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Semantic Conventions for Database Client Calls

Status: Release Candidate, unless otherwise specified


Existing database instrumentations that are using v1.24.0 of this document (or prior):

  • SHOULD NOT change the version of the database conventions that they emit by default until the database semantic conventions are marked stable. Conventions include, but are not limited to, attributes, metric and span names, and unit of measure.
  • SHOULD introduce an environment variable OTEL_SEMCONV_STABILITY_OPT_IN in the existing major version which is a comma-separated list of values. If the list of values includes:
    • database - emit the new, stable database conventions, and stop emitting the old experimental database conventions that the instrumentation emitted previously.
    • database/dup - emit both the old and the stable database conventions, allowing for a seamless transition.
    • The default behavior (in the absence of one of these values) is to continue emitting whatever version of the old experimental database conventions the instrumentation was emitting previously.
    • Note: database/dup has higher precedence than database in case both values are present
  • SHOULD maintain (security patching at a minimum) the existing major version for at least six months after it starts emitting both sets of conventions.
  • SHOULD drop the environment variable in the next major version.

Span kind: SHOULD be CLIENT. It MAY be set to INTERNAL on spans representing in-memory database calls. It's RECOMMENDED to use CLIENT kind when database system being instrumented usually runs in a different process than its client or when database calls happen over instrumented protocol such as HTTP.

Span that describes database call SHOULD cover the duration of the corresponding call as if it was observed by the caller (such as client application). For example, if a transient issue happened and was retried within this database call, the corresponding span should cover the duration of the logical operation with all retries.


Database spans MUST follow the overall guidelines for span names.

The span name SHOULD be {db.query.summary} if a summary is available.

If no summary is available, the span name SHOULD be {} {target} provided that a (low-cardinality) is available (see below for the exact definition of the {target} placeholder).

If a (low-cardinality) is not available, database span names SHOULD default to the {target}.

If neither {} nor {target} are available, span name SHOULD be {db.system}.

Semantic conventions for individual database systems MAY specify different span name format.

The {target} SHOULD describe the entity that the operation is performed against and SHOULD adhere to one of the following values, provided they are accessible:

  • SHOULD be used for data manipulation operations or operations on a database collection.
  • db.namespace SHOULD be used for operations on a specific database namespace.
  • server.address:server.port SHOULD be used for other operations not targeting any specific database(s) or collection(s)

If a corresponding {target} value is not available for a specific operation, the instrumentation SHOULD omit the {target}. For example, for an operation describing SQL query on an anonymous table like SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM table) t, span name should be SELECT.

Common attributes

These attributes will usually be the same for all operations performed over the same database connection.

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level Stability
db.system string The database management system (DBMS) product as identified by the client instrumentation. [1] other_sql; adabas; cache Required Experimental string The name of a collection (table, container) within the database. [2] public.users; customers Conditionally Required [3] Experimental
db.namespace string The name of the database, fully qualified within the server address and port. [4] customers; test.users Conditionally Required If available. Experimental string The name of the operation or command being executed. [5] findAndModify; HMSET; SELECT Conditionally Required [6] Experimental
db.response.status_code string Database response status code. [7] 102; ORA-17002; 08P01; 404 Conditionally Required [8] Experimental
error.type string Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [9] timeout;; server_certificate_invalid; 500 Conditionally Required If and only if the operation failed. Stable
server.port int Server port number. [10] 80; 8080; 443 Conditionally Required [11] Stable
db.operation.batch.size int The number of queries included in a batch operation. [12] 2; 3; 4 Recommended Experimental
db.query.summary string Low cardinality representation of a database query text. [13] SELECT wuser_table; INSERT shipping_details SELECT orders; get user by id Recommended [14] Experimental
db.query.text string The database query being executed. [15] SELECT * FROM wuser_table where username = ?; SET mykey ? Recommended [16] Experimental
network.peer.address string Peer address of the database node where the operation was performed. [17]; /tmp/my.sock Recommended If applicable for this database system. Stable
network.peer.port int Peer port number of the network connection. 65123 Recommended if and only if network.peer.address is set. Stable
server.address string Name of the database host. [18];; /tmp/my.sock Recommended Stable
db.query.parameter.<key> string A query parameter used in db.query.text, with <key> being the parameter name, and the attribute value being a string representation of the parameter value. [19] someval; 55 Opt-In Experimental

