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Example: integrating ShinyProxy with Keycloak

ShinyProxy can integrate with any OIDC provider, this example specifically demonstrates how to integrate ShinyProxy with Keycloak.


We do our best to document the steps in Keycloak, however, Keycloak may change and this documentation may get outdated. Please open an issue or PR in this case.

It's a good idea to first read the general ShinyProxy OpenID documentation.

Setting up Keycloak

The complete setup and configuration of Keycloak is out of the scope of this example. Check the Keycloak documentation and the Docker example for more information.

Configuring Keycloak

  1. Login into Keycloak

  2. Create or select a realm

  3. Click on Clients, Click on Create client

  4. Provide a Client ID and remember this value, click Next

  5. Enable Client authentication, disable Direct access grants, make sure Standard flow is enabled, click Next

  6. Fill in the location of ShinyProxy (without any sub-path) in Root URL and Home URL.

  7. Add the following as Valid redirect URI (replacing shinyproxy-demo.local with your domain name):

  8. The filled in form should look like:

  9. Go to the Credentials tab and copy the Client secret value. You'll need this in the ShinyProxy configuration.

  10. Go to Realm settings (in the sidebar) and click on OpenID Endpoint Configuration

  11. Copy the following fields from the JSON:

    • authorization_endpoint
    • token_endpoint
    • jwks_uri

Configuring ShinyProxy

Now that you configured Keycloak and you retrieved all parameters, you can configure ShinyProxy.

  1. Add the following configuration to your ShinyProxy config (replace the examples with the values you retrieved from Keycloak):

      authentication: openid
        # see step 11 (of previous section): authorization_endpoint
        auth-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth
        # see step 11 (of previous section): token_endpoint
        token-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token
        # see step 11 (of previous section): jwks_uri
        jwks-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/certs
        # see step 4 (of previous section)
        client-id: shinyproxy-config-example
        # see step 9 (of previous section)
        client-secret: 1aB...
        username-attribute: preferred_username
  2. Restart ShinyProxy

You should now be able to log in on ShinyProxy using a Keycloak user. You can create additional users by going to the Users page in Keycloak.

Configuring the username

The current setup will use the preferred_username of the user to identify it (this is e.g. shown in the navigation bar of ShinyProxy). This corresponds to the username field in the Keycloak UI. By default keycloak sends most user information as part of the ID token. Therefore, you can immediately use these values to identify the user. For example, to use the e-mail address, change the change the proxy.openid.username-attribute in ShinyProxy to email:

    username-attribute: email


Make sure that every user has an e-mail address configured. Otherwise, the user will get an error when logging in.

It's possible to see all claims which are being sent to ShinyProxy, see the documentation.

Configuring roles

In Keycloak, it is possible to assign (multiple) roles to a user. These roles can be used in ShinyProxy as groups, e.g. for adding authorization to apps.

  1. Login into Keycloak

  2. Select a realm

  3. Go to Clients and select the client you created for ShinyProxy

  4. Go the Client Scopes tab

  5. Click on the first scope, e.g. shinyproxy-config-example-dedicated

  6. Click on Add mapper, click on By configuration (or immediately click on Configure a new mapper)

  7. Click on User Realm Role

  8. Use realm_roles as Name

  9. Keep Realm Role prefix empty

  10. Keep the Multivalued option enabled,

  11. Use realm_roles as Token Claim Name

  12. Use String as Claim JSON type

  13. Ensure the Add to ID token option is selected

  14. The Add to access token or Add to userinfo options may optionally be enabled, but are not required for ShinyProxy

  15. Click Save

  16. Add the proxy.openid.roles-claim property to the ShinyProxy config:

        roles-claim: realm_roles
  17. Restart ShinyProxy

When a user now logs in on ShinyProxy, Keycloak sends the roles of that user to ShinyProxy. You can check whether this works by starting an app and retrieving the SHINYPROXY_USERGROUPS environment variable.

Configuring groups

In addition to roles, Keycloak also supports the concept of groups, see Keycloak docs for the difference. Both Keycloak groups and Keycloak roles can be used in ShinyProxy as groups, e.g. for adding authorization to apps. It is, however, not possible to use both roles and groups at the same time in ShinyProxy.

