id | title | sidebar_label |
ugndm |
Node Device Manager User Guide |
This section provides the operations need to performed by User and Admin for configuring NDM.
User operations
Admin operations
Create blockdevice CRs for partitioned disks
There is no operations has to be performed by a User regarding NDM.
There is a configuration for including selected disks also in the operator YAML file under NDM configuration section so that only these blockdevice will be taken for creation of blockdevice CR. Add the blockdevice path in the following configuration for specifying particular disks.
This change must be done in the openebs-operator.yaml
file that you have downloaded before OpenEBS installation.
- key: path-filter
name: path filter
state: true
include: "/dev/sda"
exclude: ""
NDM do some filtering on the disks to exclude, for example boot disk. By default, NDM excludes the following device path to create disk CR. This configuration is added in openebs-ndm-config
under Configmap
in openebs-operator.yaml
/dev/loop - loop devices.
/dev/fd - file descriptors.
/dev/sr - CD-ROM devices.
/dev/ram - ramdisks.
/dev/dm -lvm.
/dev/md -multiple device ( software RAID devices).
The following is the snippet of NDM configuration file from openebs operator YAML which excludes the provided disks/paths.
- key: os-disk-exclude-filter
name: os disk exclude filter
state: true
exclude: "/,/etc/hosts,/boot"
- key: vendor-filter
name: vendor filter
state: true
include: ""
exclude: "CLOUDBYT,OpenEBS"
- key: path-filter
name: path filter
state: true
include: ""
exclude: "loop,/dev/fd0,/dev/sr0,/dev/ram,/dev/dm-,/dev/md"
It is also possible to customize by adding more disk types associated with your nodes. For example, used disks, unwanted disks and so on. This change must be done in the 'openebs-operator.yaml' file that you have downloaded before OpenEBS installation.
- key: path-filter
name: path filter
state: true
include: ""
exclude: "loop,/dev/fd0,/dev/sr0,/dev/ram,/dev/dm-,/dev/md"
Currently, NDM is not selecting partition disks for creating device resource. But, you can create blockdevice resource for the partition disks manually. The following are the steps for the creation of blockdevice resource.
Download the blockdevice CR YAML for creating the blockdevice CR manually. The sample disk CR can be downloaded from here.
Modify the downloaded blockdevice CR sample YAML with the partition disk information. Following is the sample disk CR YAML.
apiVersion: kind: BlockDevice metadata: name: example-blockdevice labels: <host name in which disk/blockdevice is attached> # like gke-openebs-user-default-pool-044afcb8-bmc0 "false" # for manual disk creation put false <blockdevice type> # like disk, partition, sparse file status: claimState: Unclaimed state: Active spec: capacity: logicalSectorSize: <logical sector size of lockdevice> # like 512 storage: <total capacity in bits> #like 53687091200 details: firmwareRevision: <firmware revision> model: <model name of blockdevice> # like PersistentDisk serial: <serial no of disk> # like google-disk-2 compliance: <compliance of disk> #like "SPC-4" vendor: <vendor of disk> #like Google devlinks: - kind: by-id links: - <link1> # like /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0Google_PersistentDisk_disk-2 - <link2> # like /dev/disk/by-id/google-disk-2 - kind: by-path links: - <link1> # like /dev/disk/by-path/virtio-pci-0000:00:03.0-scsi-0:0:2:0 Partitioned: Yes path: <devpath> # like /dev/sdb1
In the above blockdevice CR sample spec, following field must be filled before applying the YAML.
- storage
- links
- This field should be filed for by-id and by-path. These details can be get from worker node by running
udevadm info -q property -n <device_path like /dev/sda1>
- This field should be filed for by-id and by-path. These details can be get from worker node by running
- path
Apply the modified YAML file to create the blockdevice CR for the provided partitioned device path.
Repeat the same steps for each partitioned device and create blockdevice CR for each device.
Verify the blockdevice is created by running
kubectl get blockdevice -n openebs
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