Main thread:UI thread,call Recorder interface
Capture thread:capture frame->format convertion/resample->write into FIFO
Encode and mux thread:read frame from FIFO->encode->mux to file
VS:VS2017 and later are recommended
Qt:Qt5.12 and later are recommended
FFmpeg5.1 (Included in project,DLL will copy to exe directory after VS Build)
My development environment
- VS2022
- Qt5.12.9
The solotuion support Debug/Release and Win32/x64
My development environment
- Qt6.2.4
- FFmpeg5.1.2
You need to modify Qt and FFmpeg dependencies path in CMakeLists.txt
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
- Run directly in Qt Creator
- Run in shell:
- Flush encoder
- Record simultaneously both speaker and mircophone
- Support hardware acceleration
- High picture quality, samll file size and low bit rate