  1. Login into Keycloak

  2. Select a realm

  3. Go to Clients and select the client you created for ShinyProxy

  4. Go the Client Scopes tab

  5. Click on the first scope, e.g. shinyproxy-config-example-dedicated

  6. Click on Add mapper, click on By configuration (or immediately click on Configure a new mapper)

  7. Click on Group Membership

  8. Use groups as Name

  9. Use groups as Token Claim Name

  10. Switch off the Full group path option

  11. Ensure the Add to ID token option is selected

  12. The Add to access token or Add to userinfo options may optionally be enabled, but are not required for ShinyProxy

  13. Click Save

  14. Add the proxy.openid.roles-claim property to the ShinyProxy config:

        roles-claim: groups
  15. Restart ShinyProxy

When a user now logs in on ShinyProxy, Keycloak sends the groups of that user to ShinyProxy. You can check whether this works by starting an app and retrieving the SHINYPROXY_USERGROUPS environment variable.

Note: do not use the built-in groups mapper of Keycloak as this mapper provides the realm-roles of the user and not the groups.


When clicking the logout button in the current setup, the user will just be logged out from ShinyProxy. You can configure ShinyProxy to logout the user in Keycloak:

  1. Go to the OpenID Endpoint Configuration in Keycloak (see the first section) and copy the end_session_endpoint value.

  2. Add the proxy.openid.logout-url property to the ShinyProxy config:

        logout-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout
  3. Restart ShinyProxy


  • When a user clicks the logout button, Keycloak will ask the user whether they really want to logout:

    If you want to automatically sign out the user you'll have to add ?id_token_hint=#{oidcUser.idToken.tokenValue} to the end of the logout-url:

        logout-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout?id_token_hint=#{oidcUser.idToken.tokenValue}
  • When the user is logged out, Keycloak shows a confirmation screen:

    You can redirect the user to a different URL by adding the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter to the URL (in this case the id_token_hint is mandatory):

         logout-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout?id_token_hint=#{oidcUser.idToken.tokenValue}&post_logout_redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fshinyproxy-demo.local/logout-success

    In this setup Keycloak is (virtually) invisible to the user.

Migration from Keycloak authentication

Up to version 3.0.x, ShinyProxy included a dedicated keycloak authentication backend. This backend was using the official Keycloak Java library, however, this library was deprecated by the Keycloak developers. In addition, the openid backend is fully compatible with Keycloak and has more (advances) features. Therefore, we deprecated the keycloak backend in ShinyProxy 3.0.0 (by adding a warning in the release notes and documentation) and starting with version 3.1.0 of ShinyProxy, the keycloak backend has been removed. This section explains how you can easily migrate from the old backend to the new one.

  1. Find you current Keycloak configuration, for example:

      authentication: keycloak
        realm: master
        auth-server-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth
        resource: shinyproxy-config-example
        credentials-secret: example_secret
  2. Follow the steps in Configuring roles, such that Keycloak sends the roles of a user to ShinyPoxy

  3. Change the ShinyProxy config to use OpenID (remove the keycloak config):

      authentication: openid
        # corresponds to {auth-server-url}/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/auth
        # where "{auth-server-url} and "{realm}" are the old Keycloak configuration properties
        auth-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth
        # corresponds to {auth-server-url}/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token
        # where "{auth-server-url} and "{realm}" are the old Keycloak configuration properties
        token-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token
        # corresponds to {auth-server-url}/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/certs
        # where "{auth-server-url} and "{realm}" are the old Keycloak configuration properties
        jwks-url: https://keycloak-demo.local/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/certs
        # corresponds to "resource" in the old Keycloak configuration properties
        client-id: shinyproxy-config-example
        # corresponds to "credentials-secret" in the old Keycloak configuration properties
        client-secret: example_secret
        # equivalent of
        # the Keycloak default is "name"
        username-attribute: name 
  4. Configure the logout url

  5. Optionally: Configure the username

  6. Restart ShinyProxy