[1]: The actual DBMS may differ from the one identified by the client. For example, when using PostgreSQL client libraries to connect to a CockroachDB, the db.system is set to postgresql based on the instrumentation's best knowledge. This attribute has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE.

[2]: It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.

A single database query may involve multiple collections.

If the collection name is parsed from the query text, it SHOULD only be captured for queries that contain a single collection and it SHOULD match the value provided in the query text including any schema and database name prefix.

For batch operations, if the individual operations are known to have the same collection name then that collection name SHOULD be used.

If the operation or query involves multiple collections, SHOULD NOT be captured.

This attribute has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE.

[3]: If readily available and if a database call is performed on a single collection. The collection name MAY be parsed from the query text, in which case it SHOULD be the single collection name in the query.

[4]: If a database system has multiple namespace components, they SHOULD be concatenated (potentially using database system specific conventions) from most general to most specific namespace component, and more specific namespaces SHOULD NOT be captured without the more general namespaces, to ensure that "startswith" queries for the more general namespaces will be valid. Semantic conventions for individual database systems SHOULD document what db.namespace means in the context of that system. It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization. This attribute has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE.

[5]: It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.

A single database query may involve multiple operations. If the operation name is parsed from the query text, it SHOULD only be captured for queries that contain a single operation or when the operation name describing the whole query is available by other means.

For batch operations, if the individual operations are known to have the same operation name then that operation name SHOULD be used prepended by BATCH , otherwise SHOULD be BATCH or some other database system specific term if more applicable.

This attribute has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE.

[6]: If readily available and if there is a single operation name that describes the database call. The operation name MAY be parsed from the query text, in which case it SHOULD be the single operation name found in the query.

[7]: The status code returned by the database. Usually it represents an error code, but may also represent partial success, warning, or differentiate between various types of successful outcomes. Semantic conventions for individual database systems SHOULD document what db.response.status_code means in the context of that system. This attribute has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE.

[8]: If the operation failed and status code is available.

[9]: The error.type SHOULD match the db.response.status_code returned by the database or the client library, or the canonical name of exception that occurred. When using canonical exception type name, instrumentation SHOULD do the best effort to report the most relevant type. For example, if the original exception is wrapped into a generic one, the original exception SHOULD be preferred. Instrumentations SHOULD document how error.type is populated.

[10]: When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, server.port SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries, for example proxies, if it's available.

[11]: If using a port other than the default port for this DBMS and if server.address is set.

[12]: Operations are only considered batches when they contain two or more operations, and so db.operation.batch.size SHOULD never be 1. This attribute has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE.

[13]: db.query.summary provides static summary of the query text. It describes a class of database queries and is useful as a grouping key, especially when analyzing telemetry for database calls involving complex queries. Summary may be available to the instrumentation through instrumentation hooks or other means. If it is not available, instrumentations that support query parsing SHOULD generate a summary following Generating query summary section. This attribute has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE.

[14]: if readily available or if instrumentation supports query summarization.

[15]: For sanitization see Sanitization of db.query.text. For batch operations, if the individual operations are known to have the same query text then that query text SHOULD be used, otherwise all of the individual query texts SHOULD be concatenated with separator ; or some other database system specific separator if more applicable. Even though parameterized query text can potentially have sensitive data, by using a parameterized query the user is giving a strong signal that any sensitive data will be passed as parameter values, and the benefit to observability of capturing the static part of the query text by default outweighs the risk. This attribute has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE.

