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Saved Object Migrations

Migrations are the mechanism by which saved object indices are kept up to date with the OpenSearch Dashboards system. Plugin authors write their plugins to work with a certain set of mappings, and documents of a certain shape. Migrations ensure that the index actually conforms to those expectations.

Migrating the index

When OpenSearch Dashboards boots, prior to serving any requests, it performs a check to see if the opensearch-dashboards index needs to be migrated.

  • If there are out of date docs, or mapping changes, or the current index is not aliased, the index is migrated.
  • If the OpenSearch Dashboards index does not exist, it is created.

All of this happens prior to OpenSearch Dashboards serving any http requests.

Here is the gist of what happens if an index migration is necessary:

  • If .opensearch_dashboards (or whatever the OpenSearch Dashboards index is named) is not an alias, it will be converted to one:
    • Reindex .opensearch_dashboards into .opensearch_dashboards_1
    • Delete .opensearch_dashboards
    • Create an alias .opensearch_dashboards that points to .opensearch_dashboards_1
  • Create a .opensearch_dashboards_2 index
  • Copy all documents from .opensearch_dashboards_1 into .opensearch_dashboards_2, running them through any applicable migrations
  • Point the .opensearch_dashboards alias to .opensearch_dashboards_2

Migrating OpenSearch Dashboards clusters

If OpenSearch Dashboards is being run in a cluster, migrations will be coordinated so that they only run on one OpenSearch Dashboards instance at a time. This is done in a fairly rudimentary way. Let's say we have two OpenSearch Dashboards instances, opensearch-dashboards-1 and opensearch-dashboards-2.

  • opensearch-dashboards-1 and opensearch-dashboards-2 both start simultaneously and detect that the index requires migration
  • opensearch-dashboards-1 begins the migration and creates index .opensearch_dashboards_4
  • opensearch-dashboards-2 tries to begin the migration, but fails with the error .opensearch_dashboards_4 already exists
  • opensearch-dashboards-2 logs that it failed to create the migration index, and instead begins polling
    • Every few seconds, opensearch-dashboards-2 instance checks the .opensearch_dashboards index to see if it is done migrating
    • Once .opensearch_dashboards is determined to be up to date, the opensearch-dashboards-2 instance continues booting

In this example, if the .opensearch_dashboards_4 index existed prior to OpenSearch Dashboards booting, the entire migration process will fail, as all OpenSearch Dashboards instances will assume another instance is migrating to the .opensearch_dashboards_4 index. This problem is only fixable by deleting the .opensearch_dashboards_4 index.

Import / export

If a user attempts to import FanciPlugin 1.0 documents into a OpenSearch Dashboards system that is running FanciPlugin 2.0, those documents will be migrated prior to being persisted in the OpenSearch Dashboards index. If a user attempts to import documents having a migration version that is greater than the current OpenSearch Dashboards version, the documents will fail to import.


It might happen that a user modifies their FanciPlugin 1.0 export file to have documents with a migrationVersion of 2.0.0. In this scenario, OpenSearch Dashboards will store those documents as if they are up to date, even though they are not, and the result will be unknown, but probably undesirable behavior.

Similarly, OpenSearch Dashboards server APIs assume that they are sent up to date documents unless a document specifies a migrationVersion. This means that out-of-date callers of our APIs will send us out-of-date documents, and those documents will be accepted and stored as if they are up-to-date.

To prevent this from happening, migration authors should always write a validation function that throws an error if a document is not up to date, and this validation function should always be updated any time a new migration is added for the relevent document types.

Document ownership

In the eyes of the migration system, only one plugin can own a saved object type, or a root-level property on a saved object.

So, let's say we have a document that looks like this:

  type: 'dashboard',
  attributes: { title: 'whatever' },
  securityKey: '324234234kjlke2',

In this document, one plugin might own the dashboard type, and another plugin might own the securityKey type. If two or more plugins define securityKey migrations { migrations: { securityKey: { ... } } }, OpenSearch Dashboards will fail to start.

To write a migration for this document, the dashboard plugin might look something like this:

uiExports: {
  migrations: {
    // This is whatever value your document's "type" field is
    dashboard: {
      // Takes a pre 1.9.0 dashboard doc, and converts it to 1.9.0
      '1.9.0': (doc) => {
        doc.attributes.title = doc.attributes.title.toUpperCase();
        return doc;

      // Takes a 1.9.0 dashboard doc, and converts it to a 2.0.0
      '2.0.0': (doc) => {
        doc.attributes.title = doc.attributes.title + '!!!';
        return doc;
  // ... normal uiExport stuff

After OpenSearch Dashboards migrates the index, our example document would have { attributes: { title: 'WHATEVER!!' } }.

