Here's a sum-up of what's been done so far with ROCCA (formerly called opencog-gym) and what remains to be done. It is writen from the perspective of Legacy OpenCog, even though likely a good portion of it applies to OpenCog Hyperon as well.
ROCCA (for Rational OpenCog Controlled Agent) is a subproject of the proto-AGI project that primarily focuses on achieving learning and planning via reasoning, as well as making sound decisions. Sub-symbolic integration is not a primary focus of this subproject but the code and lessons learned certainly will be of value to such larger endeavor, which will likely involve Hyperon.
We have an OpenCog agent [1], easily wrappable to any synchronous gym-like environment (via Kasim's wrapper), that can:
Learn (via the pattern miner) cognitive schematics (i.e. predictive implications) with arbitrary pre/post contexts, and one or more actions.
Use these cognitive schematics as plans to make decisions in a trivial environment (chase a food pellet in a 2-square board).
Consecutive lags in predictive implications and sequential ands are limited to one unit of time, i.e. can capture cognitive schematics such as:
If context C is true at T, and action A1 is executed at T, and if action A2 is executed at T+1, then goal G is likely to be acheived at T+2.
Arbitrary lags, for mining or else, are not currently supported.
Mining is probably inefficient due to having to use Naturals to be able to match lags between events. For instance 3 units of time is represented as
(SLink (SLink (SLink (ZLink))))
Or a lag of 2 units of time relative to
(Variable "$T")
is represented as(SLink (Slink (VariableNode "$T")))
Another source of inefficiency is decision making. Although it is considerably more efficient than learning/planning (for now done with the miner, then soon done with PLN as well). Once plans are there, decision is relatively fast, though in the current setting still takes 3 seconds to select an action given 200 cognitive schematics to select from. In comparision discovering these 200 cognitive schematics takes over a minute.
And of course the whole thing is inefficient due to the lack of
- SpaceTime server or alike;
- ECAN (Attention Allocation);
- Ultimately, capacity to create/use abstractions for modeling and acting. Schematization/specialization, meta-learning, etc.
As of right now PLN is very underused. For instance goals are not decomposed into subgoals. To happen this requires futher development on temporal logic, currently in progress.
Move from the simplistic Chase environment to Malmo. According to Kasim the plumbing is ready. Maybe for starter we could port the Chase env to Malmo. Then, as Alexey suggested in [2] we need to create high level actions, such as
, etc, as well as high level perceta, to increase the scale and complexity of the environment. -
Introduce temporal deduction. The agent should be able to chain actions sequences that it has never observed, but rather based on whether the post-context of some cognitive schematics matches with (implies or inherits from) the pre-context of another. For that we need to implement a similar deduction rule as [3] for predictive implications. This is also required for decomposing goals into subgoals.
Support arbitrary (possibly continous) time lags. The agent should be able to notice surprising combinations of events even if they are arbitrary temporally spaced. Of course some heuristics could be used to lesser their prior as the lag increases or is too distant from the "scale" of the events (a notion that remains to be defined but should be doable). For that to happen it looks like we need two things:
The pattern miner should handle time intervals, then the same a priori property [4] can be used to prune the search tree with time intervals, the larger the time interval the more abstract the pattern.
We likely need to represent the lag distribution, based on direct evidence or indirectly inferred. One possibility would be to introduce a temporal truth value (as suggested in [5]), using a distributional lag. As of today the lag is represented in the temporal relationship instead, see [6], which makes sense given the current limits as it allows to represent the same predictive implication with different lags, resulting in different truth values, but once a distributional lag is used there is no longer the need for it. Even the TV of an "eventual" predictive implication can be obtained by looking at the extremum the cumulative distribution function. So that way only one predictive implication, solely determined by its pre and post contexts, is required. Of course such distributional temporal truth value could inherit from a more general distributional truth value.
Improve temporal mining efficiency. We could (with Legacy OpenCog in mind):
Upgrade the pattern matcher to have queries like
(Get (AtTime A (Plus (TimeNode "1" (TimeNode "10")))))
be able to match
(AtTime A (TimeNode "11"))
In that case timestamps would still be in the atomspace, which is inheritantly inefficient, alternatively we could:
Integrate the spacetime server or such. Maybe the one in the spacetime repository would do, I haven't personnaly studied it. If so it would also enable efficient spatial mining. Beside being more efficient it should enable more flexible matching involving time intervals (ultimately spatial intervals as well). This would however require to fiddle with the pattern matcher or the pattern miner to integrate that type of spacetime queries.
Maybe a clever use of atom values could be an option as well.
Beside these "low level" improvements there are certainly a number of algorithmic improvements that can be done. I have compiled a number of papers (that I haven't read, so possibly irrelevant) on the subject:
Improve decision efficiency. The decision procedure (consisting of estimating the posterior of each cognitive schematic, followed by Thompson Sampling) is entirely implemented in Python, which partly explains its slowness (again, 3 seconds for 200 cognitive schematics). Re-implementing in C++ or Rust could speed it up, however before that we want to optimize the algorithm itself, maybe introduce ECAN, filter by surprisingness and prior, etc.
Add ECAN support. Being unfamiliar with ECAN's implementation I do not know the specifics of that tasks, beside of course the first step of getting familiar with it.
I have not mentioned reasoning and inference control because as of now PLN is only used very shallowly (to calculate TVs of predictive implications based on evidence). More attention will be required once futher development has taken place on that front. Likewise, honorable mention: MOSES.
Regarding concept creation, meta-learning, etc. Beside being beyond the scope of such demo, we can probably start worrying about it when most of the improvements above have been done. The idea yet is to record internal cognitive operations taking place during learning, planning, etc, discover patterns and plan internal actions (tweak this parameter, rewrite this rule, etc) that provably increase the likelihood of goal fulfillment. This aspect is also important in order to take into account temporal contrains during the planning process. For instance if a goal must be acheived within 10s, then a crude flash meta-reasoning could take place to evaluate that reasoning for say 2s, then executing the resulting plan for the remaining 8s is likely to succeed. By considering
as high level actions, it should be possible to do without much radical change I believe. -
Last but not least we need unit and integration tests.
- [1]
- [2]
- [3]
- [4] Fast Discovery of Association Rules, R. Agrawal et al.
- [5] Chapter 14 of the PLN book
- [6]