This repository has been archived. The three tools below have not been updated since 2008, and depend on APIs that no longer exist. The things that they did were not very sophisticated; it would take you less time to write hand-written scripts to export to dotty or tulip, than it would take for you to figure out how to use this old code.
This does not mean that we don't want or need visualization tools for the AtomSpace; rather, that the tools here are not useful for that. If you want to start a new AtomSpace visualization project, let the mailing list know. We'll create a brand new git repo just for you!
In the meanwhile, there is a web-browser visualizer in
Its got visual bling!
The visualization tools in this git repo are:
- dotty -- build a dotty graph of the entire atomspace
- gtk-vistualizer -- use gtk3 to visualize
- tulip -- dump the AtomSpace to the Tulip tlp graph format