My first attempt at trying to maintain a repo for #hacktoberfest (YAY!) Your stars help this repo qualify for syndication libraries. Please star.
Although this project is intended to be beginner friendly💗, it should not be easy🚫. Because some people might be really advanced at C++ or Python but never made a webpage before, I'm trusting that people don't use this repository for an easy pull request. Tiny PRs won't be merged such as typos, spaces, spam. Please stretch your limits🤓 and challenge yourself. For total beginners, I will be listing ongoing issues and enhancement ideas that you can partake in. If you have an idea or suggestion, feel free to raise an issue or start a Discussions. This site is very basic, and I made it after taking a few lessons on freeCodeCamp.💖💖💖
- Register here for Hacktoberfest
- Get four pull requests (PRs) merged between October 1st-31st
- Earn DIGITAL-SWAG 🔥 from Digital Ocean ⚡
- Read the
- Look at how the Website works
- Read about
- Read the
- Find or Raise an issue and wait for approval or just get started making a page or theme.
- Learn more about the fork workflow here 🏹
- Fork the repository and make your changes
- Create your PR!
- Wait for feedback or approval (Tweet me or DM on X or Discord for faster response)
- Get Merged 🎉🎈🥳
- ⭐ STAR this repository!
- 👽 Follow me on Github
- 🐤 Follow me on ❌itter
- 👾 Friend me on DISCORD
This code / website is CC0 but the information on user created pages is personal and may be covered by additional rights such as namesake, tradedress, etc. As such, you are welcome to download this whole project but only the project is CC0, not the "personal data" on profile pages. Themes created are part of the opensource contributions but pages (such as the profiles in the /pages folder) must be WIPED of all personal identifying information and photographs which I don't have rights to grant. The LAYOUTS of those pages are opensource contributions and CC0. Anyone may adapt this project for their own repository to start a Hacktoberfest Repo of their own. If you choose to do this, make a PULL REQUEST and list your repository (based on this one) below 👇🏽
- Your Project Link Here! ⬅⬅⬅
The following repsitories are teaching me a lot about open source, Git, maintaining a repo for Hacktoberfest and more.
- Git Into Open Source vy Lissy93
- Hacktoberfest2023 by OssamaMehmood