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370 lines (262 loc) · 12.9 KB


File metadata and controls

370 lines (262 loc) · 12.9 KB


The research project eGo_n and egon-data are collaborative projects with several people contributing to it. The following section gives an overview of applicable guidelines and rules to enable a prospering collaboration. Any external contributions are welcome as well, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

Bug reports and feature requests

The best way to report bugs, inform about intended developments, send feedback or propose a feature is to file an issue at

Please tag your issue with one of the predefined labels as it helps others to keep track of unsolved bugs, open tasks and questions.

To inform others about intended developments please include: * a describtion of the purpose and the value it adds * outline the required steps for implementation * list open questions

When reporting a bug please include all information needed to reproduce the bug you found. This may include information on

  • Your operating system name and version.
  • Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

If you are proposing a feature:

  • Explain in detail how it would work.
  • Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement.

Contribution guidelines


Adding changes to the egon-data repository should follow some guidelines:

  1. Create an issue in our repository to describe the intended developments briefly

  2. Create a branch for your issue related development from the dev-branch following our branch naming convention:

    git checkout -b `<prefix>/#<issue-id>-very-brief-description`

    where issue-id is the issue number on GitHub and prefix is one of

    • features
    • fixes
    • refactorings

    depending on which one is appropriate. This command creates a new branch in your local repository, in which you can now make your changes. Be sure to check out our style conventions so that your code is in line with them. If you don't have push rights to our repository, you need to fork it via the "Fork" button in the upper right of the repository page and work on the fork.

  3. Make sure to update the documentation along with your code changes

  4. When you're done making changes run all the checks and docs builder with tox one command:

  5. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

    git add -p
    git commit
    git push origin features/#<issue-id>-very-brief-description
Note that the -p switch will make git add iterate through your changes and prompt for each one on whether you want to include it in the upcoming commit. This is useful if you made multiple changes which should conceptually be grouped into different commits, like e.g. fixing the documentation of one function and changing the implementation of an unrelated one in parallel, because it allows you to still make separate commits for these changes. It has the drawback of not picking up new files though, so if you added files and want to put them under version control, you have to add them explicitly by running git add FILE1 FILE2 ... instead.
  1. Submit a pull request through the GitHub website.

Code and Commit Style

We try the adhere to the PEP 8 Style Guide wherever possible. In addition to that, we use a code formatter to have a consistent style, even in cases where PEP 8 leaves multiple degrees of freedom. So please run your code through black before committing it. [1] PEP 8 also specifies a way to group imports, onto which we put the additional constraint that the imports within each group are ordered alphabetically. Once again, you don't have to keep track of this manually, but you can use isort to have imports sorted automatically. Note that pre-commit hooks are configured for this repository, so you can just pip install pre-commit followed by pre-commit install in the repository, and every commit will automatically be checked for style violations.

Unfortunately these tools don't catch everything, so here's a short list of things you have to keep track of manually:

  • Black can't automatically break up overly long strings, so make use of Python's automatic string concatenation feature by e.g. converting

    something = "A really really long string"

    into the equivalent:

    something = (
        "A really really"
        " long string"
  • Black also can't check whether you're using readable names for your variables. So please don't use abbreviations. Use readable names.

  • Black also can't reformat your comments. So please keep in mind that PEP 8 specifies a line length of 72 for free flowing text like comments and docstrings. This also extends to the documentation in reStructuredText files.

Last but not least, commit messages are a kind of documentation, too, which should adhere to a certain style. There are quite a few documents detailing this style, but the shortest and easiest to find is probably If you have 15 minutes instead of only five to spare, there's also a very good and only slightly longer article on this subject, containing references to other style guides, and also explaining why commit messages are important.

At the very least, try to only commit small, related changes. If you have to use an "and" when trying to summarize your changes, they should probably be grouped into separate commits.

[1]If you want to be really nice, run any file you touch through black before making changes, and commit the result separately from other changes.. The repository may contain wrongly formatted legacy code, and this way you commit eventually necessary style fixes separated from your actually meaningful changes, which makes the reviewers job a lot easier.

