Muzzle is a safety feature of the Java agent that prevents applying instrumentation when a mismatch between the instrumentation code and the instrumented application code is detected. It ensures API compatibility between symbols (classes, methods, fields) on the application classpath and references to those symbols made by instrumentation advices defined in the agent. In other words, muzzle ensures that the API symbols used by the agent are compatible with the API symbols on the application classpath.
Muzzle will prevent loading an instrumentation if it detects any mismatch or conflict.
Muzzle has two phases:
- at compile time it collects references to the third-party symbols and used helper classes;
- at runtime it compares those references to the actual API symbols on the classpath.
The compile-time reference collection and code generation process is implemented using a ByteBuddy
plugin (called MuzzleCodeGenerationPlugin
For each instrumentation module the ByteBuddy plugin collects symbols referring to both internal and
third party APIs used by the currently processed module's type
instrumentations (InstrumentationModule#typeInstrumentations()
). The reference collection process
starts from advice classes (values of the map returned by the
method) and traverses the class graph until it encounters a
reference to a non-instrumentation class (determined by InstrumentationClassPredicate
the InstrumentationModule#isHelperClass(String)
predicate). Aside from references,
the collection process also builds a graph of dependencies between internal instrumentation helper
classes - this dependency graph is later used to construct a list of helper classes that will be
injected to the application classloader (InstrumentationModule#getMuzzleHelperClassNames()
Muzzle also automatically generates the InstrumentationModule#getMuzzleContextStoreClasses()
If you extend any of these getMuzzle...()
methods in your InstrumentationModule
, the muzzle
compile plugin will not override your code: muzzle will only override those methods that do not have
a custom implementation.
All collected references are then used to create a ReferenceMatcher
instance. This matcher
is stored in the instrumentation module class in the method InstrumentationModule#getMuzzleReferenceMatcher()
and is shared between all type instrumentations. The bytecode of this method (basically an array of
builder calls) and the getMuzzleHelperClassNames()
is generated automatically by the
ByteBuddy plugin using an ASM code visitor.
The source code of the compile-time plugin is located in the javaagent-tooling
package io.opentelemetry.javaagent.muzzle.generation.collector
The runtime reference matching process is implemented as a ByteBuddy matcher in InstrumentationModule
uses the getMuzzleReferenceMatcher()
method generated during the compilation phase
to verify that the class loader of the instrumented type has all necessary symbols (classes,
methods, fields). If the ReferenceMatcher
finds any mismatch between collected references and the
actual application classpath types the whole instrumentation is discarded.
It is worth noting that because the muzzle check is expensive, it is only performed after a match
has been made by the InstrumentationModule#classLoaderMatcher()
and TypeInstrumentation#typeMatcher()
matchers. The result of muzzle matcher is cached per classloader, so that it is only executed
once for the whole instrumentation module.
The source code of the runtime muzzle matcher is located in the javaagent-tooling
in the class Instrumenter.Default
and under the package io.opentelemetry.javaagent.tooling.muzzle
The muzzle gradle plugin allows to perform the runtime reference matching process against different third party library versions, when the project is built.
Muzzle gradle plugin is just an additional utility for enhanced build-time checking to alert us when there are breaking changes in the underlying third party library that will cause the instrumentation not to get applied. Even without using it muzzle reference matching is always active in runtime, it's not an optional feature.
The gradle plugin defines two tasks:
task runs the runtime muzzle verification against different library versions:./gradlew :instrumentation:google-http-client-1.19:muzzle
If a new, incompatible version of the instrumented library is published it fails the build.
task prints all API references in a given module:./gradlew :instrumentation:google-http-client-1.19:printMuzzleReferences
The muzzle plugin needs to be configured in the module's .gradle
muzzle {
// it is expected that muzzle fails the runtime check for this component
fail {
group = "commons-httpclient"
module = "commons-httpclient"
// versions from this range are checked
versions = "[,4.0)"
// this version is not checked by muzzle
// it is expected that muzzle passes the runtime check for this component
pass {
group = 'org.springframework'
module = 'spring-webmvc'
versions = "[3.1.0.RELEASE,]"
// except these versions
skip('1.2.1', '1.2.2', '1.2.3', '1.2.4')
// this dependency will be added to the classpath when muzzle check is run
extraDependency "javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.0.1"
// verify that all other versions - [,3.1.0.RELEASE) in this case - fail the muzzle runtime check
assertInverse = true
- Using either
directive allows to specify whether muzzle should treat the reference check failure as expected behavior; versions
is a version range, where[]
is inclusive and()
is exclusive. It is not needed to specify the exact version to start/end, e.g.[1.0.0,4)
would usually behave in the same way as[1.0.0,4.0.0-Alpha)
is basically a shortcut for adding an opposite directive for all library versions that are not included in the specifiedversions
allows putting additional libs on the classpath just for the compile-time check; this is usually used for jars that are not bundled with the instrumented lib but always present in the runtime anyway.
The source code of the gradle plugin is located in the buildSrc
Ideally when using the muzzle gradle plugin we should aim to cover all versions of the instrumented library. Expecting muzzle check failures from some library versions is a way to ensure that the instrumentation will not be applied to them in the runtime - and won't break anything in the instrumented application.
The easiest way it can be done is by adding assertInverse = true
to the pass
directive. The plugin will add an implicit fail
directive that contains all other versions of the
instrumented library.
It is worth using assertInverse = true
by default when writing instrumentation modules, even for
very old library versions. The muzzle plugin will ensure that those old versions won't be
accidentally instrumented when we know that the instrumentation will not work properly for them.
Having a fail
directive forces the authors of the instrumentation module to properly specify
so that only the desired version range is instrumented.
In more complicated scenarios it may be required to use multiple pass
and fail
to cover as many versions as possible.