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File metadata and controls

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ClusterDeployment status conditions

The best way of gathering the initial information about the cluster would be to look at the clusterdeployment.status.conditions[]. Hive always attempts to bubble up the errors as a part of the relevant condition.reason and condition.message There are 20+ clusterdeployment conditions, so to make parsing easier, these conditions are always sorted in undesired > desired > initialized/unknown state. This means, all the conditions which indicate a status that could potentially point at an error will be at the top. Furthermore, within the 3 subtypes, all conditions will also be sorted in alphabetical order of their condition.type

Cluster Install fails

In the event of Cluster install failing:

  • RequirementsMet condition set as true would indicate that all pre-provision requirements have been met
  • ProvisionFailed condition would indicate if the provision has failed. Installer logs will be available in the hive container of the related clusterProvision pod. For logs from the cluster itself, see Cluster Install Failure Logs
  • ProvisionStopped set to true will indicate that a provision will no longer be attempted.


For clusters that do support hibernation, Hibernating and Ready conditions work in tandem to report the accurate status when the cluster is transitioning from one powerState to another. In case the transition is taking too long, look at the clusterDeployment.status.powerState as well as the reason+message of these conditions. Note: when the cluster is hibernating, the Unreachable condition is expected to be set to true.

Cluster Install Failure Logs

When cluster installation fails, the logs from the openshift-install process are often the best place to start triaging what went wrong. Each install attempt is run in a pod in the same namespace as the ClusterDeployment. You can use a filter like -l to find such pods, and run oc logs as usual. S3

If configured, logs from failed installations are stored in an S3 compatible object store under a directory created for each cluster provision. If the install succeeds on the first attempt, then nothing will be stored. If the install has had any errors that cause an install log to be created, then it will uploaded to the configured object store.


In order for Hive to gather and upload install logs on cluster provision failure, the object store must have a place for Hive to store data and Hive must be configured with the object store information. See this section for setup details.

Listing stored install logs directories

The logs gathered from the cluster can be accessed with the script found in the Hive git repository.

In order to sync down the correct install logs, it is necessary to know which directory to sync. This can be determined by listing the install log directories with the following command:

$ hack/ ls

Retrieving stored install logs for a specific cluster provision

To sync down the desired install logs, run the following command using the directory name determined in the command above. In this example, cluster1-6a85a345-namespace is used as an example directory name:

$ hack/ sync cluster1-6a85a345-namespace /path/to/store/the/logs


After deleting your cluster deployment you will see an uninstall job created. If for any reason this job gets stuck you can:

  1. Delete the uninstall job. It will be recreated and tried again.
  2. Manually delete the uninstall finalizer allowing the cluster deployment to be deleted, but note that this may leave artifacts in your AWS account.
  3. You can manually run the uninstall code with hiveutil to delete AWS resources based on their tags.
    • Run make build
    • Get your cluster tag i.e. infraID from the following command output.
      $ oc get cd ${CLUSTER_NAME} -o jsonpath='{ .status.infraID }'
    • In case your cluster deployment is not available, you can find the tag in AWS console on any object from that cluster.
    • Run following command to deprovision artifacts in the AWS.
      $ bin/hiveutil aws-tag-deprovision --loglevel=debug<infraID>=owned<infraID>=owned


Common problems with ClusterPools may manifest as:

  • ClusterPool.Status counts (Size, Ready, Standby) stay at zero, or do not reach their expected values in steady state. (It is normal for these to fluctuate with activity such as incoming ClusterClaims.)
  • ClusterClaims sit forever without getting fulfilled.
  • ClusterPool-owned ClusterDeployments are being quickly replaced without the usual impetus of being claimed and released.

Most often such problems are the result of failed provisions. Because the ClusterPool controller will automatically deprovision and replace failed ClusterDeployments, you will need to catch one in action.

You can discover all the ClusterDeployments associated with a ClusterPool in several ways, including via labels. For example, if you only have one ClusterPool named mypool:

$ oc get cd -A -l

If you have ClusterPools with the same name in different namespaces, you can disambiguate:

$ oc get cd -A -l,

Once you find a namespace with a provision pod in Error state, you can look for provision error logs as described above.

