Cypher is a graph query language which operates on a property graph. A property graph may be defined in graph theoretical terms as a directed, vertex-labeled, edge-labeled multigraph with self-edges, where edges have their own identity. In the property graph, we use the term node to denote a vertex, and relationship to denote an edge. See Wikipedia’s definitions for reference:
In a property graph, the following elements may exist:
Relationship type
Property key
An entity has a unique, comparable identity which defines whether or not two entities are equal (see the Comparability CIP for more details).
An entity is assigned a set of properties, each of which are uniquely identified in the set by their respective property keys.
A node is the basic entity of the graph, with the unique attribute of being able to exist in and of itself.
A node may be assigned a set of unique labels.
A node may have zero or more outgoing relationships.
A node may have zero or more incoming relationships.
A relationship is an entity that encodes a directed connection between exactly two nodes, the source node and the target node.
An outgoing relationship is a directed relationship from the point of view of its source node.
An incoming relationship is a directed relationship from the point of view of its target node.
A relationship is assigned exactly one relationship type.
A path represents a walk through a property graph and consists of a sequence of alternating nodes and relationships.
A path always starts and ends at a node.
The smallest possible path contains a single node, and is called an empty path.
A path has a length, which is an integer greater than or equal to zero, which is equal to the number of relationships in the path.
Equality of paths is detailed in the Comparability CIP.
A token is a nonempty string of Unicode characters.
A property is a pair consisting of a property key and a property value.
A property value is an instantiation of one of Cypher’s concrete, scalar types, or a list of a concrete, scalar type. See the type system CIP for reference.