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A web app for kiosks/totems

It is a requirement from a fast food owner to allow customers to buy food from a kiosk/totem

The application is compossed of 3 apps:

  • Server for the backend
  • Admin for front-end general features management
  • Client (deprecated) for customer purchase of products that will run on the kiosk/totem
  • Totem for customer products purchase. It will run on the kiosk/totem hardware. It replaces Client front-end app
  • Turns shows the current order under preparation and the done ones
  • Kitchen shows list of meals that have to be prepared by the cooks
  • Printer for tickets printing on different thermal printers
  • Assets for management of totem assets
  • Secure backend access from external mobile app will be handled by this middleware
  • Payments backend service for totem/posnet interface

RestFULL Back-end | Server app

  • Node
  • express
  • body-parser
  • Sequelize
  • MySQL
  • bcrypt
  • cors

Front-end for app Administration | Admin app

  • Vue.js
  • axios
  • Vue Material
  • Webpack
  • Babel

(Deprecated) Front-end for Kiosk | Client app

  • Vue.js
  • Vuex
  • axios
  • Vue Material
  • Webpack
  • Babel

Front-end for Kiosk | Client app

  • Vue.js
  • Vuex
  • axios
  • Vuetify
  • Webpack
  • Babel

Front-end for Turns monitor | Turns app

  • React.js
  • axios
  • Bootstrap
  • Webpack
  • Babel

Front-end for Kitchen monitor | Kitchen app

  • React.js
  • axios
  • Bootstrap
  • Webpack
  • Babel

Print server | Printer app

  • Node
  • express
  • body-parser
  • node-thermal-printer

Fiscal printer server | Fiscal Printer app

  • Node
  • express
  • body-parser
  • edge-js
  • node-thermal-printer

Assets server | Assets app

  • Node
  • express
  • body-parser
  • multer

Payments server | Payments app

  • Node
  • express
  • Morgan

Secure middleware server | Secure app

  • Node
  • express
  • jsonwebtoken
  • request

Instructions to run the system

  • Clone this repo into your computer

  • You will get the following sub-folders: server, assets-server admin, totem, printer, fiscal-printer, payment-server, kitchen and client (deprecated)

    • Inside server folder run:

      npm install


      Server will run at port 3000

      Database will be generated automatically

    • Inside admin folder run:

      npm install

      npm run serve

      Admin app will run at port 4000 and your browser will open automatically

    • (Deprecated) Inside client run:

      npm install

      npm run dev

      Client app will run at port 8090 and your browser will open automatically

    • Inside totem run:

      npm install

      npm run serve

      Totem app will run at port 5000

    • Inside turns run:

      npm install

      npm run start:dev

      Turns app will run at port 5030

    • Inside kitchen run:

      npm install

      npm run start:dev

      Kitchen app will run at port 5020

    • Inside printer folder run:

      npm install


      Print server will run at port 3020

    • Inside fiscal-printer folder run:

      npm install


      Fiscal printer server will run at port 3060

    • Inside assets-server folder run:

      npm install


      Assets server will run at port 3010

    • Inside secure-server folder run:

      npm install


      Secure server will run at port 3040

    • Inside payment-server folder run:

      npm install


      Secure server will run at port 3030