Each migration function only needs to be able to handle documents belonging to the previous version. The initial migration function (in this example, 1.9.0) needs to be more flexible, as it may be passed documents of any pre 1.9.0 shape.

Disabled plugins

If a plugin is disbled, all of its documents are retained in the OpenSearch Dashboards index. They can be imported and exported. When the plugin is re-enabled, OpenSearch Dashboards will migrate any out of date documents that were imported or retained while it was disabled.


OpenSearch Dashboards index migrations expose a few config settings which might be tweaked:

  • migrations.scrollDuration - The scroll value used to read batches of documents from the source index. Defaults to 15m.
  • migrations.batchSize - The number of documents to read / transform / write at a time during index migrations
  • migrations.pollInterval - How often, in milliseconds, secondary OpenSearchDashboards instances will poll to see if the primary OpenSearch Dashboards instance has finished migrating the index.
  • migrations.skip - Skip running migrations on startup (defaults to false). This should only be used for running integration tests without a running opensearch cluster. Note: even though migrations won't run on startup, individual docs will still be migrated when read from OpenSearch.


To illustrate how migrations work, let's walk through an example, using a fictional plugin: FanciPlugin.

FanciPlugin 1.0 had a mappping that looked like this:

  fanci: {
    properties: {
      fanciName: { type: 'keyword' },

But in 2.0, it was decided that fanciName should be renamed to title.

So, FanciPlugin 2.0 has a mapping that looks like this:

  fanci: {
    properties: {
      title: { type: 'keyword' },

Note, the fanciName property is gone altogether. The problem is that lots of people have used FanciPlugin 1.0, and there are lots of documents out in the wild that have the fanciName property. FanciPlugin 2.0 won't know how to handle these documents, as it now expects that property to be called title.

To solve this problem, the FanciPlugin authors write a migration which will take all 1.0 documents and transform them into 2.0 documents.

FanciPlugin's uiExports is modified to have a migrations section that looks like this:

uiExports: {
  migrations: {
    // This is whatever value your document's "type" field is
    fanci: {
      // This is the version of the plugin for which this migration was written, and
      // should follow semver conventions. Here, doc is a pre 2.0.0 document which this
      // function will modify to have the shape we expect in 2.0.0
      '2.0.0': (doc) => {
        const { fanciName } = doc.attributes;

        delete doc.attributes.fanciName;
        doc.attributes.title = fanciName;

        return doc;
  // ... normal uiExport stuff

Now, whenever OpenSearch Dashboards boots, if FanciPlugin is enabled, OpenSearch Dashboards scans its index for any documents that have type 'fanci' and have a migrationVersion.fanci property that is anything other than 2.0.0. If any such documents are found, the index is determined to be out of date (or at least of the wrong version), and OpenSearch Dashboards attempts to migrate the index.

At the end of the migration, OpenSearchDashboards's fanci documents will look something like this:

  id: 'someid',
  type: 'fanci',
  attributes: {
    title: 'Shazm!',
  migrationVersion: { fanci: '2.0.0' },

Note, the migrationVersion property has been added, and it contains information about what migrations were applied to the document.

Source code

The migrations source code is grouped into two folders:

  • core - Contains index-agnostic, general migration logic, which could be reused for indices other than .opensearch_dashboards
  • opensearch-dashboards - Contains a relatively light-weight wrapper around core, which provides .opensearch_dashboards index-specific logic

Generally, the code eschews classes in favor of functions and basic data structures. The publicly exported code is all class-based, however, in an attempt to conform to OpenSearch Dashboards norms.


There are three core entry points.

  • index_migrator - Logic for migrating an index
  • document_migrator - Logic for migrating an individual document, used by index_migrator, but also by the saved object client to migrate docs during document creation
  • build_active_mappings - Logic to convert mapping properties into a full index mapping object, including the core properties required by any saved object index


Run jest tests:

node scripts/jest --testPathPattern=migrations --watch

Run integration tests:

node scripts/functional_tests_server
node scripts/functional_test_runner --config test/api_integration/config.js --grep migration