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Check PPPP values for 3.0U h 24 hour

Joe Moran edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 15 revisions


  • The pulses rate is fixed for 3.0U/h and is issued between 55-60 seconds and is given at the end of the rate phase 360 or 330.
  • The pulse delay is calculated using the start time of the resume basal not the real time.
  • The PPPP is calculated using the real time.
  • Most resume commands had a 55 or 60 second delay, which translates to the XXXXXXXX values: XXXXXXXX = 1-5s = 55 seconds delay and XXXXXXXX = 6s = 60 seconds delay
  • (SSSS/8) % 6 * 1.000.000 translates to XXXXXXXX value, where 0==6

Rtlomni recording and counted seconds between resume basal and first click

nr Day        Time     1a LL NNNNNNNN 00 CCCC HH SSSS PPPP napp napp napp 13 LL BO MM NNNN XXXXXXXX YYYY ZZZZZZZZ Pulse delay from start PDM time
 1 2018-11-21 20:09:32 1a 0e 2fdcd98b 02 010a 01 01a0 0034 0034 170d 0002 08 00 01 86 a000 00000000 0081 80       Priming
 2 2018-11-21 20:10:33 1a 12 35c0221f 00 00b5 28 2408 0001 f002 f002 f002 13 0e 40 00 0099 0459e440 03c0 055d4a80 Basal Pairing
 3 2018-11-21 20:10:34 1a 0e dd033708 02 0065 01 0050 000a 000a 170d 0000 64 00 01 86 a000 00000000 0001 54       Fill Canula
 4 2018-11-21 20:11:45 1a 12 31c3ae9a 00 06c3 28 21c8 0012 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 08e9 000f4240 3840 005b8d80 Set 3.0U/h 24hour Basal 
                                                                                                                  no pulse, suspended @ 20:11:38
 5 2018-11-21 20:12:45 1a 12 aac14570 00 06e0 28 1fe8 0011 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 08df 000f4240 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:12:40   0s PDM time
 6 2018-11-21 20:14:46 1a 12 40905327 00 0613 28 1c20 000f f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 08ca 005b8d80 3840 005b8d80 60 seconds 20:15:46 + 1s PDM time
 7 2018-11-21 20:16:45 1a 12 651eb91e 00 064d 28 1860 000d f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 08b6 005b8d80 3840 005b8d80 60 seconds 20:16:45   0s PDM time
 8 2018-11-21 20:18:45 1a 12 52b9fa86 00 0697 28 14b0 000b f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 08a3 001e8480 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:19:40   0s PDM time
 9 2018-11-21 20:20:46 1a 12 3e99ea04 00 06c9 28 10e8 0009 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 088f 000f4240 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:21:40 + 1s PDM time
10 2018-11-21 20:22:46 1a 12 09ee59eb 00 05fc 28 0d20 0007 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 087a 005b8d80 3840 005b8d80 60 seconds 20:22:40 + 1s PDM time
11 2018-11-21 20:24:45 1a 12 62c1b38b 00 063e 28 0968 0005 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 0867 000f4240 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:24:40   0s PDM time
12 2018-11-21 20:26:45 1a 12 dc942bd4 00 0678 28 05a8 0003 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 0853 000f4240 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:26:40   0s PDM time  
13 2018-11-21 20:28:46 1a 12 b43635ac 00 06aa 28 01e0 0001 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 083e 005b8d80 3840 005b8d80 60 seconds 20:28:46 + 1s PDM time
14 2018-11-21 20:29:52 1a 12 721aa056 00 062e 29 3810 001d f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 0833 005b8d80 3840 005b8d80 60 seconds 20:30:52 +17s PDM time
15 2018-11-21 20:31:46 1a 12 834c2031 00 0699 29 3480 001c f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 0820 005b8d80 3840 005b8d80 60 seconds 20:30:46 + 0s PDM time
16 2018-11-21 20:33:46 1a 12 961044bd 00 06db 29 30c8 001a f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 080d 000f4240 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:34:40 + 1s PDM time
17 2018-11-21 20:35:48 1a 12 96035bf3 00 06fd 29 2cf0 0018 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 07f8 003d0900 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:36:44 + 3s PDM time
18 2018-11-21 20:37:16 1a 12 45f08a33 00 0639 29 2a30 0016 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 07e9 005b8d80 3840 005b8d80 60 seconds 20:38:16 +31s PDM time
19 2018-11-21 20:38:44 1a 12 2fe7b6ed 00 0675 29 2770 0015 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 07db 001e8480 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:40:40 - 1s PDM time
20 2018-11-21 20:40:31 1a 12 7d642b0d 00 0618 29 2418 0013 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 07c9 002dc6c0 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:41:27 +46s PDM time
21 2018-11-21 20:44:46 1a 12 4a976fb0 00 061c 29 1c28 000f f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 079f 000f4240 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:45:40 + 1s PDM time
                                                                                                                  55 seconds 20:46:40 no suspend
                                                                                                                  55 seconds 20:47:40 no suspend
                                                                                                                  55 seconds 20:48:40 no suspend
                                                                                                                  55 seconds 20:49:40 no suspend
                                                                                                                  55 seconds 20:50:40 no suspend
22 2018-11-21 20:50:47 1a 12 b92270c2 00 06ba 29 10d8 0009 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 0762 004c4b40 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:51:40   0s PDM time
23 2018-11-21 20:52:45 1a 12 a78984c5 00 0605 29 0d28 0007 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 074f 000f4240 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:52:40 + 2s PDM time
24 2018-11-21 20:58:43 1a 12 ba969918 00 06bb 29 01f0 0001 f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 0713 001e8480 3840 005b8d80 55 seconds 20:59:55 - 2s PDM time
25 2018-11-21 20:59:48 1a 12 20952f15 00 0648 2a 3828 001e f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 0708 002dc6c0 3840 005b8d80 60 seconds 21:00:45 + 3s PDM time
                                                                                                                  60 seconds 21:01:45 + 3s PDM time
                                                                                                                  60 seconds 21:02:45 + 3s PDM time
26 2018-11-21 21:03:00 1a 12 c0e61832 00 0646 2a 3230 001a f01e f01e f01e 13 0e 40 00 06e8 003d0900 3840 005b8d80 60 seconds 21:03:59 +17s PDM time