[16]: Non-parameterized query text SHOULD NOT be collected by default unless there is sanitization that excludes sensitive data, e.g. by redacting all literal values present in the query text. See Sanitization of db.query.text. Parameterized query text SHOULD be collected by default (the query parameter values themselves are opt-in, see db.query.parameter.<key>).

[17]: Semantic conventions for individual database systems SHOULD document whether network.peer.* attributes are applicable. Network peer address and port are useful when the application interacts with individual database nodes directly. If a database operation involved multiple network calls (for example retries), the address of the last contacted node SHOULD be used.

[18]: When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, server.address SHOULD represent the server address behind any intermediaries, for example proxies, if it's available.

[19]: Query parameters should only be captured when db.query.text is parameterized with placeholders. If a parameter has no name and instead is referenced only by index, then <key> SHOULD be the 0-based index. This attribute has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE.

The following attributes can be important for making sampling decisions and SHOULD be provided at span creation time (if provided at all):

db.system has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

Value Description Stability
adabas Adabas (Adaptable Database System) Experimental
cassandra Apache Cassandra Experimental
clickhouse ClickHouse Experimental
cockroachdb CockroachDB Experimental
cosmosdb Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Experimental
couchbase Couchbase Experimental
couchdb CouchDB Experimental
db2 IBM Db2 Experimental
derby Apache Derby Experimental
dynamodb Amazon DynamoDB Experimental
edb EnterpriseDB Experimental
elasticsearch Elasticsearch Experimental
filemaker FileMaker Experimental
firebird Firebird Experimental
geode Apache Geode Experimental
h2 H2 Experimental
hanadb SAP HANA Experimental
hbase Apache HBase Experimental
hive Apache Hive Experimental
hsqldb HyperSQL DataBase Experimental
influxdb InfluxDB Experimental
informix Informix Experimental
ingres Ingres Experimental
instantdb InstantDB Experimental
interbase InterBase Experimental
intersystems_cache InterSystems Caché Experimental
mariadb MariaDB (This value has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE) Experimental
maxdb SAP MaxDB Experimental
memcached Memcached Experimental
mongodb MongoDB Experimental
mssql Microsoft SQL Server (This value has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE) Experimental
mysql MySQL (This value has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE) Experimental
neo4j Neo4j Experimental
netezza Netezza Experimental
opensearch OpenSearch Experimental
oracle Oracle Database Experimental
other_sql Some other SQL database. Fallback only. See notes. Experimental
pervasive Pervasive PSQL Experimental
pointbase PointBase Experimental
postgresql PostgreSQL (This value has stability level RELEASE CANDIDATE) Experimental
progress Progress Database Experimental
redis Redis Experimental
redshift Amazon Redshift Experimental
spanner Cloud Spanner Experimental
sqlite SQLite Experimental
sybase Sybase Experimental
teradata Teradata Experimental
trino Trino Experimental
vertica Vertica Experimental

error.type has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

Value Description Stability
_OTHER A fallback error value to be used when the instrumentation doesn't define a custom value. Stable

Notes and well-known identifiers for db.system

The list above is a non-exhaustive list of well-known identifiers to be specified for db.system.

If a value defined in this list applies to the DBMS to which the request is sent, this value MUST be used. If no value defined in this list is suitable, a custom value MUST be provided. This custom value MUST be the name of the DBMS in lowercase and without a version number to stay consistent with existing identifiers.

It is encouraged to open a PR towards this specification to add missing values to the list, especially when instrumentations for those missing databases are written. This allows multiple instrumentations for the same database to be aligned and eases analyzing for backends.

The value other_sql is intended as a fallback and MUST only be used if the DBMS is known to be SQL-compliant but the concrete product is not known to the instrumentation. If the concrete DBMS is known to the instrumentation, its specific identifier MUST be used.

Back ends could, for example, use the provided identifier to determine the appropriate SQL dialect for parsing the db.query.text.

