This is the android version of ooniprobe.
Download it on the Play Store.
This application requires Android Studio. In any case, before opening the
project with Android Studio, make sure you download the dependencies using
the project Makefile
. Before you can do this, you should install the
GPG key with which binaries are signed. Binaries are digitally signed by
Simone Basso using a PGP key with ID 7733D95B
and fingerprint
(7388 77AA 6C82 9F26 A431 C5F4 80B6 9127 7733 D95B
) or by Lorenzo Primiterra using a PGP key with ID ECEB9D12
fingerprint (1191 0C85 CD8C D493 8DFA 17F7 AA09 A57A ECEB 9D12
). You can fetch this
key using gpg using the following command:
gpg --recv-keys 7733D95B ECEB9D12
After this step, you can proceed with automatically downloading binaries and verifying their digital signatures using this command:
make unpack
If the signature is correct, the above command will install the JNI
libaries inside the src/main/
folder. Specifically, the following paths
are affected by that command:
app/src/main/jniLibs: added with Measurement Kit jniLibs compiled for several Android architectures inside it
app/src/main/java/org/openobservatory/measurement_kit/jni/: added with Java files corresponding to the jniLibs
All the added files should be recognized by Android Studio.
- Ensure you have Android Studio and gradle installed
On macOS you can do:
brew cask install android-studio
Then you should open the project in Android Studio and click on build.
The built apk will end up inside of app/build/outputs/apk/
If you wish to test the apk inside of an emulator this can be done with
(assuming you have created an emulator named
~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator -avd Nexus_5_API_23_marshmallow_6.0
~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
The app should then be installed inside of the emulator Nexus_5_API_23_marshmallow_6.0
To manage translations ensure you have installed the transifex command line tools.
To push the source of the translation run:
tx push -s
To pull in translations run:
tx pull
tx pull -l [lang_code]
to pull only a specific language
To generate translated descriptions for the markets run:
python scripts/ [lang_code]
Where lang_code
is the language code for the description you want to
This will print to standard output the translated text that you can then copy and paste into the market descriptions.
If a string is not translated it will print the source for the text.