Easy to use Let's Encrypt client and acme client library to issue and renew TLS certs.
You can install letsencrypt-rs with:
cargo install --git https://github.com/onur/letsencrypt-rs
is currently using a specific version of openssl crate,
and it will soon be available in crates.io when openssl gets updated.
letsencrypt-rs is using openssl library to generate all required keys and certificate signing request. You don't need to run any openssl command. But also, you can use your already generated keys and CSR if you want. You don't need any root access while running letsencrypt-rs.
letsencrypt-rs is using simple HTTP validation to pass Let's Encrypt DNS validation challenge. You need a working HTTP server to host challenge file.
letsencrypt-rs -s -D example.org -P /var/www -K domain.key -o domain.crt
This command will generate a user key, domain key and X509 certificate signing
request. It will register a new user account and identify domain ownership
by putting required challenge token into /var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge/
And if everything goes well, it will save domain private key into domain.key
and signed certificate into domain.crt
You can also use --email
option to provide a contact addres on registration.
You can use your own RSA keys for user registration and domain. For example:
letsencrypt-rs \
--sign \
--user-key user.key \
--domain-key domain.key \
--domain-csr domain.csr \
--domain example.org \
-P /var/www \
-o domain.crt
This will not generate any key and it will use provided keys to sign certificate.
letsencrypt-rs can also revoke a signed certificate. You need to use your user key and a signed certificate to revoke.
letsencrypt-rs \
--revoke \
--user-key user.key \
--domain-crt signed.crt
You can get list of all available options with letsencrypt-rs --help
letsencrypt-rs 0.1.0
Easy to use Let's Encrypt client to issue and renew TLS certs
letsencrypt-rs [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-c, --chain Chains the signed certificate with Let's Encrypt Authority X3 (IdenTrust
cross-signed) intermediate certificate.
-r, --revoke Revokes a signed certificate. This command requires --user-key and
--domain-csr options.
-s, --sign Signs a certificate. This is default behavior and this command requires
--domain and --public-dir options.
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-B, --bit-length <BIT_LENGHT> Bit length for CSR. Default is 2048.
-D, --domain <DOMAIN> Name of domain for identification.
-T, --domain-crt <DOMAIN_CRT> Path of signed domain certificate. This is required
for revoke certificate.
-C, --domain-csr <DOMAIN_CSR> Path of domain certificate signing request.
--domain-key <DOMAIN_KEY_PATH> Domain private key path to use it in CSR
-E, --email <EMAIL> Contact email address (optional).
-P, --public-dir <PUBLIC_DIR> Directory to save ACME simple http challenge.
-S, --save-csr <SAVE_DOMAIN_CSR> Path to save domain certificate signing request.
-K, --save-domain-key <SAVE_DOMAIN_KEY> Path to save domain private key.
-o, --save-crt <SAVE_SIGNED_CERTIFICATE> Path to save signed certificate. Default is STDOUT.
--save-user-key <SAVE_USER_KEY> Path to save private user key.
-U, --user-key <USER_KEY_PATH> User private key path to use it in account
is powered by acme-client library. You can read documentation
in docs.rs. Example usage of AcmeClient
.and_then(|ac| ac.set_domain("example.org"))
.and_then(|ac| ac.register_account(Some("contact@example.org")))
.and_then(|ac| ac.identify_domain())
.and_then(|ac| ac.save_http_challenge_into("/var/www"))
.and_then(|ac| ac.simple_http_validation())
.and_then(|ac| ac.sign_certificate())
.and_then(|ac| ac.save_domain_private_key("domain.key"))
.and_then(|ac| ac.save_signed_certificate("domain.crt"));