When additional attributes are added that only apply to a specific DBMS, its identifier SHOULD be used as a namespace in the attribute key as for the attributes in the sections below.

Sanitization of db.query.text

The db.query.text SHOULD be collected by default only if there is sanitization that excludes sensitive information. Sanitization SHOULD replace all literals with a placeholder value. Such literals include, but are not limited to, String, Numeric, Date and Time, Boolean, Interval, Binary, and Hexadecimal literals. The placeholder value SHOULD be ?, unless it already has a defined meaning in the given database system, in which case the instrumentation MAY choose a different placeholder.

Placeholders in a parameterized query SHOULD not be sanitized. E.g. where id = $1 can be captured as is.

IN-clauses MAY be collapsed during sanitization, e.g. from IN (?, ?, ?, ?) to IN (?), as this can help with extremely long IN-clauses, and can help control cardinality for users who choose to (optionally) add db.query.text to their metric attributes.

Generating a summary of the query text

The db.query.summary attribute captures a shortened representation of a query text which SHOULD have low-cardinality and SHOULD NOT contain any dynamic or sensitive data.


The db.query.text attribute is intended to identify individual queries. Even though it is sanitized if captured by default, it could still have high cardinality and might reach hundreds of lines.

The db.query.summary is intended to provide a less granular grouping key that can be used as a span name or a metric attribute in common cases. It SHOULD only contain information that has a significant impact on the query, database, or application performance.

Instrumentations that support query parsing SHOULD generate a query summary when one is not readily available from other sources.

The summary SHOULD preserve the following parts of query in the order they were provided:

  • operations such as SQL SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and other commands
  • operation targets such as collections and database names

Instrumentations that support query parsing SHOULD parse the query and extract a list of operations and targets from the query. It SHOULD set db.query.summary attribute to the value formatted in the following way:

{operation1} {target1} {operation2} {target2} {target3} ...

Instrumentations SHOULD capture the values of operations and targets as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization. If the operation and target value is populated on,, or other attributes, it SHOULD match the value used in the db.query.summary.


  • Query that consist of a single operation:

    SELECT *
    FROM   wuser_table
    WHERE  username = ?

    the corresponding db.query.summary is SELECT wuser_table.

  • Query that performs multiple operations:

    INSERT INTO shipping_details
    SELECT order_id,
    FROM   orders
    WHERE  order_id = ?

    the corresponding db.query.summary is INSERT shipping_details SELECT orders.

  • Query that performs an operation that's applied to multiple collections:

    SELECT *
    FROM   songs,
    WHERE  songs.artist_id ==

    the corresponding db.query.summary is SELECT songs artists.

  • Query that performs an operation on an anonymous table:

    SELECT order_date
    FROM   (SELECT *
            FROM   orders o
                   JOIN customers c
                     ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id)

    the corresponding db.query.summary is SELECT SELECT orders customers.

  • Query that performs an operation on multiple collections with double-quotes or other punctuation:

    SELECT *
    FROM   "song list",

    the corresponding db.query.summary is SELECT "songs list" 'artists'.

Semantic conventions for individual database systems or specialized instrumentations MAY specify a different db.query.summary format as long as produced summary remains relatively short and its cardinality remains low comparing to the db.query.text.

Semantic Conventions for specific database technologies

More specific Semantic Conventions are defined for the following database technologies:

  • AWS DynamoDB: Semantic Conventions for AWS DynamoDB.
  • Cassandra: Semantic Conventions for Cassandra.
  • Cosmos DB: Semantic Conventions for Microsoft Cosmos DB.
  • CouchDB: Semantic Conventions for CouchDB.
  • Elasticsearch: Semantic Conventions for Elasticsearch.
  • HBase: Semantic Conventions for HBase.
  • MongoDB: Semantic Conventions for MongoDB.
  • MSSQL: Semantic Conventions for MSSQL.
  • Redis: Semantic Conventions for Redis.
  • SQL: Semantic Conventions for SQL databases.