kube/config:

        $ operator-sdk run --local --namespace=default

        You can use a specific kubeconfig using the flag --kubeconfig=<path/to/kubeconfig>.

  6. Verify that the Operator can deploy a Memcached application by creating a Memcached CR.

    1. Create the example Memcached CR that was generated at deploy/crds/cache_v1alpha1_memcached_cr.yaml:

      $ cat deploy/crds/cache_v1alpha1_memcached_cr.yaml
      apiVersion: ""
      kind: "Memcached"
        name: "example-memcached"
        size: 3
      $ oc apply -f deploy/crds/cache_v1alpha1_memcached_cr.yaml
    2. Ensure that memcached-operator creates the Deployment for the CR:

      $ oc get deployment
      NAME                     DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      memcached-operator       1         1         1            1           2m
      example-memcached        3         3         3            3           1m
    3. Check the Pods and CR status to confirm the status is updated with the memcached Pod names:

      $ oc get pods
      NAME                                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      example-memcached-6fd7c98d8-7dqdr     1/1       Running   0          1m
      example-memcached-6fd7c98d8-g5k7v     1/1       Running   0          1m
      example-memcached-6fd7c98d8-m7vn7     1/1       Running   0          1m
      memcached-operator-7cc7cfdf86-vvjqk   1/1       Running   0          2m
      $ oc get memcached/example-memcached -o yaml
      kind: Memcached
        clusterName: ""
        creationTimestamp: 2018-03-31T22:51:08Z
        generation: 0
        name: example-memcached
        namespace: default
        resourceVersion: "245453"
        selfLink: /apis/
        uid: 0026cc97-3536-11e8-bd83-0800274106a1
        size: 3
        - example-memcached-6fd7c98d8-7dqdr
        - example-memcached-6fd7c98d8-g5k7v
        - example-memcached-6fd7c98d8-m7vn7
  7. Verify that the Operator can manage a deployed Memcached application by updating the size of the deployment.

    1. Change the spec.size field in the memcached CR from 3 to 4:

      $ cat deploy/crds/cache_v1alpha1_memcached_cr.yaml
      apiVersion: ""
      kind: "Memcached"
        name: "example-memcached"
        size: 4
    2. Apply the change:

      $ oc apply -f deploy/crds/cache_v1alpha1_memcached_cr.yaml
    3. Confirm that the Operator changes the Deployment size:

      $ oc get deployment
      example-memcached    4         4         4            4           5m
  8. Clean up the resources:

    $ oc delete -f deploy/crds/cache_v1alpha1_memcached_cr.yaml
    $ oc delete -f deploy/crds/cache_v1alpha1_memcached_crd.yaml
    $ oc delete -f deploy/operator.yaml
    $ oc delete -f deploy/role.yaml
    $ oc delete -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
    $ oc delete -f deploy/service_account.yaml
Additional resources