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Open Brewery DB | FAQ |
Open Brewery DB is a free dataset and API with public information on breweries, cideries, brewpubs, and bottleshops.
The goal of this project is to keep an up-to-date, community-driven, and publically available database of breweries for the betterment of the beer community and the joy of web developers and data analysts.
Open Brewery DB started after I wanted to create an interactive map of dog-friendly breweries. As I began the project, we realized there was no easy way to get data on breweries. While there are other websites and resources available, none had an easy-to-use, publically-accessible API. Open Brewery DB was born!
Yes! Absolutely, always, 100% free.
As of today (Sept 2020), the data is mostly from Summer 2018. It was scraped from Brewers Association.
I'm actively working on getting more up-to-date data. Join the Discord if you'd liked to help out!
At this time, I only advise using the API for personal projects. It's not very stable and is suseptible to outages due to DDoS attacks.
Note: Version 2 of the API will have basic authentication and rate limits. Timeline TBD.
You are welcome to use the dataset for any projects with credit to Open Brewery DB.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with those services. Some charge money for premium services, but it all depends on the goals of your project.
- Join the Discord. We are a friendly bunch!
- You can contribute to the codebase through the Github Issues for the API server, documentation website, or dataset.
- You can also help keep the brewery information up to date by submitting a pull request to the dataset repository.
- Subscribe to the newsletter to get updates.
Open Brewery DB was created and is maintained by Chris J Mears, who is a beer-drinking data scientist who also has a rescue dog, Cooper. Chris and Cooper live in San Diego, CA.
No problem! Join the Discord or send an email.