Commits MUST be "atomic". A single commit changes one thing and one thing only. Usually it is one of the following:
adds a new onion service
edits an onion service
deletes an onion service
tags existing onion service
untags existing onion service
changes meta information about the repository (i.e. README)
When adding multiple tags, it's fine to group this change in one commit as long as the tags point to same onion service.
When referring to a service, use the name specified in yaml file.
All commits MUST be signed off with commiter's PGP key.
Each change uses different commit prefix. Prefixes help when reviewing changes, and also keep the git log concise.
Use for repository related changes.
Meta: Initial commit
Use when adding a new onion service.
Add: The Service
Use when editing existing onion service.
Edit: The Service
Use when tagging an onion service.
Tag: The Service
Use when untagging an onion service.
Untag: The Service
Use when deleting an onion service.
Delete: The Service