Pull Request Guidelines

We use pull requests (PR) to integrate code changes from branches. PRs always need to be reviewed (exception proves the rule!). Therefore, ask one of the other developers for reviewing your changes. Once approved, the PR can be merged. Please delete the branch after merging.

Before requesting a review, please

  1. Include passing tests (run tox). [2]
  2. Let the workflow run in :ref:`Test mode` once from scratch to verify successful execution
  3. Update documentation when there's new API, functionality etc.
  4. Add a note to CHANGELOG.rst about the changes and refer to the corresponding Github issue.
  5. Add yourself to AUTHORS.rst.

If you don't have all the necessary Python versions available locally you can rely on CI via GitHub actions - it will run the tests for each change you add in the pull request.

It will be slower though ...

When requesting reviews, please keep in mind it might be a significant effort to review the PR. Try to make it easier for them and keep the overall effort as low as possible. Therefore,

  • asking for reviewing specific aspects helps reviewers a lot to focus on the relevant parts
  • when multiple people are asked for a review it should be avoided that they check/test the same things. Be even more specific what you expect from someone in particular.

What needs to be reviewed?

Things that definitely should be checked during a review of a PR:

  • Is the code working? The contributor should already have made sure that this is the case. Either by automated test or manual execution.
  • Is the data correct? Verifying that newly integrated and processed data is correct is usually not possible during reviewing a PR. If it is necessary, please ask the reviewer specifically for this.
  • Do tests pass? See automatic checks.
  • Is the documentation up-to-date? Please check this.
  • Was CHANGELOG.rst updated accordingly? Should be the case, please verify.
  • Is metadata complete and correct (in case of data integration)? Please verify. In case of a pending metadata creation make sure an appropriate issue is filed.

Extending the data workflow

The egon-data workflow uses Apache Airflow which organizes the order of different processing steps and their execution.

How to add Python scripts

To integrate a new Python function to the egon-data workflow follow the steps listed:

  1. Add your well documented script to the egon-data repository
  2. Integrate functions which need to be called within the workflow to, which organzies and calls the different tasks within the workflow
  3. Define the interdependencies between the scripts by setting the task downstream to another required task
  4. The workflow can now be triggered via Apache Airflow

Where to save (downloaded) data?

If a task requires to retrieve some data from external sources which needs to be saved locally, please use CWD to store the data. This is achieved by using

from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

filepath = Path(".") / "filename.csv"
urlretrieve("https://url/to/file", filepath)

Adjusting test mode data

When integrating new data or data processing scripts, make sure the :ref:`Test mode` still works correctly on a limited subset of data. In particular, if a new external data sources gets integrated make sure the data gets cut to the region of the test mode.


eGon-data could always use more documentation, whether as part of the official eGon-data docs, in docstrings, or even in articles, blog posts or similar resources. Always keep in mind to update the documentation along with your code changes though.

The changes of the documentation in a feature branch get visible once a pull request is opened.

How to document Python scripts

Use docstrings to document your Python code. Note that PEP 8 also contains a section on docstrings and that there is a whole PEP dedicated to docstring convetions. Try to adhere to both of them. Additionally every Python script needs to contain a header describing the general functionality and objective and including information on copyright, license and authors.

""" Provide an example of the first line of a module docstring.

This is an example header describing the functionalities of a Python
script to give the user a general overview of what's happening here.

__copyright__ = "Example Institut"
__license__ = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__ = ""
__author__ = "github_alias1, github_alias2"

How to document SQL scripts

Please also add a similar header to your SQL scripts to give users and fellow developers an insight into your scripts and the methodologies applied. Please describe the content and objectives of the script briefly but as detailed as needed to allow other to comprehend how it works.

This is an example header describing the functionalities of a SQL
script to give the user a general overview what's happening here

__copyright__ = "Example Institut"
__license__ = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__ = ""
__author__ = "github_alias1, github_alias2"

You can build the documentation locally with (executed in the repos root directory)

sphinx-build -E -a docs docs/_build/

Eventually, you might need to install additional dependencies for building the documenmtation:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt


To run a subset of tests:

tox -e envname -- pytest -k test_myfeature

To run all the test environments in parallel:

tox -p auto