Check PPPP values

line Type of check  segment - elapsed   (starttime - recordtime + PDM time) = seconds left = time/pulse delay= floor(time/rate) = pulses = PPPP
   2 Start Basal    30:00   - 12:00     (20:00:00  - 20:11:45   + 15s     ) = 1800 -  720  = 1080s/60s       = floor(18,000000) =     18 = 0x0012
  20 +46s PDM start 30:00   - 10:46     (20:30:00  - 20:40:31   + 15s     ) = 1800 -  631  = 1169s/60s       = floor(19,483333) =     19 = 0x0013 
  25 Start segment  30:00   - 00:04     (21:00:00  - 20:59:48   + 15s     ) = 1800 -    4  = 1796s/60s       = floor(19,483333) =     30 = 0x001e
  13 Last pulse     30:00   - 28:58     (21:00:00  - 20:28:43   + 15s     ) = 1800 - 1722  =   72s/60s       = floor(1,3000000) =      1 = 0x0001

Check mod(hex2dec(SSSS)/8;6) and hex2dec(XXXXXXXX)

nr	Time	HH	SSSS	(SSSS/8) % 6	Xas dec	XXXXXXXX	Heard pulse delay
4	20:11:45	28	21c8	1	1000000	000f4240	Set3.0U/h
5	20:12:45	28	1fe8	1	1000000	000f4240	55seconds
6	20:14:46	28	1c20	0	6000000	005b8d80	60seconds
7	20:16:45	28	1860	0	6000000	005b8d80	60seconds
8	20:18:45	28	14b0	2	2000000	001e8480	55seconds
9	20:20:46	28	10e8	1	1000000	000f4240	55seconds
10	20:22:46	28	0d20	0	6000000	005b8d80	60seconds
11	20:24:45	28	968	1	1000000	000f4240	55seconds
12	20:26:45	28	05a8	1	1000000	000f4240	55seconds
13	20:28:46	28	01E0	0	6000000	005b8d80	60seconds
14	20:29:52	29	3810	0	6000000	005b8d80	60seconds
15	20:31:46	29	3480	0	6000000	005b8d80	60seconds
16	20:33:46	29	30c8	1	1000000	000f4240	55seconds
17	20:35:48	29	2cf0	4	4000000	003d0900	55seconds
18	20:37:16	29	2a30	0	6000000	005b8d80	60seconds
19	20:38:44	29	2770	2	2000000	001e8480	55seconds
20	20:40:31	29	2418	3	3000000	002dc6c0	55seconds
21	20:44:46	29	1c28	1	1000000	000f4240	55seconds

Heard pulse delay vs XXXXXXXX

Most resume commands had a 55 or 60 second delay, which translates to the XXXXXXXX values: 1s = 55 seconds 6s = 60 seconds

lines                pulse delay   XXXXXXXX  = decimals  resume times
4,5,9,11,12,16,21    55 seconds   `000f4240` = 1.000.000
8,19,24              55 seconds   `001e8480` = 2.000.000 20:18:45, 20:38:44, 20:58:43
20,25                55 seconds   `002dc6c0` = 3.000.000 20:40:31, 20:59:48
17,26                60 seconds   `003d0900` = 4.000.000 20:35:48, 21:03:00
6,7,10,13,14,15      60 seconds   `005b8d80` = 6.000.000
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