Common Issues

Frequently seen causes of ClusterPool cluster installation failures include:

  • Incorrect configuration in the install-config.yaml in the Secret referenced by ClusterPool.Spec.InstallConfigSecretTemplateRef.
  • Invalid credentials and/or certificates in the Secret(s) referenced under ClusterPool.Spec.Platform.
  • Cloud quota or API rate limit exceeded. If you can't (or don't want to) fix these on the cloud side, consider adjusting settings in ClusterPool.Spec:
    • MaxSize is the total number of clusters managed by the pool, including claimed clusters. Your cloud quotas must be able to accommodate resources for this many clusters.
    • MaxConcurrent controls the number of operations (provisions + deprovisions) that the controller will perform simultaneously. If you are being rate limited, you may need to decrease this setting.

When troubleshooting quota or rate limiting issues, also consider that these are often scoped to an entire region or account. Do you have multiple ClusterPools using (credentials for) the same cloud account?


To diagnose a hiveadmission failure, try running the operation directly against the registered hiveadmission API server.

For instance, try this:

# oc create --raw /apis/ -f config/samples/hiveadmission-review-failure.json -v 8 | jq

Cluster's API Certificate Changed

When the API certificate of a Hive managed cluster changes, and is signed by a different certificate authority, this can result in the cluster becoming unreachable as denoted by the unreachabe condition within ClusterDeployment status. If your cluster is unreachable and you are seeing x509: certificate signed by unknown authority within a ClusterDeployments' unreachable condition message then the API certificate of the cluster has likely changed.

Hive uses a kubeconfig (a secret referenced from the ClusterDeployment object as cd.spec.clusterMetadata.adminKubeconfigSecretRef) to communicate with managed clusters. The kubeconfig is generated by the installer and contains the certificate authority which was used to sign the cluster's API server cerficiate.

To restore Hive communication with the cluster we will need to ensure that the certificate authority (full chain) of the new API server certificate has been added to "certificate-authority-data" within the kubeconfig referenced by the ClusterDeployment.

In all cases, you will need the certificate authority (CA) file for your new API certificate in standard PEM format. It should look something like this; multiple BEGIN/END CERTIFICATE sections may denote a full trust chain of multiple certificate authorities which will be needed for subsequent steps.

$ cat new-ca-certificate.pem
<base64 encoded certificate blob>
<potentially more base64 encoded certificate blobs>

Updating Certificate Authorities within the Admin Kubeconfig Secret

The CA certificate used to sign the new API certificate must be added to the kubeconfig, alongside or replacing any existing certificates. Start by inspecting your current kubeconfig:

$ export MY_KUBECONFIG_NAME=$(oc get cd $CLUSTERNAME -o "jsonpath={}")
$ oc extract secret/$MY_KUBECONFIG_NAME --keys=kubeconfig --to=- > my-kubeconfig-file
$ cat my-kubeconfig-file
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: <base64 encoded blob>
    server: https://api.<your cluster>.<your domain>:6443
  name: <your cluster>

The field certificate-authority-data is what needs to be updated. When base64 decoded, it looks something like this:

$ echo <base64 encoded blob> | base64 --decode > decoded-existing-certs.pem
$ cat decoded-existing-certs.pem
<base64 encoded certificate blob>
<potentially more base64 encoded certificate blobs>

Concatenate your new CA certificate with the existing decoded CA certificates:

$ cat decoded-existing-certs.pem new-ca-certificate.pem | openssl base64 -A

Copy the contents of this new base64 encoded blob and use it to replace the certificate-authority-data field in your kubeconfig. After the kubeconfig file is ready, patch your cluster to use the new kubeconfig:

$ oc patch secret $MY_KUBECONFIG_NAME --type='json' -p="[{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/data/kubeconfig', 'value': '$(openssl base64 -A -in my-updated-kubeconfig-file)'},{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/data/raw-kubeconfig', 'value': '$(openssl base64 -A -in my-updated-kubeconfig-file)'}]"

Setting a new CA certificate globally on the managing cluster with hiveconfig

Hive can use its own configuration file to configure an additional CA certificate which will be added to kubeconfigs referenced by ALL ClusterDeployments. Use the hack/ script to accomplish this:

$ hack/ new-ca-certificate.pem

Note that this technique will replace any existing additional CA certificates that Hive currently is using. If you wish to add your new CA to the existing additional CA, you must merge the new and old CAs together:

$ oc extract secret/additional-ca -n hive --to=- | base64 --decode > old-ca-certificate.pem
$ cat old-ca-certificate.pem new-ca-certificate.pem > combined-ca-certificates.pem
$ hack/ combined-ca-certificates.pem